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Everything posted by brenthutch

  1. well then, you should just STFU, and let me die a slow painful death at my summer home in Montana.
  2. News flash Amazon, life is a sexually transmitted disease with a 100% mortality rate. No one gets out alive.
  3. I live within 2.5 miles of a coal plant, 4 miles from a nuclear reactor (research) and on top of shale formations that are now being fracked. I still have deer and wild turkey in my back yard. And yes the water still tastes great.
  4. This is a statement that leaves me a bit frustrated. You know that 12k years ago, New York City was under ice a miles thick. By 10k years ago, NYC was there and the climate warmed so quickly that it is likely that spruce forests changed to pine forest in the span of a lifetime. How well do you think our species at this stage in our civilization would handle such a change? I don't know, maybe like I can handle the change from the Bahamas to Aspen in just a few weeks.
  5. Amazon I am shocked. Did you not see my defense of your intellect by quoting your global warming posts? I am a big fan. You are right up there with kalland with respect to your intellectual gravitas? Your venom makes me all "butt hurt"
  6. I think you need one much more than Paul does. So you are saying that gravity is the same thing as energy?!?!?!? Maybe I need to give you a class on physics.
  7. If you're so certain, why don't you explain it to me? Explain to me how much and which force it takes to cause two atoms of hydrogen to fuse and the how that happens in a star. So because a tomato can not grow without water the by your logic a tomato is water!??!? I would defer to the Professor for your education.
  8. Kalland, why don't you give your buddy Quade a quick physics lesson.
  9. SO Question?? What will our world be like when its changed beyond our species ability to adapt.... will conservatives still be denying there is anything wrong? The World has already changed beyond the ability of YOUR species to adapt!
  10. Great Bill than you agree with me that the people that espouse AGW are in the same league as the folks who believe in the Easter bunny.
  11. Actually I implied that the bigots had self-identified. I said nothing whatever about agreeing or disagreeing with me. Disagreeing with me was YOUR interpretation of what constitutes a bigot. OK idiot, hypocrite. douche bag, looser, unwashed hippie
  12. In that case this thread has uncovered the idiot, hypocrite. douche bag, looser, unwashed hippies of the left
  13. About half as much as they would be if they were not slaughtering endangered species.
  14. Bill! Bill! Kalland implied that anyone that disagrees with him is a BIGOT!?!?? Why dont you show him some of that moderator love?
  15. Really Bill? Isn't your BS alarm going of with that one? Why don't you chastise Kalland and Amazon with the same sage counsel?
  16. Wind energy is awesome!
  17. Nobel peace prize my ass!
  18. If it was vetted by the huffpo it must have some credibility.
  19. When the left leaning Huffington Post, in their "Green" section calls BS on AGW, it is game set and match for All Gore and the bong water brigade.
  21. Wars of choice in Yemen, Somalia, Libya, and Pakistan. No trials no arrests, just a hellfire missile in the house with the neighbors kids playing in the living room. Yet not a peep out of code pink and the like. It might just be me but I would rather be water boarded than shot in the face, or blown up. The hypocrisy on the left stunning, yet not surprising.
  22. No Bill, I was just listing to Democracy Now on NPR, and I was just relaying what they were saying.