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Everything posted by base428

  1. I am missing a Vertical Visions magnetic logo that was displayed on the white 12-passenger vans we used to haul jumpers and family members to/from the LZ. I know it might make a great souvenir for someone, but we really need it back. Thanks. (c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted.
  2. We pulled her badge Thursday night. Story here: (c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted.
  3. There is no doubt that Bridge Day will attract new jumpers to the sport. On the other hand, some will realize it's not for them. Many jumpers will be excited to provide additional training to you in preparation for your 2nd BASE jump, and others will be upset that their secret sport has yet another member. Regardless of which path you choose to take in your parachuting career, do what is best for you and for the sport. Listen to those with wisdom and guidance. Ignore those who are negative and hateful. Have fun and be safe. Hopefully I can share an exit point with you somewhere in the future. (c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted.
  4. base428

    BD v TFs FJC

    There is no doubt that the line will move. With BASE being an unregulated, unlicensed sport, relocating the "line" will require the collaborative thoughts of many people. Should we not permit first time aerials? What about your first 4-way? Should wingsuits and tracking pants be banned, because we can't check everyone's logbook at the exit point (even then, it can be forged)? What is the appropriate currency? What if you can't speak and understand English - which could cause you to miss important exit ramp commands? Should we ban all skydiving gear? Should we ban foreign BASE gear? More than anything, I want Bridge Day to be safe. But I also don't want to see it fade out due to being overregulated. Several years ago, I posted a helmet poll where the majority favored not having a helmet rule. I realize that many jumpers are independent and they value their personal freedoms. If an experienced jumper had died at Bridge Day due to a head injury, there would be many critics of our current helmet rule and some would be pointing fingers at us. So how do we properly regulate Bridge Day while still permitting the personal freedoms that are the very essence of BASE jumping? Anyone can complain about the current requirements, but it takes a real jumper to offer his recommendations on improving the event. (c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted.
  5. A memorial service for Brian Lee Schubert will be held on Saturday, November 4th, 10:00am at the Pilgrim Congregational Church located at 600 North Garey Avenue in Pomona, California. A reception will follow the memorial service. You can fly into Ontario (ONT) or Los Angeles (LAX - 35 miles away). Brian's family reports that they would be pleased to see BASE jumpers attend the service. (c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted.
  6. base428

    BD v TFs FJC

    Jean trained him, but never mentioned any red flags to anyone until after the fact. Jean also inquired about bidding on the BD Organizer job a few years ago and she was aggressively asking organizational questions to us this year and typing things into her laptop. Another Fayetteville local told us that Jean approached him on 10/20 and mentioned that she was training two old timers, but one of them should not jump. The local didn't know who she was talking about. I believe she feels guilty for having trained him and then not telling anyone before Brians jump. However, ultimately Brian is responsible for his actions. The more I talk to his daughter, the more I wish I had been able to spend time with him. He was a great man and had great courage to leap off El Cap before many of us were even born. (c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted.
  7. base428

    BD v TFs FJC

    My copyright at the bottom of my post was only meant to scare off the media. They have already misquoted me, cussed me, and hung up on me when I referred their questions to the Bridge Day Commission (as per BD protocol). Feel free to edit my posts if you want, Tom. Your "sue" comment was a bit misguided, don't you think? I'm just trying to keep the media monkeys from picking my posts apart, but I also felt I needed to say something. I'm done here for now. I've said what was on my mind. If anyone wants to offer some constructive criticism or tips so that BASE and Bridge Day will be safer, then I will join the discussion. You know, if the Birdman would have went it, we'd be discussing why we allowed wingsuits or why we didn't check wingsuit logbooks. Or if an experienced jumper died trying 5 front flips, we'd be talking about banning anything over 4 flips. Or if someone bounced on a 7 way, we'd be criticized over the number of jumpers we allow at one time. Someone once said, "There is no honor among thieves". Some BASE jumpers are simply thieves with a parachute on their back. My sincere condolences to Brian's family. I can only hope that we will all work together to prevent future incidents such as this. If you have suggestions for improving safety at Bridge Day and other sites, please email me privately. Thank you. (c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted.
  8. base428

