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Everything posted by Daizey

  1. I hope you decide to go back. All that money was given to you to help you pursue an education. If you don't go back and pursue it, its all wasted money. It coulda gone to someone else who really needed it and is still pursuing it *daizey*
  2. My St. Patrick's day is going to be ruined due to having to work at 8am the next day I think it's going to be an early night, grabbing some corned beef and cabbage (one of my all time favorite meals!) with a friend who's never had it. I already made some this week (My grandpa and I celebrated on monday even though he's 100% Italian and I am 1/2 irish) but I can always go for me!! I really want to go and drink some green beer since this is my first St. Patrick's day that I'll be "legal" on. But I think I'll hate myself in the morning! *daizey*
  3. Happy Birthday Lummy!! *daizey*
  4. Maybe cause it's still cold out? I know I dont like to shower then run out the door to class cause it's a good way to get sick. Or maybe it's just sheer lack of time. I've done it before. Gone to the gym and cut it close to class and had to run. I just showered when i get back from class. Plus its not exactly 5 minutes. Specially if you have long hair!! Or it could be cause they are lazy. i am guitly of that too. I've never really been too insecure about changing in a locker room. I was a swimmer for a few years and the idea of not changing in front of people never crossed my mind. However, I have many friends who will change in the stalls. Oh, one more reason for not showering...maybe not all of them have class afterwards and would prefer to go to their shower instead. I hate locker rooms. they are gross. Id rather go home sweaty and shower in my own shower than shwer in someone elses. And while you may look at the girls and think they will be thankful in 10 years, we're thinking, gosh if I keep up this weight lifting in 10 years I'll look great! lol *daizey*
  5. same here, i cant even read without my glasses on *daizey*
  6. I wish I was that way. I didn't put mine in this morning and was walking to class. i took my glasses off cause it was raining and put them in my pocket. then a friend of mine called me and it took me a few seconds to even realize who she was-from 5 feet away!! I love my contacts, but I would love to get lasik at some point in the near future as well *daizey*
  7. Godiva is gooooooood but way too expensive. The gift boxes she had give me were something like $80. I love chocolate, but not that much! So while I love it, I won't buy it and will instead go for my second favorite-Dove. Dark Chocolate. Yumm. *daizey*
  8. Bad bad BAD idea lol. I jumped in my bofriends sunglasses once on a high pull. I figured, oh big deal its only a 3 second delay it won't do anything. BAD idea. Luckily the one that fell out was on the inside of the sunglasses and I was able to put it back in, but it was so dried out it hurt for the first few minutes. I spent most of the time flying around with one eye closed. It sucked *daizey*
  9. I probably shouldn't say this cause they tell you not to do it, but I sleep with my contacts in all the time and have no issues. My eyes arent dry when I wake up, in fact, sometimes i forget I even have bad vision lol. I have 2 week acuvue II lenses....so i used to take them out about oh...every 2 weeks haha. I've been better about it and only leave them in for a a few days at the most at a time now. I've considered getting the extended wear lenses, but theyre also expensive! Whats funny is both of my brothers have contacts too. One is just like me and the other one cant even nap with them in. I guess it all depends on you eyes. Same goes with the need for rewetting drops. I rarely ever need them, but my brother needs them all the time. I do agree with everyone who said to make sure you wash your hands at first. I learned the hard way. But not just foods, I've gotten stuff like hairspray and all on my fingers and Omg that hurts! Also toothpaste after brushing my teeth then putting the lenses in. Ouch! Also, if you get tired, don't rub your eyes. This'll cause the lense to fall out or worse, get suck soemwhere in your eyes so you have to work to get it out (under the eyelid is always a favorite hiding spot for mine) One nifty thing about at least acuvue II's. When first learnign if they are inside out or not, hold it up to the light. Acuvues have the #'s 123 on them and when holding it the correct way, the numbers will be right site up
  10. I used to like anything. Chocolate was chocolate. Then, around Christmas my friend mentioned she worked at Godiva. She said they got an allowance of chocolate they were allowed to take home with them and that she'd give me a bunch to hand out as gifts as all of her family is now sick of chocolate. Of course I didnt give it all away. I kept a bit for myself and now im spoiled. I went to ate a hersheys bar last week and it tasted gross haha. Dove is a close second for me, but I have to say Godivas probaby my favorite. Although it's way too expensive for me to ever actually buy *daizey*
  11. I'm stuck in bed with pneumonia and my bf is half way across the country Does that count? *daizey*
  12. haha I'm right outside of NYC and it's still pretty snowy here too. We have about 2 feet and it hasn't stopped yet. I wish I had a camera with me right now, I can barely see out my window since its still blizzard-like here and on the bottom floor of the building I'm in, the snow is up to the windows. I wanna go out and play in it But I'm stuck in bed sick *daizey*
  13. smart! haha I'm so glad I got out of the city when I did last week. I'm supose to be heading down on Thursday though-maybe it'll be over by then. If not I think im bringing my rollerblades and picking up a pair for my mom too! *daizey*
  14. Yay! We're looking forward to seeing ya again
  15. We already have two rambunctious cats-i moved my cat from NY into the house in Ohio and the two of them are not gettng along! I can only imagine what an dditional dog and cat would do *daizey*
  16. Of course we do!! Come anytime and stay as long as you'd like!
  17. Oooh, I wanna come see your house Remi! Make ya a deal, you come visit us, we'll come visit you Sunny I hope the weather is ok so you can make it! I can't wait to see ya again
  18. I'm halfway done....just finished Teachine Reading II, Issues in multicultural education. and Newswriting. Today I have a literature final and then tomorrow I have Physical science The finals wouldn' be so ba if I didn't have a paper to go along with every one as well *daizey*
  19. depending on what you are shopping for, the deals are out there....you just gotta look. One particular place thats good to shop is amazon.com. They have more than just music and movies too, everything from jackets to toilet paper lol. Anyway, the great thing about them is that a lot of their items are eligible for free shipping if you spend over $25. And the $25 isn't just on one item-its whatever your shopping cart totals. i did lots osshopping through them this year!
  20. I'm flying to Ohio tonight to spend Thanskgiving with my boyfriend and his family
  21. Yes you do!! I'm sad now, my birthdays over *daizey*
  22. One of my biggest pet peeves is ANYTHING Christmas before Thanksiving. Ever since I was little I have always believed that we should not be allowed to celebrate Christmas until Santa Clause appears at the end of the Macy's Thanskgiving Day Parade *daizey*
  23. Ooops, I'm a little late, I haven't been on dz.com much at all this week! Happy Birthday Clay!!! *daizey*
  24. Hangover? What hangover? I feel great! What a great night! I got back to my room after having a great party at Jillians. I was up by 10:00 this morning feeling great, so my roommate and I decided to go to Red Lobster and order some more alcohol What a fun beginning to my birthday! And it's not over yet! Thanks for the birthday post, hon! I can't wait to see ya next week