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Everything posted by speedy

  1. Nice mounting but it does not eliminate the need for a cutaway system on the helmet. Dave Fallschirmsport Marl
  2. Who stole his party gear? See picture are end of the page Dave Fallschirmsport Marl
  3. Maybe you could get to Fucking in Austria a bit quicker using the bus in the attached photo. Dave Fallschirmsport Marl
  4. And of course there is Fucking, Austria. Dave Fallschirmsport Marl
  5. Of course, my mistake, I forgot the rules, power 1st Dave Fallschirmsport Marl
  6. What was the canopy size and wing loading? At our DZ the smaller student canopies are fitted with expert cypres. Students only get to jump the smaller canopies after a number of jumps on larger canopies fitted with student cypres. A small student canopy for example is a 200 sq ft navigator. Good to see cypres is working as designed. Dave Fallschirmsport Marl
  7. I am no expert, but I would have thought pulling the riser down so far that it can do that is counter productive. You are distorting the wing so much it can't fly properly. Other than not pulling it so far down I don't know how stop it from happening. Dave Fallschirmsport Marl
  8. Square canopies - I mean look at how many people are getting killed on them these days. Dave Fallschirmsport Marl
  9. So, you didn't check the spot before you jumped? Dave Fallschirmsport Marl
  10. It must be different here. After a year of advertizing at my local DZ I couldn't find anyone to buy my Velo at the cheap price of 300 Euros. So I gave it away for free. Dave Fallschirmsport Marl
  11. People skydive because cows can't. I can't seem to find out how much she weighs but I guess this one could at least do a tandem. Any TM's want to volunteer? http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/unleashed/2010/09/swallow-a-dexter-cow-named-the-worlds-smallest-cow.html Dave Fallschirmsport Marl
  12. Velocity 90 WL 2.0 ~ 12 m/s 40ft/s 26mph Nitro 108 WL 1.7 ~ 6 m/s 20/ft/s 13 mph readings from a Neptune Dave Fallschirmsport Marl
  13. Without the wide angle lens the picture seems to suffer a bit more from camera shake. Then again that's maybe something to do with the camera. Having said that, I prefer to film with the least wide of the wide angle lenses available. It helps me keep my distance from the idiots that I'm filming Dave Fallschirmsport Marl
  14. Thanks for the info. Sounds like just the ticket. I just now need to find a DZ in the UK that can help me do the paper work or maybe RAPA can help here in Germany? Dave Fallschirmsport Marl
  15. "then you just have to pay. " and how much? is it a per year thing. How long is a BPA license valid? Is membership of the BPA a requirement for the license to be valid? Dave Fallschirmsport Marl
  16. What would I need to do to get a BPA or a USPA skydiving license. I already have a German license with Instructor ratings and I am current with 2900 jumps. I don't need the instructor ratings on the BPA or USPA license, just the standard license everyone needs to be able to skydive. BTW I am a British national. Dave Fallschirmsport Marl
  17. That all I'm saying. It's just that I was starting to get the feeling from this thread that everyone should go out next weekend and try and land on rears because it's a useful skill to have. I know people with thousands of jumps that have never landed on rears and have also never hurt themselves. I just don't want some 100 jump wonder attempting to land on rears for the first time next Saturday on his newly downsized canopy with no training on what to expect because Ron lands on rears 95% of the time. Dave Fallschirmsport Marl
  18. Landing a canopy on rears only is not to be taken lightly, especially for someone who has never done it before. A friend of mine broke his back stalling his canopy on rears and was lucky he was not paralyzed for life. If you have your muscle memory well trained on flaring with the toggles you will probably find you are too aggressive with the rear input as you approach the ground. Stalling a canopy on rears at just 10ft from the ground can have serious consequences. With rears you have not bled off much of your forward speed which will lead to landing on you back (hint: A PLF does not work when your legs are in the air). Having said that, I agree it is a useful skill to have, but not something to try out for fun. Get suitable training and practice up high first. Dave Fallschirmsport Marl
  19. I have a Sony cx 115 and it is housed in a cookie composites box which was sold as the right size for the cx 115. I also use a Hype eye D pro. First zoom and focus. If you set the focus to manual while the camera is "zoomed out" and then the camera is "zoomed in", everything goes out of focus. So, although zoom and focus are two different things, zoom affects the focus. Hype eye and the cx 155. I have my hype eye programmed to "zoom out" when the camera is switched on using the hype eye. This function is only helpful if the camera was accidentally left in a "zoomed in" state. If something catches on the zoom button the camera can still end up being zoomed in despite what the hype eye is programmed to do. The Box and the cx 115. The cookie box is just the right size ( or a bit too small) for the cx 115. This means that the camera does not always sit in exactly the same place in the box. Further, there is a screw on the cover that sits right above the zoom button. Sometimes this screw was hitting my zoom button and leading to fully zoomed in, out of focus footage. I decided to go a lot more radical than dragon2 and taped up the zoom button completely so it is fixed solid. I also removed the offending screw on the camera box. I figured 2 instead of 3 screws should be enough to keep the cover on. The only thing that sounds odd from your description is that the "zoom in" takes place after 50 seconds. In my case the footage was immediately zoomed in despite the hype eye being programmed to zoom out. I would check again how the camera is seated and whether the zoom button totally free of anything that can move it. Dave Fallschirmsport Marl
  20. Video did not wait until the tandem canopy was open before pulling. If the tandem had a malfunction there would not have been a lot space between them. Just my 2c worth. Dave Fallschirmsport Marl
  21. Yes, get big wings, when you need them you'll want them to be bigger! But, if you have not jumped with big wings before ask someone with experience on them to give you a few tips on how they affect flying and what to do at pull time. You don't want to flip on your back at the same moment you deploy Dave Fallschirmsport Marl
  22. I have a cx 115. As for the quality, I can't see any difference. There again, maybe I need glasses Dave Fallschirmsport Marl
  23. I bought the raynox 3035 hd lens and only used it for a few weeks because of vignetting. It wasn't always there, mostly when panning left to right. Changed over to a liquid lens from cookie and the problem was solved. Dave Fallschirmsport Marl
  24. SoFPiDaRF ? Dave Fallschirmsport Marl
  25. Only problem is I am used to working in meters and not feet. Dave Fallschirmsport Marl