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Everything posted by skycat

  1. psst....Julie it was snowing tonight, and you missed out. Ok, I got my pictures taken, but before anyone says I don't need to loose weight I'm not trying to, I'm trying to cut body fat and get abs as rock'n as hooknswoops. I took a picture of his abs but he deleted it. Anyway my goal was going to be double his body fat but that might not be realistic, now double +2 would be doable. So where do I send these and what size do you want them in cause I can edit before I send. Fly it like you stole it!
  2. Fly with me during cheater time. Trust me, I'll wear you out, it is a good chest and back workout. BTW...I would participate, but my goals are a little different since they revolve around rock climbing. Something like double the body fat of hooknswoop, and able to do every route that he does only prettier. Fly it like you stole it!
  3. Derek and I will have to do this tonight...may have to cancel that wedding next month. Fly it like you stole it!
  4. You obviously have me confused with Remi. Blues, Dave Trust me Remi likes spankings and collar pops. Fly it like you stole it!
  5. Remember it's like dog training, no spanking, just treats and time out. Fly it like you stole it!
  6. I think it's more how Dave likes to be trained. Fly it like you stole it!
  7. My favorite saying from my schutzhund trainer. "You must be consistently consistent with your consistency" true when it comes to the to smart for their own good herding breeds. (I have a Belgian Malinois and an Blue Heeler/GSD mix) Here are some shots of my trouble maker Sherpa. (oh wow my butt looks big ) Fly it like you stole it!
  8. Emergen-C Then again the only time I need an energy drink is when working out. Fly it like you stole it!
  9. He should be, but when I got him I wouldn't let him sleep on the bed and she got to, he had to wait for her to go in and out the door 1st, she got fed 1st, pretty much I did everything to let him know that she was above him in the pack. Since she is a pretty dominant dog herself she quickly jumped on board and kept him below her. I'm sure if he really wanted to be above her he could do it, but he seems happy with the way things are. Currently I let them work out the pack order only thing I still do is feed her first. As to humping the me it's not going to help, it will just make the dog look at you like you lost your mind. Fly it like you stole it!
  10. Be very careful when doing something like wrapping your arms around the dog unless you are sure you are alpha. This is a big reason why kids get bit on the face, they think they are hugging the dog and the dog thinks they are trying to dominate them. Both of my dogs have been trained to tolerate hugging from children and adults. If I see a child go to hug my dogs I rush in and stop them as quick as I can. Better to be safe than sorry. Fly it like you stole it!
  11. It sounds like you got a correction for doing something the dog didn't like. I didn't see the incident so I'm just going off of what you have said. My female will correct my male when he goes for her food, yet I can take it away with no problems. My male will correct the cat if it gets up on the table and there is food there. If you can tell the pack order in our house is Me, Fox (female dog), Sherpa (male dog), Mem (cat - don't tell him though). I would work on some NILIF training with the pooch, my male was very dominant when he came to live with us, I actually fed him every piece of food from my hand and he had to do a command to get each piece. I would definitely tell you friend, this isn't that big of a deal, I would get the dog evaluated by a good trainer (not petsmart), to see if it's true food aggression or just a pack order thing. Even true food aggression can be worked though it just takes time and dedication. Fly it like you stole it!
  12. I used to have it done when I was in gymnastics. Without seeing your knee I couldn't say for sure, but my knee would still have some fluid that was reabsorbed by the body. In my case the draining was to make me more comfortable. What is sad is that in the last few weeks my knees have started filling with fluid and I'm not sure why other than I must be stressing the tendons when climbing. Fly it like you stole it!
  13. m-n.zmzmaazb-aaan-z--bzmn,aanzn.aa-hz-z!z?n.aazan.aan-z--bzmn,aazann-gn.aaz,z-z?-an.n,aa-zz-znnzzbn.aanzz-z-nzzbn.z?bg Fly it like you stole it!
  14. I'm a tall damn sexy red head. Fly it like you stole it!
  15. You are right, TX does have a good tourist income you bring in a bit more annually than we do, but the Texas economy is much more diversified (this is a good thing) it just doesn't rely on it as much as CO does. You should have heard the freak out about tourism money lost due to the two blizzards over the X-mas holiday. People were unable to fly in for their ski vacations which meant big money lost for the state . It's probably a big part of why TX doesn't have an income tax and CO does. I really hate this state income tax and sales taxes that are higher than in TX. Fly it like you stole it!
  16. LOL...good thing tourism isn't as big of thing as it is here in CO, that would make for a sucky vacation if the ski resorts wouldn't serve you cause you were from out of state. Fly it like you stole it!
  17. Interesting, my last time in TX I had no problem buying beer at the store by the DZ with my CO DL. Even at the clubs and bars, no one batted an eye. Then again maybe I just looked old enough. Fly it like you stole it!
  18. The saline nose spray works pretty good to rehydrate the sinuses after wearing an open face for awhile. I much prefer my full face, but for back carving and head down I have to wear an open face and I have found the spray will keep the sneezing to a minimum. Fly it like you stole it!
  19. I was thinking the wind hold activities must shorten it as well more than actually being able to jump. Fly it like you stole it!
  20. I wish we could have gotten a pic of our Belgian during the 1st blizzard. He didn't know he could jump over snow so he was just barrelling through and all you could see was the top of his tail. Fly it like you stole it!
  21. We have a CO detector that also senses flammable gases, got it at home depot and it works really well, it went off once when we had a gas leak at the water heater. Fly it like you stole it!
  22. skycat


    Maybe pick a different option from a regular gym and join a rock gym, palates studio or yoga studio. I personally get really bored at a regular gym, but love going to the other options. Fly it like you stole it!
  23. 1360x768 The problem is finding a video driver. Fly it like you stole it!
  24. hooknswoop has his laptop hooked up to his LCD flat screen in the family room. Pretty nice set up, watch TV and surf during commercials. Fly it like you stole it!
  25. no I don't, I'm abused neglected and unloved I don't get any tunnel time. Fly it like you stole it!