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Everything posted by brenthutch

  1. Not exactly peer reviewed science.
  2. On a level playing field I would love to play and add some balance to the incessant denier head in the sand tactics of corporate energy. Interesting that you are incapable of sticking to the subject... rather than taking off on attacking someones position during the discussion, or is it you just can't refute the facts?? I am not attaching you, I am attacking your position, it is weak, and not supported by real science. As far as personal attacks; May I remind you that you wished me to die a slow and painful death by cancer just a few weeks ago. If you cant run with the big dogs stay on the porch. Believe me sister, I am the last one with whom you want to play intellectual jujitsu. Notice how Kalland had smartly remained silent in this conversation?
  3. Is that all you have? I'm going to tell mommy?
  4. Dump some SO2 in there.. just for grins. interestingly, the idea has been floated as a way to combat global warming. If global warming is, in fact, the greatest risk, then SO2 aerosols would be the biggest bang for the buck in cooling us down. It's all the other problems that it causes.... Yeah... things like massive kill offs of entire forests.. the depletion of nearly every amphibian species from some areas of this continent.... the list is long... so duming acid into the oceans.... yeah.. that can't hurt right???? Well the latest research shows that.........Oh sorry I forgot that I am replying to Amazon. Let me start over. BWAHBWAHBWAHVWAH Butt sore, Koch brothers, Bla Bla Bla George Bush, snort snort, Halliburton, big oil yada yada big coal, billionaire overlords wacka wacka wacka.
  5. I am still confused, I quoted 1950's gas prices and you rebut with a chart that goes back to the 1980's. The bottom line is that gas, on an inflation adjusted basis is cheap. As one global warmest lamented; "the problem with fossil fuels is not that there is not enough but that there is too much."
  6. Ok To a point I agree but the alarmists are using AGW to push agendas, not science You wish to make this simple, Science is PROVING it is not. Scarce oil will happen. But not for a few generations. To say otherwise is only fear mongering IMO Cheap oil is however over. Really?
  7. To which I pointed out a vehicle called a plug in hybrid. A car that can run on gas or electricity. How did I misunderstand you query?
  8. Im sorry I did not see a question.
  9. ">I would choose the $1 electric equilivant. How would you charge your gas powered car with the electric equivalent? " How soon we forget
  10. Lets talk about how CO2 will (or will not) make the planet "have a fever"
  11. Anti humanity self loathing liberals, its not their fault it is how gaia made them.
  12. Society has seen this movie before. In the 1800s whale oil was the predominate source for lighting. As whale oil got more and more expensive it was supplanted by kerosene, which was replaced by gas which in turn was replace by electricity. No government programs were required.
  13. My bad. I knew it was a poor analogy. Props to you for catching it. Again the margin of error for many of the AGW models is greater than the predicted temperature change
  14. Amen brother, now your picking up what I am laying down. The market can be smarter than any of us.
  15. You are assuming that the effects of elevated CO2 levels are deleterious and as we all know this is far from certain. Apply the margin of error in the climate models to your scenario and you will find that your 1.5 million quickly drop to 150.
  16. "So the question becomes - how expensive do you want it to be?" It is not a question of how expensive I want a product, it is what the market determines the value of that product to be.
  17. Percentages can be tricky things. If I told you that ebola deaths have gone up 500% you may be allarmed but if i said that ebolla deaths went from 1 person on the planet to 5 people on the planet you might not be so worried. Just replace ebola with CO2 and you may get the idea.
  18. How about this?
  19. I know that this may blow your mind but the earths climate systems are not as simple as a terranium filled with CO2 and a shop light. Not as simple as we would all like.
  20. Simple science like this?
  21. So Bill you agree that the whole AGW thing is a big hoax or at least poor science.
  22. Amazon where are your buddies? Feeling lonely?
  23. lets try to stick to the topic of the post
  24. I use CO2 in my CORAL REEF tank to help maintain alkalinity and calcium levels.
  25. Does this do it for you?