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Everything posted by skycat

  1. We fired someone 3 weeks ago for installing a VPN to get around the firewall. Fly it like you stole it!
  2. hehe...on your last trip out to the car I slammed a beer in the bar, so I had one beer and one margarita the 1st night we got there. Next time I need more cocktails, I'll say it's medicine for my sore legs. Fly it like you stole it!
  3. Hehe...those High Schoolers where quite annoyed that we kept hogging it all day. Of course Derek offering to beat up the 4 of them that were being rude was quite cute. Fly it like you stole it!
  4. Last weekend we rented a condo at one of the local ski resorts to attend a 36 hr event. It was so nice to have a hot tub, a kitchen, and to be right next to everything, we were practically able to snowboard to the entrance of the building. So I'm planning to rent one again, but this time with event going on so we can sleep till noon, relax in the hot tub and enjoy the gourmet food. Well and we might get a bit of snowboarding in too. Fly it like you stole it!
  5. I wonder if it's a southern tradition which would be why my northern family and friends never did it. Maybe I'm hanging out with to many northerners. Fly it like you stole it!
  6. There fixed it. Fly it like you stole it!
  7. I've noticed more and more that I'm the only one to bring hostess/Host gifts to gatherings. This was something my own mother never did, but when I moved to Texas and saw the tradition I quickly picked it up because I felt it was a great way to show my appreciation for being invited and the time to took to put the event on. I'm not talking anything expensive, something simple like flowers, a bottle of wine, a cute jar of hot chocolate, or whatever would fit the occasion. So is it just me, is this tradition dead? Fly it like you stole it!
  8. I ordered mine at the end of September and they said a 4 month wait time. We have asked them to contact us before they are ready to make it so we can take new measurements to ensure it fits right. Fly it like you stole it!
  9. We did LEDs this year....holy crap are they brite.
  10. Don't get married until you are atleast 25 if not older. Fly it like you stole it!
  11. Oh that is so wrong....but way to funny Fly it like you stole it!
  12. Where?????? Darn this new house, it's the first time since I can remember that I don't have a fireplace. Everything is decorated, even went ahead and got a full sized tree, although my beloved mini-tree isn't out in the cold, it's now the table centerpiece.
  13. Most adult dogs are tolerant of puppies, more tolerant than if you brought a 1 year old dog into the house to get along with the established pack. The puppy needs a crate, a place to go to get away from the adults as well as to be put when annoying the adults. I have a Belgian Shepherd and a German Shepherd and both of them have limits, the German has less due to her age (13) the belgian, well the puppy will have limits before he finds his. Just make sure there is a way to split them up if it gets out of hand and you as the human pack leader set the limit and split them up when needed. Both of my dogs are trained so verbally getting my dogs to tow the line is easy. Fly it like you stole it!
  14. this is one of the few movies on my list that I'm willing to deal with the theaters to see Fly it like you stole it!
  15. I'm making just turkey breast, going to put it in a brine over night and then grill it rather than bake it. Oh and just read the previous posts, I'm using a Bobby Flay recipe. Fly it like you stole it!
  16. Why would you want to play with them, when you can suck on them? Fly it like you stole it!
  17. Yeah, it's a big reason for me as well as I hate the whole wind rammed up your nose. Fly it like you stole it!
  18. It's just wind burn, you will get used to it. If you plan on flying a lot make sure you moisturize. Fly it like you stole it!
  19. I love my rock climbing friends they are some of the best eye candy. (we need a drooling icon) Fly it like you stole it!
  20. No worries, I'm used to the place, I just didn't post their for a while opted instead to lurk. I do like the guy who thinks you can only be into one sport, now that is funny shit. Fly it like you stole it!
  21. Hey I found a pic of me wearing spandex at the gym....enjoy. Fly it like you stole it!
  22. How come I have a feeling you like to be the spanker? Fly it like you stole it!
  23. *hugs* I've been climbing for years, although since the wind tunnel opened up I've been a bit of a tunnel slut. Fly it like you stole it!
  24. Aliens are still on the taboo list. And it just doesn't flow as well like that. Tooling too many nuts is trying, and my friends just aren't helping when the crack only takes lowe balls. Poor baby, sounds like your rack is lack'n. Actually my rack is lack'n a bit, really could use some more mixed pro for eldo. Fly it like you stole it!
  25. You know to many nuts in your rack can be trying, personally I like to toss in a few aliens to mix things up. Fly it like you stole it!