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Everything posted by skydive4u2

  1. Yeah, I noticed it. And it is complete BULLSHIT. It amazes me how some people who have an axe to grind against Skyride make up any kind of shit they can think of against ASC. "Somebody who worked at ASC told me that they were FORCED to do night tantems." I call bullshit !!! I have worked ther for 10 years. I have seen night tandems there. I have seen night tandems a a lot of other dropzones. This was YEARS ago when it was a grey area . Once it was established they were never done at night at ASC. That was several years ago. When it WAS happening, I said no,I don't want to do night tandems. The management said ok. No one tried to MAKE me do night tandems. Any tandem instructor that did do night tandems did them because he WANTED to. There were several other tandem instructors that said no. I NEVER saw anyone tell anyone they HAD to do them. Some did night tandems, some did not. It was their choice. I usually try to stay out of the politics, but it just amazes me how some people tries to say ANYTHING they can against ASC,whether true or not, when they are really mad at Skyride. I am not saying ASC is a bunch of angels, but on this one subject they are NOT guilty. I was there , and I KNOW what did or did not happen. This is bullshit. And mostly it is put out by people who don't even have the balls to identify themselfs. People like Chris Spense, who bash ASC and says who he is, I respect. Even Billy Vance, bless his heart, I respect. But the people that talk shit and hide behind annonamous accounts, I do not respect. If you want to badmouth someone, at least be a man and identify yourself. Let's have some FUN !!!
  2. Anybody know where this picture was taken ? Let's have some FUN !!!
  3. Last I heard, Rick was working at the wind tunnell in Orlando. He is a pretty stand up guy, as far as I know. Let's have some FUN !!!
  4. In the Huntsville , Alabama area, there was one in Lacey Springs in the late 80s, in Meridianville in the early 80s, in Harvest in the late 70s-early 80s, and in Fayetteville, Tennesse in the early 80s. also at Albertville, Alabama in the early 80s Let's have some FUN !!!
  5. Contact somebody at Mike Mullin's dropzone in Memphis. The mock up there is so realistic, I swear if you put a motor on it, it would fly. They have a Cessna mockupand a King Air mock up. Both are the best I have ever seen. Let's have some FUN !!!
  6. Would not two TIs, 2 tandem students, two tandem rigs, and a pilot be too much weight for a 172 ? Let's have some FUN !!!
  7. Where did you win that tourney? Jimmy Teeples said that HIS team wonthat tourney in the Atlanta area. Let's have some FUN !!!
  8. That is what I thought, but when I google telemeters, I get something totally different. Know anywhere I can get some information about them ? Let's have some FUN !!!
  9. I used to see a set of binoculars mounted on a tripod at dropzones. What was the name for this set up ? Let's have some FUN !!!
  10. I take my shoe laces and tuck them down in my shoe between the shoe amd my foot. Let's have some FUN !!!
  11. Let's not argue . Can't we all just get a bong ? Let's have some FUN !!!
  12. Hell yes, I would go !!! Let's have some FUN !!!
  13. If anybody has any photos, I would like to have a copy. Also any photos of my nightly Harley ride thru the tent. Thanks. Fast Eddie Let's have some FUN !!!
  14. Packed on the stage at a strip club. I was working there as a bouncer. Packed on the dance floor of a night club. Packed on the sidelines of Fulton County Stadium in Atlanta after jumping into the Peach Bowl. Let's have some FUN !!!
  15. They used to sell chutes with 8 cells. Let's have some FUN !!!
  16. Most dropzones would let you continue right where you left off. It would be a good idea to call the new dropzone and ask first. Most places would just give you a short oral quiz to see what you remember and probably have you go over things like emergency procedures.Don't forget to take your logbook with you. Good luck and have FUN !!! Let's have some FUN !!!
  17. Mike, You sure are right. It was NOT a good choice. LOL. I would sure not even THINK of doing that again. Fast Eddie Let's have some FUN !!!
  18. I did my jump from 30,200 feet. That is how high Mike Mullins told me it was. As far as I know, that is as high as anyone has ever done a tandem WITHOUT OXYGEN. Fast Eddie Let's have some FUN !!!
  19. I have never been deer hunting. I HAVE hit and killed 4 deer. One with a Honda Civic, one with a Ford van, one with a Honda Accord, and one with a 1976 Harley Davidson. I kept and ate all four. I have also hit two others that I could not find, so I don't know if I killed them or not. They are tasty, but expensive !!! Fast Eddie Let's have some FUN !!!
  20. Does anyone know if it is still operating ? Let's have some FUN !!!
  21. I am the jumper with the flag. Yes , i did not do a stand up landing. I am not perfect. I have done hundreds of demos in the 25 years I have been jumping. I always jump with the flag. I ALMOST always do a stand up landing. This time I did not. I did however, quickly jump up and with the help of another jumper properly folded the flag with reverence. I respect my flag and try to not let it touch the ground, but this time it did. As I said, I am not perfect. If there is anyone out there that does not EVER fall down when landing, feel free to criticize my landing. Otherwise, please cut me some slack. Thank you. Let's have some FUN !!!
  22. Hey Jay, If you are gonna put down my DZ, you SHOULD at least get your facts right. Atlanta Skydive Center price is $ 1050 for the AFF 7 jump course. Even CHEAPER than The Farm !!! Who wudda thunk it. Let's have some FUN !!!
  23. July 25 th, 1985 at Huntsville, Alabama. Fast Eddie Let's have some FUN !!!