    BD v TFs FJC

    Craig, you aren't helping this either. BRIAN'S DAUGHTER doesn't want everyone attacking each other. (c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted.
  9. base428

    BD v TFs FJC

    Brian was not "invited" to BD. Brian paid his $75 like everyone else and he stood in line like the rest. We did NOT try to get a legend jumped. Actually, the organizers had very few converstations with Brian since he was being carefully trained by the best (his own words on NPR radio). He was just another jumper to us. And we don't check logbooks at BD (no one ever has). Much of how BD is regulated is based on what the past organizers have done. We made the rules more strict in recent years, but apparently not strict enough for some of you. Again, I'll ask you for suggestions to make it safer rather than attacks against our policies. Brian's daughter Tina hoped that people wouldn't argue and fight over Brian's death. Brian wanted to jump so bad that he would have reportedly jumped the next day if we had pulled his jump badge. Of course, if Jean had said anything to us things might be different. Out of respect for Brian's family, perhaps you can withhold your attacks? (c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted.
  10. base428

    BD v TFs FJC

    Are you saying that Johnny U. and Tom Aiello aren't teaching an appropriate 4 day long BASE FJC? They might disagree. Vertical Visions doesn't teach the full blown BASE FJC, by the way. Every jumper must have made a considerable amount of skydives prior to attending each FJC (it's up to each instructor). As to making a return trip to the DZ, Brian was offered this opportunity but he eventually decided against it. Remember that Mike Pelkey had similar training and perfect return jump at Bridge Day 2005. First of all, you obviously don't know the physical size of the NRGB. PCA'ing from NRGB is like PCA'ing from a low cliff. There is at least 150' of steel below the exit point. PCA's are not as safe as short freefalls. As I mentioned before, we had no knowlege of Brian's currency. If only Jean Boenish, who probably spent the most time with him, had told us about her concerns, then things might have been different... (c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted.
  11. base428

    BD v TFs FJC

    You are obviously looking to start trouble, Mac. The fatality and Birdman incidents did not involve new jumpers. The Birdman was a low pull and not the result of wearing a suit. We are not sure why Brian didn't release his PC and we're still investigating it. We always suggest that jumpers receive extensive BASE training. For several years now, we offered a full blown FJC with expert instruction. This was MY idea several years ago and it NEVER existed in the past. At least 19 jumpers took advantage of it. If for some reason jumpers choose to not seek advanced training prior to BD through their mentor or another FJC, we (and past organizers) offer a 1-1.5 hour long course to show them the basics of the launch, holding the pc, landing, etc. We made jump requirements more strict in recent years. This year, the approximate 128 first time jumpers did great and all of them had a great time. In past years, thousands of first timers have successfully made a jump at Bridge Day. Perhaps you should ask Jean Boenish about the training she provided to Brian. Would YOU question a jumper trained by Jean Boenish and THREE other very experienced jumpers?. If Jean thought Brian should not have jumped, then why didn't Jean tell us? We didn't know when Brian made his last jump and most, if not all, BASE FJC's don't have currency requirements. Brian is ultimately responsible for his own death and it's sad to see you trying to point fingers at the instructors. Brian received at least 9 hours of training that we are aware of. Seeing that you've never been to Bridge Day, what gives you right to criticize it? In the wake of a fatality, I can't believe you have the nerve to criticize the event. You have always been negative toward Bridge Day, and now you're being negative towards our sport in general. You are a disgrace to our sport. In the future, perhaps our unregulated sport should raise requirements for all jumps? Now you'll need the following: -1000 skydives (50 made in the last one month) -BASE specific gear that is less than 2 years old, chosen from an approved list -No wingsuits or trackpants -Mandatory helmets, knee pads, elbow pads, full body armor, gloves, jump boots. -Must bring your logbook and show organizers you made stated jumps. -Must receive a medical evaluation 30 days prior to jump -Must attend our 7 day long FJC if you have less than 50 BASE jumps. -Appropriate size canopies for each jumpers weight, verified by us. -We'll have our staff examine your pack job -Everyone will have to perform exits in the pendulator -Maximum 3 second delays or we'll cut your badge -Must go flat and stable (no aerials) get the point, I trust? Perhaps you can offer some suggestions to make it safer rather than bashing us? In case you didn't know, BASE jumping is dangerous. There have always been "close calls" at Bridge Day each year and at every other jumpable object in the world. Didn't you, an "experienced jumper", get all busted up and nearly die in the past? This is a very tough time for us. I'm in the process of analyzing video and stills to see what went wrong. What really hurts the most is reading that my BASE brothers and sisters are pointing fingers rather than offering help and suggestions. (c)2006 Jason Bell. No unauthorized duplication permitted. (c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted.
  12. 7am. Cya tomorrow. (c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted.
  13. Either active or former. They might have already found enough people to interview. Details were in an email I sent to all jumpers last week. (c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted.
  14. I haven't checked lately, but have heard nothing about the water levels being abnormally high or low. We've had rain off and on in the last month, so I would assume there are some shoreline landing areas open. But it takes a near drought to expose the sand bar. PS. We have more injuries when the water is low. (c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted.
  15. I haven't met anyone who thought base jumps were all organized like BD. Maybe a whuffo, but not a jumper. I'd love to sit here tonight and type out my feelings on this forum, but I'm pretty busy right now with the BD event this weekend. Cya at the bridge. (c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted.
  16. When I started jumping, there were no real FJC's (except for cliff camp, which didn't last long). We learned from other experienced jumpers. So don't gasp in horror if someone doesn't attend a formal FJC. Many of us like to put BASE jumping on a pedestal. BASE jumping requires no real skills except quick thinking and reactions. Sorry to anyone who thinks that BASE jumping is some super-elite sport. (c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted.
  17. I made my 1st base jump at Bridge Day 1993. Did I not "deserve it"? Jumpers need to start somewhere and Bridge Day has always filled this need. Also, there are very, very few jumpers with less than 100 skydives, which is the standard prerequisite for your average BASE FJC. (c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted.
  18. The local TV station that aired the last 2 BD's to 1 million+ households will not be there this year. They weren't making any money. I think this year might be even better since the Bridge Day Commission is providing a feed out via satellite to anyone who wants it (for free). Bigger networks will pick up clips and interviews throughout the day. Things are still evolving. Stay tuned. (c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted.
  19. base428

