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Everything posted by mr2mk1g

  1. My point is - there's a difference between saying "I think she damaged the country" or "her policy on Northern Ireland was a travesty" etc and "I'm glad the bitch is dead"
  2. It's been a bit OTT over here mind from some. There's been partying in the streets in a number of places and plenty of people in the public eye issuing statements to the effect of "good" when asked for comment about her death. Hence others suggesting such comments should be a bit toned down. She has a family afterall and died the very day such comments were being made. There'll be plenty of time to monday morning quarterback her era / slander her after once she's actually gone cold.
  3. Ah, so it was The Jews!? That explains everything. /tinfoil hat
  4. Are you seriously making allegations of attempted murder in a youtube video? This thread's going to get interesting, where's my popcorn and foot stool?
  5. A friend on aother form I'm a member of posted this: A few years ago when I lived on my own I started the BBQ. By the time it was hot enough to use, I'd drunk about 8 bottles of lager and done half a dozen vodka shots. Instead of cooking, I carried on drinking, and started setting fire to things. Once I'd run out of paper I started on wood. I woke at 11am the following day on the lounge floor, naked apart from my socks, covered in soot, and I'd ripped the kitchen door off its hinges and burnt that.
  6. Handled nice and calmly throughout. Decision to cutaway made at an appropriate stage. Fought wto cutaway for an appropriate period then proceeded to the rather unpalatable choice to deploy the reserve while still spinning on his back under a malfunction. Many others have fought the thing into the ground in the past/delayed too long for the reserve to work.
  7. Hook knives are emergency equipment for use in an emergency. Don't use them on your rig/bungees/shoe laces/etc. You want it to be factory sharp for when you're spinning through 500ft trying to find the line over on your reserve, not blunted by years of abuse. If you want to use a hook knife on something, buy another and leave the one on your rig for emergencies. Better yet, if you've a $5 zak knife on your rig, spend $20 on a proper metal one for your rig and relegate the $5 one to your kit maintenance bag.
  8. I don't like the idea of taking hands out of toggles down low - but there's an awful lot you can do with your hands in the toggles. My post opening procedure for example has me take my toggles, control check/avoid traffic/point in the right direction THEN loosen chest strap with my hands still in toggles - you just end up going into half brakes. With a little practice, you should find no issue taking your helmet off whilst still having your hands in your toggles without putting any significant input into your canopy beside slowing it down slightly. Try lifting it up so that it sits on top of your head. Not ideal frankly from a protection point of view but if you can't see out of it it's required. Consider a different helmet if you're not getting on with the full face. Leaving your hands in the toggles however mean you can always respond to surprise traffic and can't find yourself in a situation where you can't find a toggle. Plus it helps prevent twisted brake lines. I'd take the S&TA's comments to mean - don't put yourself in that position again where you s-turn on final and flare high requiring a strong PLF. PLF's should remain part of your repertoir.
  9. Doing a masters in parks 'n shit? Nah, skydivers aren't allowed into parks - counts as aerial delivery and they get taken to jail. Land of the free an' all.
  10. That's fair enough and I can see where you're coming from. I don't know if you know - or if you've seen on here some of the variant observations on your tattoo - but it probably is rather offensive to many people who can read it. Had she researched it and fully understood just how strongly the Qataris felt about it, would you then have been OK with her call? As an aside, I've posted on here by way of example my experience of going to 6-Flags in California with a chick who was dressed so slutty that staff refused her entry. [pictures are awaited] This was rather novel to those of us in the queue with her as it wouldn't have crossed our minds back home. She was essentially asked to leave as staff felt she would offend their other customers. Can you see how their call was not that different from that of the staff at the DZ?
  11. What would you have done if it was your business? You had a complaint from one of your customers that someone was sporting something about as offensive to them as a swastika to your average holocaust survivor. You could tell the cash cow to piss off to your competitor up the road. You could ask [you] nicely to do something about hiding the tattoo causing offence. Sure, everyone has a right to free speech but there's cash on the line and you don't want anyone getting bent out of shape over something as innocuous as a tattoo. What do you do as the business owner?
