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Everything posted by skycat

  1. From Not that I blame her, I myself am debating about keeping or selling me gear. Welcome to a new addiction Fly it like you stole it!
  2. Hey I can't do a back flip, I just can't seem to stop in a sit, I can stop on my belly or back. Hmmm....I think we need to get you backflying more too. Fly it like you stole it!
  3. Speaking of crack dealers, I added 10 min to your time Saturday. Fly it like you stole it!
  4. I know she just had a baby, so have you thought about offering her a pedicure. Fly it like you stole it!
  5. This is "Cat Springs Memnock's My Game" Better known as Memnock the Devil kitty. He was a breeders cat which is why he has the crazy name. Oh and he does get the lion cut....shaved except for his head and his tail. Fly it like you stole it!
  6. You haven't owned a persian have you? Mine will drool on you when you are petting it, will not go away when you are sitting down, will piss on the carpet cause he thinks his clean litter box is to dirty, meows/yowls all night if the water dish is empty or cause he wants to go outside, basically he is more needy than my two dogs..... Fly it like you stole it!
  7. So if Hooknswoop and I were in an airplane, that he was going to fly, at Jeffco airport (just northwest of Denver) we would be fucking a mile ASL with a pilot in command. Fly it like you stole it!
  8. LOL....a friend of mine who is a manager said her sons put together a power point presentation on why they should have cell phones. She said the presentation was so good she couldn't say no, and the boys now have phones. Fly it like you stole it!
  9. skycat


    I couldn't stand it after the 1st season, 5 new episodes, then repeat those shows, then a few more new, then repeat, repeat, repeat. I couldn't keep up with when there was a new one so I gave up. Fly it like you stole it!
  10. You will have to tell me all about it, we weren't able to go because Derek is sick. I think he got the bug I had last week, which is the reason I couldn't compete, heck a week and a half after the start of the yucks my stamina is still not back. So who won???? Fly it like you stole it!
  11. true, so very true. The only other quote from dog training that is worth it's salt is "You must be consistently consistent with your consistency." Fly it like you stole it!
  12. Mind you this is more for snowboarding/skiing, but I believe the concept is the same for a landing crash. Mary used to be ski patrol and someone crashed skiing 1st hit dislodged the sunglasses, 2nd hit the arm of the sunglasses when through his eye. So I always wear goggles, snowboarding or skydiving, well actually I wear a full face skydiving, but if I wear an open face again I'll wear goggles. Fly it like you stole it!
  13. Not just in skydiving, if your ski, snowboard, ride a motorcycle, well pretty much do anything she will get on your butt about wearing a helmet, as well as goggles instead of sunglasses. (We love you for it Mary. ) Fly it like you stole it!
  14. I've trained my Belgian to do 75% of the things that a service dog would do as well as Search and Rescue training. He wouldn't be a good service dog due to to much energy, but he would make a great SARs dog and passed the adult test that my training facility gave. I just don't have the time or money to do more than train and keep him busy. It does take time and commitment, but training specific behaviors that fit exactly what the children need can be done. Trust me not all trainers are equal, I've heard trainers say everything from my dog should be put down to my dog needs to compete in dog sports, I went with the ones who thought he had great potential (which he did). I PM'd you as well, but I have a great idea, tell me what you want the dog to do and I'll see if I can train Sherpa to do it, well except for opening the fridge door, for his own health and non-fat butt I just can't do that one. Fly it like you stole it!
  15. Wow that is one good form of birth control, I do not every want to give birth after seeing that. Fly it like you stole it!
  16. It's called friends with benefits. Fly it like you stole it!
  17. Hey now I'm teaching you how to climb tomorrow night, I can guarantee your body will be sore from the work out the next day. Oh and there is T-Time after 9pm available tomorrow. Could give you the double whammy that I got a few weeks ago. Fly it like you stole it!
  18. Ok, I'm just going to post my pics here and then they can be uploaded where ever they need to be. Fly it like you stole it!
  19. Hmmmm.....this could be a new version of tunnel tag. Fly it like you stole it!
  20. RX8 - I'll get pictures this spring when I can her up in the mountains on the twisties. Mazda 6 sport wagon - can haul a ton of gear and is fun to drive. Fly it like you stole it!
  21. I think I miss read, you are swooping in for spankings? Fly it like you stole it!
  22. Yeah, the only time it seems to read high is when it's that time of the month due to retaining water. Due to Derek's low body fat we did have to get the athlete model that can read very low body fat readings. Fly it like you stole it!
  23. WOO HOO.....can't wait for cheater time with both of you.....catch me if you can. Fly it like you stole it!
  24. After seeing how many calories the scale says he needs to eat to maintain his weight, I believe tunnel slut would be appropriate. I have a lot of work to catch up. Fly it like you stole it!
  25. I'm not sure Kelly will let you. Sometimes I like to share. Fly it like you stole it!