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Everything posted by brenthutch

  2. It is truly going to be a pleasure to watch you fall off of the branch you are so perilously perched upon.
  3. Obama can use his stash
  4. Don't lump me in with those haters, I am a big fan!
  5. For those of you who would question Amazon’s intellectual gravitas, I would refer you to her excellent treatise on climate change. Quoting directly from her posts, I present the following: “NANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANA MMMMMM TRICKLE from the COAL BROTHERS.... MMMMMMMBWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA That shit cracks me up.. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Now dats some funny chit right there... even for those who are dumb as dirt and proud of it gots to find that funniBWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Thats funni little fellaCome on Mr Pollution.... HIPWADERS...... for all your bullshit... that is gettttttin mighty DEEEP Ignorance is the inability to enlighten us we are all waiting BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA uninteneded consequences... hey it happens. Wiggle wiggle wiggle..... obfuscate obfuscate obfuscate." All of you haters just don't recognize brilliance.
  6. Afghanistan is another example of this right vs. left reason for war. We went into Afghanistan because of 9/11 (right wing) but we are staying there because of the fear over the humanitarian repercussions if we left. (left wing) The power move would have been to do nothing after 9/11. The costs to the reaction to 9/11 are out of all per portions to the actual attack itself. It is interesting to note that the damage caused by the flu virus is caused by the body reaction to the virus and not to the virus its self. America is by far the most powerful nation on earth. No country, ideology, economy or religion can destroy the United States. The only force capable of doing that, is the United States, and unfortunately we are doing an all to good job of doing so. Disclaimer: Just had knee surgery and the wine and vicodins are responsible for any crazy ramblings.
  7. The confusion with Libya is because it is nuanced it contains both elements of pragmatic US national interests (oil) and principled humanitarian considerations The right will employ US military might when our national self interest are at stake. The left will do so when our values are. This is not a slam on the left, I have some principled left wing friends that truly believe, using US military might for our selfish national interests is immoral, that the true high ground lies in helping others with no expectation of gain. I respect this point of view. Libya contains elements of both. If a Republican were in office this would be easy; a few effigies of the president as Hitler and some "no blood for oil" posters. But because we have an anti war Nobel peace prize laureate in the Whitehouse it is more complicated. We don’t have a war we have a clear goaled, resolution enforcing, people protecting, humanitarian crisis averting, no flying, no boots on the ground kinetic military action. And hypocrisy on both sides is coming back to haunt.
  8. You are quite right. The only reason we have even heard of corn ethanol subsidies is that the first political contest in the presidential primaries is the Iowa caucus. Both parties are guilty.
  9. Do you understand the substantive difference? The sucrose in sugarcane is ready to ferment into ethanol. Corn has to be mashed first, converting the starches in the corn into sugar, this required about as much energy as the finished product produces making it an inefficient method of ethanol production.
  10. "banning"? who said anything about banning? Just don’t spend taxpayer dollars on that boondoggle. For what we waste on corn ethanol subsidies we could pay 140,000 teachers $50,000 a year. What do you think is a better way to spend our limited resources?
  11. The only capitalistic reason for making corn ethanol is to drink it. Only gov subsidies, make ethanol in your tank, a profitable endeavor.
  12. Dont forget that when the developed world spits the third world swims. It is not just about us.
  13. Change is great, but I am for change that makes things better not worse. If you want a participation trophy, Talk to Bill. Yes I am asking questions like” “Why are we laying off teachers while we bomb Libya and subsidize wind farms that don’t produce power!??!”
  14. Coal is clearly not without its downside. Yes coal kills but I never said it didn’t. And the deaths from coal pale in comparison the hundreds of thousands that have starved because of corn ethanol or the millions that have died from malaria because of the ban on DDT.
  15. I love the wind turbines, a lot of my buddies BASE jump them. We have more wind turbins here in PA than anywhere east of the mississippi. They are great to jump off of because many of them are not running because the energy they produce is too expencive, and now that gov subsidies have dried up they sit idle. If you dont like that fact, dont hate me hate math.
  16. I am saying that they are worse than futile, they are harmful. If these measures were benign than I would just smile in amusement and move on but they are not. They hurt the very environment they purport to help.
  17. If the shoe does not fit, why do you take umbrage? I am merely pointing out, not only the futility of things like wind power, low flow toilets, plastic bag bans, corn ethanol, cap and trade, etc. but the environmental harm they create in the name of the environment! In my world you don’t get an A for effort or bonus points for meaning well. If you don’t want to be offended then, take no offence.
  18. I can tell you that I am NOT for plastic bag bans, (which when implemented in Ireland resulted in a 10% increase in overall plastic bag use) I am just a lonely voice of restraint in a world going gaga for green.
  19. I am not calling wind farms stupid I am calling those who support them as some sort of environmental nirvana, stupid.
  20. You call this environmentalism? The full impact of these bat-killing pressure zones extends far beyond the wind farm, however. Such migrating bats travel from Canada as far as Mexico, eating thousands of insects en route, including crop pests such as moths and beetles. "They are one of the only things that fly around at night and eat bugs," Baerwald notes. "Bats killed in Canada could have a detrimental impact in America or Mexico. It's not local. It's an ecosystem-wide issue."
  21. Yawn, I am growing tired of punching down, Peace out!
  22. No droght this year! Global warming has resulted in a snow pack of >120% - 124% of normal.
  23. "unintended consequences... hey it happens" Now I understand, thank you for explaining it to me. We should ask the teachers, cops and firefighters how they think about being laid off du to "unintended consequences" we can just tell them "hey it happens" Lead poising from "green" grocery bags? "Hey it happens" People starving around the planet because we put food into gas tanks instead of on the table? "hey it happens" I thought you libs were supposed to be the compassionate ones????