  12. I dunno, that only offends somewhere between 20-25% of the world's population. Something tells me Prince Phillip would be aiming for greater coverage.
  13. So, what do we think Prince Phillip's tattoo says? Or is it just a picture of a naked thai chic? He is a sailor after all. Let's face it, it's gotta be pretty freaking offensive to everyone right, I mean, it's Prince Phillip.
  14. Yeah but he's fucking hilarious. You Yanks (that's not offensive right, I wouldn't want to have to stick tape over any tattoos) should look up some Philipisms. Grade A racist comedy - well worth reading for a good laugh. He's a combat vet mind so it's OK.
  15. Wow, so the guy who has a tattoo flipping the bird to over a fifth of the worlds population turns out to might be a dick. Who'd a figured.
  16. I don't care that he pissed them off. Seriously, I don't. I don't see any issue at all with this story - I don't even think it's that much of a story. That's the point. A business owner asked him to do something because the business owner felt he was negatively effecting his business. Big fucking deal. So what that he was a vet. So what that it was a muslim that was offended - making that an issue is just out and out racism. I posted in the other thread about a chic I was at 6-Flags with once who was told to put more clothes on or she would be denied entry. 6-Flags felt she was dressed too slutty and would offend some of their other customers. We found her a poncho. Same damn thing. She could have left in a piss and posted on her blog about how they'd singled her out because she was offending Christians. The poncho worked out better though.
  17. See this bunch of links Rather than simply "unbeliever" it seems it now should read "unbelive this biatches".
  18. Yes. The visitor to that Muslim country if they showed an offensive to the local culture tattoo would be severely treated, but that's irrelevant. Were an American group in a Muslim country and a local person had a tattoo that an American would find offensive, could they approach someone and expect the local to cover it up or leave? Depends no doubt on how much money the American group was spending and how good a capitalist the business owner was. For example - I've been to Muslim countries that were officially dry. The hotel had a bar selling booze. Money talks.
  19. The article concludes: "But that they would ask this soldier that was wounded in the name of American freedoms to cover up his tattoo to appease Muslims . . . that’s extremely offensive and disgusting." My comment on the conclusion: Wow. What a racist cunt.
  20. Serious point to this is perhaps that the pilot in command is responsible for anything dropped from the plane - lets hope it hit a field and not a kid or something.
  21. See this post from an Arabic linguist on the other thread:
  22. This brings to mind a time a few years back when I went out to Perris with a group of Brits for a couple of weeks. We had a weather front come in and having done March Field, USS Medway etc we went over to 6-flags for the day. We'd brought this girl with us to do AFF who we casually referred to as "the Russian hooker" as that's pretty much how she dressed, looked and generally acted. On this day she was sporting a super short skirt and crop-top which showed off her midriff. Bit slutty, but nothing that would be overly out of place in the UK. In the queue at 6-flags a staff member came over to us and told her that she had to put more clothes on or she would not be permitted entry. I think we found a poncho or something for her. Frankly, this is exactly the same scenario. Do this, to keep our other customers happy or we reserve the right to deny service. We Brits were gobsmacked and I've never seen anything like it happen in the UK... but hey, we were now in prudish and puritanical America where they keep the porn in the valley. If you've ever been to Cardiff on a Friday or Saturday evening you'll know what comes out of the valleys over here.
  23. According to the figures posted above in this thread we pay about £36 million and get back £26 billion in return. Not a bad investment... in fact it's about the best investment going in the world at the moment. Still, wouldn't mind a look at Kate's tits anyhoo...
  24. When the door is opened you should be ready to roll. End of. If someone's reserve goes over the tail (especially on a 3.5k - 5k hop&pop run-in) you better be ready to get the fuck out of dodge without standing in the door pissing about with a strap on your helmet or you might just find the thundering herd up the front of the plane makes up your mind for you.