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Everything posted by dkpbxman

  1. Sign outside the shower tent at a boogie...?
  2. dkpbxman


    A friend of mine recently asked me about moving to the North Carolina area. He doesn't have any kids so schools aren't a factor but he wanted to know about home prices, taxes, dz's, upscale neighborhoods, climate, hurricanes, etc. Didn't know what to tell him. Any suggestions? Thanks
  3. My mom does stained glass also. This was her B'day present to me a few years ago...
  4. Dirt Cheap jumpsuit-jeans and a t-shirt Spend your $ on jumps.
  5. 10 years ago when I started on Long Island, it was 3 dope ropes then unassisted delays. Everything went perfectly until I developed a slow right hand turn at about the 30 second delay level. Couldn't figure it out and the JM couldn't see why from the plane. Had to spend a while in a wind tunnel before I was able to fall straight.
  6. Some people jump without a helmet with the audible attached only to their goggle strap. Most people wouldn't take the chance of losing a piece of gear like that, as goggles sometimes come off. You can jump without a "clock style" altimeter (some people jump without anything and rely solely on their eyes) but most people use that kind as their primary altimeter and the audible as a back-up. Being a student, you should probably err on the side of caution and use everything you can. No question is stupid!
  7. It's 10:15AM, supposed to start in about an hour. Give us up to 12".
  8. Jumping while chewing gum sounds like you're adding one more thing to the list of things that could possibly go wrong. Many people often, unconsciously, open their mouths while in freefall. We've all seen some of the goofy faces some people make. I can't imagine too many things worse than choking while at terminal speed. Why take the chance?
  9. Not only are they much less noisy and annoying, the constant buffeting of a full sail slider wears on the lines.
  10. "Turn the Radio Off" is one of my favorite CD's.
  11. No, that story is about some National Guard battalion Co. who supposedly ran naked around a barracks at Ft. Bragg.
  12. I used to know an A.D.A. (Assistant District Attorney) who grew up with Jerry Rivers-the guy was always a dick!
  13. If you want one from next door (Gardiner, NY) , send me the address
  14. If it's anything to do with helping Faulkner's murderer you should crack the window and shit on the protesters!
  15. Had a Triathlon 160 a few years ago and put a few hundred jumps on it. Got it for a bunch of different reasons, one of them being it's opening characteristics. Not sure where you got your info. but in all that time, while the openings were crisp and positive (the way I like them) I can't remember ever being slammed. It'll definately be one I look at for my next canopy.
  16. I don't anymore but I had a cat while growing up. He was a constant source of surprise. Your cat's moving things around sounds like she's trying to show you that she's still in charge and that those pesky humans are only good around feeding time
  17. My younger brother had a job at a video store (VHS) for a couple of years and for every Xmas, birthday or any other occasion marked by the giving of gifts, he would make a slew of copies of movies (instead of spending money) and give them out. I now have over 1000 VHS tapes. So many, in fact, that (like LP's vs. CD's) I couldn't begin to duplicate them. DVD's are better in many ways but I guess I'm just comfortable.
  18. Anything by Ray Bradbury-he's the best. Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Robert Heinlein, H.P. Lovecraft, Phillip K. Dick, Arthur Conan Doyle, Dean Koontz, Stephen King, Alan Dean Foster, J.R.R. Tolkein, Jules Verne and H.G. Wells are also great authors.
  19. Got the same thing also-- Sounds good but also sounds like something you'd hear from any p.r. dept.
  20. Worked the midnight shift with rotating days off for 16 years. I liked it because after work I was able to get in my car, drive for a while and get to the DZ pretty much in time for load 1. Actually prefered having my days off during the week because then the pace at the DZ was less frenetic and I was able to spend more time with each dive.
  21. dkpbxman

    PULL or DIE...

    I have two rigs. One has a cypres, one doesn't. I don't agree with it but I still hear some people brag "I'm good enough to save my own life. I don't need some machine to do it for me!" I know I don't need it but I want it. To each his own.
  22. The Statue of Liberty has come to mean a lot to many New Yorkers and immigrants in general. I say keep it but figure out a way to raise the other arm too.
  23. $15 to 13,500 at the Ranch if you're a club member-so far