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Everything posted by skycat

  1. skycat

    Snow in Denver

    I just received word the DIA has cancelled all flights after 6pm. Fly it like you stole it!
  2. skycat

    Snow in Denver

    It's snowing like mad in Highlands Ranch. I'm watching C-470, to let Derek know when he absolute needs to get on the road to get home. We were smart this time though, Sherpa is not in his crate they have a ton of water and should be able to miss a meal or two just fine. If they have an accident I have laminate floors so it should be easy to clean. Fly it like you stole it!
  3. skycat

    Snow in Denver

    I have a suitcase here at work, I was told yesterday that we will not be going home tonight to ensure the management team is in the office tomorrow. Fly it like you stole it!
  4. That list can't be right, I think CO has maybe 4 DZs of which only 2 are full time. Just cause a state has a DZ does not mean it offers what you are looking for in a DZ, which means you need to travel long distances to get the most out of your jumps. So I make the most of my money by flying in the tunnel. Fly it like you stole it!
  5. 888 Miles, obviously I don't jump much anymore. 12 Miles to the tunnel, I get about 10-20 minutes a week of flight time. Fly it like you stole it!
  6. LOL...considering I still have a few feet of snow in my yard, I'll trade this white christmas for a not so white one. Fly it like you stole it!
  7. skycat

    Snow in Denver

    Ok, who the heck ordered more snow for Denver? I've been chopping ice at the end of my driveway all day so I can get my car out, and what just started to fall......more snow. Now I love snow as much as the next person but my sports car doesn't and I want to go to the grocery store, I need egg nog and junk food. Fly it like you stole it!
  8. I'd have to say high altitude (death zone) mountain climbing. Not really sure if it is a sport, but if something goes wrong up there you are more than likely dead. Fly it like you stole it!
  9. Of the two dentists I've had in CO neither had the gas. Neither have offered me anything for the stress either, and I have HUGE adrenalin reactions to the point that those shots they put in your nerves to kill the pain don't work. After shot 7 he actually wanted me to go home and reschedule after I found something that will calm me down next time. I told him there will be no next time just do it, I sucked it up with the pain (broke a tooth also) and am now looking for my 3rd dentist. (1st one was ok I just moved across town and wanted one that was closer to my house.) Fly it like you stole it!
  10. Just be careful!!! The roads have turned to crap. At least in this portion of LIttleton. The plows didn't get to the slush, so now it's uneven, slick ice. Have your margs at home.
  11. I'm at the tunnel and I'm thinking it is margarita time!!! Fly it like you stole it!
  12. skycat

    Snow in Denver

    You've got me beat. I got home yesterday and was dead asleep by 6:30pm. I almost let myself get pressured into being back in this morning, but I decided enough was enough. I had a great day with my kid instead! Where do you work? PM me if you don't want to broadcast it. You up for some RW coaching in the tunnel any time soon?
  13. skycat

    Snow in Denver

    Well I worked from 8am Wednesday till 10pm Thursday and was back this AM at 9am and will probably be here till 9 tonight. Snow Days suck ass!!!! Fly it like you stole it!
  14. skycat

    Snow in Denver

    Derek was saying last night that he couldn't see one of our dogs in the back yard. Of course it was sherpa so he may have been building tunnels through the snow in the yard. Fly it like you stole it!
  15. skycat

    Snow in Denver

    That is part of the problem, the roads were warm enough for the first stuff to melt and get slushy, then more snow on top. It's super yucky out. Fly it like you stole it!
  16. skycat

    Snow in Denver

    There are very few people on C-470 right now. Fly it like you stole it!
  17. skycat

    Snow in Denver

    I have no idea, but it makes my decision come January even easier. Fly it like you stole it!
  18. skycat

    Snow in Denver

    We didn't get to leave early, and now well, I'm stuck here all night. Yippee skippee!! Fly it like you stole it!
  19. It looks like he let his domain laps, he hasn't updated the website in awhile. Fly it like you stole it!
  20. From what I've seen the instructors can have them turning and going up and down in 4 minutes. In 10 minutes they can have them doing side slides and forward and back movement. Of course it does depend some on the instructor and the student. Turns yes. Crisp intentional turns with crisp intentional stops, and that is more challenging in 4 minutes - and the stops/heading control are one of the things that makes AFF go super easy... Crisp turns and stops are something that can take a long time to master and I know many people who don't even both since they aren't into 4-way. Intentional turns and stops on the other hand do not take that long, heading control and stability as well do not take that long. The key to the tunnel before AFF is learning the basics getting comfortable in a body possition that is different than anything they have done before. Learning to control yourself and to be able to fix a problem if it happens. Also from what I've seen of first time fliers in the tunnel, they don't work on crisp turns, they work on getting their basic belly skills, then move on to basic back skills, learning what to do when they get on their backs. Fly it like you stole it!
  21. From what I've seen the instructors can have them turning and going up and down in 4 minutes. In 10 minutes they can have them doing side slides and forward and back movement. Of course it does depend some on the instructor and the student. Fly it like you stole it!
  22. Oh please god no! The act of eating is one of the last bastions of humanity we have left. What's next, an automated suction and baster system so we can reproduce by ejactulating into a machine and squirting it into the uterus so we don't have to waste our precious blackberry time with sex?? Sweet!!! That is a kick ass idea, sign me up. Well except for the reproducing part, no time for babies. Fly it like you stole it!
  23. I just keep hoping that they will come out with a pill that gives you all the calories, vitamins, and minerals that you would get in a meal. Then 3 times a day pop a pill and go on with life, I have no time to eat which means I have been loosing weight like crazy. Fly it like you stole it!
  24. I always order chips and salsa with my first drink along with a glass of water. I don't know my blood alcohol level but I never drink faster than one an hour and unless I know I'm not driving always refuse shots. Fly it like you stole it!
  25. Well some of the shots only protect them for one year, like rabies and parvo. We do not get vacinated for rabies because hopefully we are smart enough not to go run free in the woods and play with all the fun fuzzy critters that live there. As for getting a check up every year.....well ever woman does or is suppose to. Fly it like you stole it!