    ride for bridge day

    Why don't you tell us your quicker route so we can all save some time? (c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted.
  20. base428

    ride for bridge day

    65 minutes from airport to Holiday Inn. Directions are here (c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted.
  21. There are 50+ TV crews, production companies, and professional photographers at BD. If you're active military and you'll get in trouble for jumping, then simply attending the event might be a problem for you. I've never heard of anyone getting in trouble for jumping at a legal parachuting event such as BD. It's ultimately up to you to do the research on whether your CO is going to have a problem with it. If so, don't do any interviews and keep your full face helmet on. (c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted.
  22. I'm being told that these four major networks will be airing some live shots of Bridge Day 2006, as well as live interviews with jumpers. They'll be shooting from the smaller bridge across the New River (1500' upstream) with long lenses and feeding it out via a satellite truck. The cool thing is that the Pentagon News Channel is fed to all our troops overseas. If you are attending Bridge Day and are in the military, please contact me ASAP. A reminder email regarding this along with other media requests will go out to all jumpers tonight. So, if you're not attending BD this year, keep an eye on these four networks for coverage. No guarantees on how much footage they'll each air. (c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted.
  23. 12 clamps? Are you packing 3 parachutes at the same time? Just curious why so many clamps. (c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted.
  24. base428

    NPS Permits

    I've received four permits for Bridge Day. Two of them (2003, 2004) are here: Here are two denials (one written, one on my answering machine): In my opinion, you need the help of your Congressman or lawyer to get a permit outside of Bridge Day. And I've already tried the Congressman approach (apparently he's got more important things to do). You might make more progress by organizing a packing protest or bugging your elected officials. (c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted.
  25. Even better than making a mount yourself, simply hold the damn thing in your hand. Then you can point it wherever you want. Grab your left toggle with a few fingers and the bullet cam still stays in your hand. I jumped BASE bullet cams 7 years ago this way. Also, try or for cameras. (c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted.