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Everything posted by MattM

  1. MattM

    What IMer?

    OK, I'm bored at work. Whatcha use and why? I like AOL, basically because all my local friends have it.. and thats about the only reason. Matt
  2. the answer to all your problems, it also has auto-fill which will fill out forms for you... nice. Matt
  3. Are they going to release this thing or what? Matt
  4. Its all good dude. But Cutaway wasn't all that gay of a movie. Matt
  5. Exactly Here is a FAQ on DVDs. Matt
  6. That can't be done, DVD uses a smaller wavelength of laser to make smaller pits in tracks that are closer together. The DVD laser must also focus more tightly and at a different level. Matt
  7. Exactly one year ago on this very day... thats when it all started... Just over 700 skydives have been completed since then and losts of knowledge gained. Thanks to all that have helped me along the way. Screw those that have tried to hold me back. My 2 year goal.... 2000 skydives. Matt
  8. I was about to say the same thing. Matt
  9. I'm in Cleveland on business this week.... and tomorrow night... THE FLATS. What else is there to see? Matt
  10. MattM

    my gallery

    That is skydive coastal carolinas. Matt
  11. MattM

    my gallery

    chhhhhheeeeeck it what do ya think of my pic gallery? Matt
  12. MattM

    Anyone Golf??

    If anyone needs to re-grip their clubs... I can get a set of Golf Pride grips pretty cheap. I work at the Golf Pride plant here in Laurinburg. Matt
  13. I don't have it, and have never seen it. But, I am making a video of my own, its about 25 min. worth so far. I'm shooting for 30min minimum. Matt
  14. While sitting at your desk, make clockwise circles with your right foot. While doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand. Your foot will change direction. Even when you try not to, your foot still changes direction. Matt
  15. in before the lock :) Matt
  16. How many drinks did he have to buy them to get that? Matt
  17. that thing looks exactly like a stiletto... Matt
  18. Are you still somewhat beneath them? Or are you off to the side on your belly? Matt
  19. I'm aware of these risks. My arms are fully extended and my face is chest level with the passenger on exit which would make it quite impossible for them to reach all the way down to my handles, unless the passenger is Shaq and has 4 foot arms. Matt