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Everything posted by linestretch

  1. Chicken . Landing the backwards canopy is just a reverse Blind Man. Easy . yeah, I guess with your whopping 312 jumps and the nukin Spectre 190, it would be easy for you. my pics & stuff!
  2. all were chopped (the backwards canopy was my own fuck up....not too good for rigging business) , and the 4th does need more study. my pics & stuff!
  3. Here's a few that I've filmed. Actually, the last one I didn't film, but wish I had. fyi, the third one is a hard one to figure out....looks good, but something is VERY wrong. my pics & stuff!
  4. I went through 2 PC1's. They finally started doing some really odd shit. Filmed everything right up to my opening. Didn't record my landing and didn't record the tandem landing...even though it showed in the viewfinder it was recording. my pics & stuff!
  5. I had mine removed by a volleyball net....and I didn't even block the shot. my pics & stuff!
  6. thanx for the info. I already called and requested the info. I just had the 'talk' with my son about strangers wanting to touch you, or you touch them....and just about anything else I could think about without scaring the shit outa the poor little guy. And gotta agree with what another poster said...jail would be the least of their worries...I wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet in ones skull. my pics & stuff!
  7. unfortunetly, not all states allow anyone to know the whereabouts of pervs. I tried this a while back, and here in oregon, you can't readily find it....unless I'm missing something. I'd really like to neighbor is a little odd and I have a 5 year old. my pics & stuff!
  8. dude, that rocks! my pics & stuff!
  9. IN your 4th pic, you get the lens of another camera in the shot, but in your first pic (the one of your helmet setup), I don't see it possible to capture a lens in the frame......what gives? and they are probably laughing behind your back...ok, just kidding. I know Kirk, and for me, it's all about giving him shit. my pics & stuff!
  10. It's the slider slamming in to the toggles and releasing one on opening that he's talking about. my pics & stuff!
  11. I'd be more worried about getting laughed at! my pics & stuff!
  12. what metering are you using? try using only one focal point (the little squares in the viewfinder), and focus with that, and use spot metering, wich will meter off that focal point.....make sense? my pics & stuff!
  13. if it's made for an EOS, it will work. The mounting is just the difference between the cheaper/lighter camera and the heavier/spendier models. my pics & stuff!
  14. SUCKEDDDDD!!!!!!1 saw it last night my pics & stuff!
  15. looks like cypres line to me my pics & stuff!
  16. ??? For those of you that may opt to NOT do the SB, you may end up at a DZ where they won't allow you to jump there without the SB done..... my pics & stuff!
  17. do you have a clearer pic? You can block out the seal#. Can you say what state is was packed in....physically, not mentally. my pics & stuff!
  18. wait, I did brush my teeth for this one! my pics & stuff!
  19. yuppers, did a japanese gal in Guam, she was some show host, and it was filmed; the inteverview, the gear up, the training, and of course the 180 degree hook turn landing....that was the best. Once the camera's were off after the training, I was VERY specific on how to arch, and what NOT to do, mostly since I was using handy, and there were 2 outside videos. It all worked out just nice. I treated her like any other hottie....just kidding. Treated her just like any other student. my pics & stuff!
  20. Ummmm, me thinks he was over just a tad. The heaviest I've taken was 271. I was weighed with the gear on, and then he was weighed......and I'm right around 175. Sucks being the smaller TI's. my pics & stuff!
  21. same here, but a lot more than 2...all were under PD's.....except for those scary tandem reserves. my pics & stuff!
  22. Yuppers, we didn't have one at all, and there is no talk of having one. Not gonna mention the DZ so it doesn't get slammed. I have my own views on it, and see both sides of the debate. my pics & stuff!
  23. That will be the last time your dog pisses in my yard! my pics & stuff!
  24. pretty sweet shit, he landed under his reserve. my pics & stuff!
  25. I agree that with certain variables, this is VERY doable.....and probably survivable. I want it to happen, and would love to see it. My question for the forum was how do you think the FAA will see it....or will this have to be done outside the US, or will waivers be filed....or is someone going to do this un-announced. I had to do a paper for a bullshit class, and this was my subject. How will the local authorities see this if there is a death?....homocide? Shutting down the airport and all skydiving associated with it? And what about sue-happy america. This guy's intentions are planned. But what if there is a death. Will his immediate family sue? I'm not saying any of this will happen, they are just 'possible' ramifications that I came up with. Now discuss..... my pics & stuff!