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Everything posted by ripcords

  1. ripcords


    Congratulations. Great job and excellent for the resume! And it doesn't cut into your weekends. Does it get any better than that?
  2. Smile, keep your head high to keep your arch. Be safe and have fun.
  3. Congratulations on the new addition to your family and welcome back to the sky.
  4. Welcome to the forums. Nice to have you with us.
  5. That would be fantastic. Go ahead and e-mail it to me if she doesn't mind.
  6. is such a great place! I am a secondary science teacher certified in Physics, General Science and Earth & Space Science. I teach skydiving on weekends. It was actually my love of teaching skydiving that convinced me to switch from an engineering career into a teaching career. I don't regret it. I have just recently begun posting, and I was curious how many educators were skydivers. The reason I am looking for a school teacher in the Southern Hemisphere, is because I would like to take a graduate level course called Comparative Education Abroad. In order to do so, I need to find a school teacher and school in another country that is willing to let me hang out for three weeks so that I can effectively compare the education of that country to our educational system in the United States. I would love to see the Southern Hemisphere. Australia and New Zealand are especially interesting to me. I would also love to escape the winter in the Northeast US during either February and March of 2005 or 2006.
  7. In the Dropzones: North America: Pennsylvania: All of the links listed for the United Parachute Club including the e-mail address no longer exist. Probably because the club went bankrupt over a year ago. Also, why are there two listings for Skydive Pennsylvania?
  8. I was wondering how many school teachers are active skydivers. I am also specifically looking for any school teacher that skydives and lives and works in the Southern Hemisphere. I figured that the forums of would be the best place to locate any if they exist.
  9. I firmly believe that there are some people who will never want to skydive. They shouldn't do it and I will not waste my time trying to "change their mind. If, however, a person is interested, I will gladly explain our sport to the best of my ability and encourage them to try it. This is a sport of passion and it is hard not to be passionate about it. Even after twenty years!
  10. I would do the wind tunnel time. It will not only help you with this level, but also future levels. Especially if you can learn to totally control turns, which often leads to students failing AFF levels. If your legs are bent too much you are going to backslide. In the tunnel you will become aware of that immediately (when you run into the wall). I definitely think that you will get your biggest bang for your buck with some tunnel time. P.S. - you are not a pathetic loser - you are a skydiver. Your perseverence will pay off. Don't get discouraged!
  11. Do they have graduation projects in Texas, like they do here in Pennsylvania? If so, perhaps you could do your skydiving training to fulfill that part of your educational requirement?
  12. Everyone else already said smile, relax, pull -- have fun that is why you are doing this. From a physical standpoint, it wouldn't be a bad idea to do some stretches and back exercises, to have your muscles in shape for all of the arching that they are going to have you do.
  13. Flying Ratings: ASEL Commercial Instrument Rated, Student Balloon Pilot, would like to get glider and sea plane ratings. Skydiving Ratings: AFF/SL/IAD/Tandem Instructor/Examiner, CCD, Senior Rigger - Chest & Back. Wanted to start flying first, but couldn't afford it, so skydiving came first, flying second.
  14. You go Blahr! You are a skydiver, and therefore, don't consider yourself left out. Skydiving is undeniably one of the best highs that life can offer.
  15. He can make it into Iraq for the holidays, but he can't make it to Philly without a 50 mile umbrella?
  16. Is anyone else disgusted by the huge TFR's that follow President Bush around like a giant black cloud? I think it was so ironic that he went to Kitty Hawk to celebrate the centennial of flight thereby keeping those that love aviation from flying in. Now he decides he will visit Philadelphia on Saturday, effectively closing down the airspace to general aviation. Are we truly such a threat that it warrants these outrageously large TFR's?