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Everything posted by gjhdiver

  1. I hate those little bastards. I have had to buy a trap to catch them and stop them coming into the house through the cat door and wrecking my kitchen. They are filthy and vicous things. I have got rid of about 50 of them so far. I haven't had one for about 9 months or so, but I got one in the house the night before last. I put the trap out last night, as was just fast enough to chase off a skunk that was about to go into it this morninig. Those things don't come into the house, but getting the little shits out of the trap is a whole other game all in itself.
  2. Jealousy does not become you.
  3. You forgot gjhdiver - My Hero
  4. We can agree on that then. I laugh every time time I see one too.
  5. As someone who has been in two terrorist bombings, I would respectlfully like to point out that you haven't the faintest clue of what you're talking about. When the ACLU bombs your house, or you find yourself picking shards of glass out of your body, get back to me.
  6. This is because most political debate tends to focus on the core wedge issues to divide people. You'll see that in the posts here. They devolve into propagandising almost immediately. However, you'll find that even if you're sat out far left like me, you'll have way more in common with a conservative than you have differences. If more people concentrated on the commonality, rather then the differences, the tone of politics in this country would be much more civil. The word compromise might suddenly become a valued item in the discourse, instead of being considered a weakness. I blame Reagan for starting that trend, but then it's pretty well documented that I blame him for just about everything, including the Spanish Civil War, and male pattern baldness. While this country is comprised on one half trying to "take back" the country from the other, you're just going to see more of this nonsense. There is one exception to this rule, and that is religious fundamentalists. Those I would place on a remote Island. Then I would blow that island up. Then I would shoot that island into the sun. Then I would blow the sun up. That should cure that problem.
  7. That's maybe because in the political spectrum, libertarians are closer to the far left and vice versa that most people would believe. There are only a few core issues that separte them. For instance, as a leftist who supports the second amendment, I could throw a rock and hit you from by position I think.
  8. Funny that. I was just remembering the other day, that one of my earliest memories of catholic school was day after day of rote learning of multiplcation tables, from the 1 times up to the 12 times table. It started at 4 years of age, and seemed to go on for ever. I'll swear sometimes that that's all math instruction consisted of. That and long division. I can't still recite those damn things 40 odd years later, despite having acalculea.
  9. Yeah, that's what my Mom said, that for all that money the freaking priests kept us questioning everything, including faith, and it made us all agnostics. For a while, anyhow. Funny old thing that. For the last three years of my primary education, I was taken out of the catholic school, and placed in a state school. The reason being that the academic results of the religious school were appalling. I gained a scholorship for private college from the free state school, which had execellent academic results. However, even with the nostalgia of hindsight, I have fond memories of the catholic school. Maybe the UK in the early 60's was just a gentler place than it is now. My problems with organized religion funnily enough, don't stem from that experience, but from a deep seated mistrust of fundamentalism in any guise.
  10. Oooh ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner. I'll let JP fess up to his running dog past as an oppressor of foreign types, and upholder of bourgious property vales etc etc. However, his neatness and order do serve some functions. I always know where he hides his peanuts and snacks when he's in the air. However, as anyone who saw him face down in his salad in John's Steak House, it all goes to shit after a few adult beverages.
  11. Gareth's very articulate, you just misunderstand him. Not his fault John, He's American. I do keep the long words to a minimum when talking to JP, but sometimes I just have to get out my shiny car keys and shake them for him. Bless him, Sometimes I swear he understands every word I say to him. I feel a bit like Jane Goodall some days.
  12. If I was conceited, I wouldn't be always hooking you up with free stuff now would I ? I'll go along with the rude though. Although I like to look at it as not suffering fools glady. If you're an idiot, I find it hard not to fulfill my sacred duty and let you know. It's the only way you'll learn and improve, trust me. You may be surprised to know that I was educted privately at a Catholic preparatory school, before going to private college, and then University. The experience of benign indoctrination at the former was what started me on my long road to lifelong atheism and scepticism. You don't always get the result you pay for there you see. As far as sending kids to religious schools. They're your kids, go for it. Just don't be spending any of my tax money to fund any part of it. If the kids are bright enough, they'll work out which bits are bullshit and make good use of the rest. If they come out of the system unavle to fit into a secular society, then they'll just have to join the preisthood, or move to Idaho.
