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Everything posted by brenthutch

  1. I would juxtapose his words to me with his emails. I would not have to do anything I would leave it up to him to deconflict the two.
  2. Dr. Mann from Penn State AKA Mr. Global Warming IS a scientest and by his own admission has no idea why the climate is not changing as he predicted it would.
  3. To be specific, I asked him about the lack of warming in the last 10 years. He told me that there was no slowing of the warming trend and that the planat was still warming
  4. Is Dr Michael Mann (Introduced to me as "Mr global warming") good enough for you? During a 1/2 hour conversation at a local watering hole, we shot the global warming breeze, about 6 months ago. It turns out that he was lying to my face and used data he knew to be false to support his position.
  5. They are both complete jackasses to be sure, and I am sure they are wrong on every point, I just need someone to help me refute their data.
  6. Even more shocking news!!!
  8. Hey dude why dont you respond to my point about gogernment dependance?
  9. Bill what would it take for your to change you mind on AGW? How long would the planet have to cool? How much, and what type of proof would you need?
  10. Let me put it another way: A society that depends more on government will be hurt to a greater degree than a society that depends less on government, when that government fails. Whether that be local, state or federal.
  11. Are you saying that MS got more aid than LA!?!? Check your facts The larger point is that when the gov. starts to institionialize aid to the point where the phrase "my govment check" is common place, and when people refer to public housing as "my house"; they have destroyed that society by trying to help it. Strange how the folks in MS (that has black folks, by the way) recovered much quicker than the big easy' even though the huricane hit them directly!
  12. Which one of these is false? a) CO2 is a greenhouse gas b) The concentration of atmospheric CO2 is increasing c) Thermodynamics works Gulp gulp gulp
  13. The cards are fixen to fall for the whole AGW crowd. We will soon see who is reasonable, (when confronted with new information, change their mind) and who the kool aid drinkers are.
  14. It must be wonderfully liberating to have a thought process unencumbered by facts or logic
  15. The question is: If it is proven to be true, will you change your position on AGW?
  16. democrat mayor, democrat chief of police democrat city council democrat senator, democrat governor, democrat electorate. But is is all GWs fault?
  17. By that rational you would agree that the only reason obama wants to be pres is because he just wants power.
  19. THugery? Did you see those SCIU members beating up a vender selling tshirts they did not agree with??