  13. You aren't quite as bad as Gareth but you're getting there. You called ? I was just outside looking fine ans sexy in my new Wings Ext. Here I am in fact.
  14. Yes. Life is capricious, arbitrary and unfair. You might as well laugh at it, becuase it's clearly laughing at you.
  15. You'll notice too, that the shot of the base coming out of the lead plane is replete with DeBar falling over on his exit for the umpteenth time. All hi-larious. Also, the picture of the Brits left out me and John Kallend. I guess they don't count us once we take dual citizenship. We should have been in just half the picture in that case. I remember the magazine well before Lesley had it. It was called Sport Parachutist, it was always late, and it was invariably complete shite. The changes Lesley has brought to it are amazing. Compared to the other European association magazines like Svensk Fallskarmsport, the USPA mag is basically about as interesting a trade show handout.
  16. I saw yours the other day. Very nice indeed. You weren't looking half bad yourself either. Wings make everyone look good, even me.
  17. Well, they did teach me not to suffer fools glady.
  18. Sounds like you're going through it now Bill. Relax. I nursed my own father through his Alzheimers up to his death. There's not much I am unaware of in respect to it. I wasn't making light of Reagan's illness, just the fact that it was idiotic to suggest that he would be attending any state funerals becuase he was such a classy guy as another poster was suggesting. His manner of passing not withstanding, I'm still not going to pretend any respect for the man that I never had though.
  19. Huzzah. We all still free to be superstuitious ! Yippeee !! Praise Bog !
  20. Needless to say, I loved that cartoon too. The orny of it was perfect. One of many pinned over my desk. Ah well, it's these little differences that make life interesting isn't it ? I do have to admit to some bemusement at the wrath of the conservatives on this thread. Does an opposing opinion really hurt you that deeply, no matter how forcefully stated ? I love to read conservative op eds. Makes me reevaluate my positions on issues, and strengthens me in my resolve on others. Also, nothing like a good Anne Coulter rant to brighten up my day, honestly.
  21. I LOVE Ted Rall. He's one of the most insightful commentators out there. He's just as hard on the faliure of the left to come up with a strong opposition. I agree with him toally. Us leftists hated Reagan then, and we still hate him now. YMMV. If you want to weep tears over him. go right ahead. No skin off my nose. Quite frankly, I'm still surprised anyone cares. Wow! You are one heartless hatefilled person. I feel really sorry for you. Such intolerance from a democrat. J What makes you think I'm a Democrat ? I'd desrcibe myself politcally as socialist. There is a difference should you be inclinced to look for it. I'm registered independant. By the way, you don't feel sorry for me at all, but that's OK. I'm not hate-filled. I just have a nice little supply of it readily available for those I deem worthy of it. I'm not going to start liking Reagan all of a sudden, just because he had the good grace to finally snuff it. Actually, I am feeling a litle more kindly disposed to him, because, as I stated earlier, I got Friday off to go jumping. Oh well, pointless to continue this blather. Feel free to have the last word.
  22. True. But I think the main difference can be stated simply that Reagan would've attended Chirac's funeral. Ciels- Michele I doubt it. Reagan couldn't even attend the bathroom in the last decade of his life.
  23. I shall. I shall visit the man's grave to pay my respects myself, but only with a full bladder.
  24. Yup. They're are all really jealous of the US crime rate, violent death statistics, it's economy, and it's health care. It's a common misconception about Europeans that they are "jealous" of the US. Having lived there for 35 years, I don't think I ever heard that sentiment expressed in any form. I think the nearest that you could get to that is that most Europeans find the US tiresome, rather like the idiot teenage boy who knows everything and won't shut up.
  25. I LOVE Ted Rall. He's one of the most insightful commentators out there. He's just as hard on the faliure of the left to come up with a strong opposition. I agree with him toally. Us leftists hated Reagan then, and we still hate him now. YMMV. If you want to weep tears over him. go right ahead. No skin off my nose. Quite frankly, I'm still surprised anyone cares.