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Everything posted by JohnRich

  1. It's a lot easier for light people to add a little weight, then it is for heavier people to slim down. And just because someone is heavy, doesn't mean they're fat. You can be heavy and not really have room to lose weight. And the name of the game is still "RW" - RELATIVE work, although many newbees seem to have forgotten that, or never learned it at all. You don't get to just fly at your own comfortable body position. You have to adjust to fall with the fastest guy, if you want to build formations.
  2. I think we need to distinguish between two different types of tunnels here. The typical back yard noisy tunnel is run by a big diesel engine and everything is prefabricated and mounted on a truck trailer. You just wheel it in, fire up the motor, and fly. If you're going to construct one from scratch, that's a permanent fixture, and with a few million dollars can run on an electric motor and be fairly quiet. So, you need to decide how much time, money and mobility your character has, to determine which of these two types of wind tunnels you want to use in your story.
  3. JohnRich


    That's what I was thinking. With all those loaded magazines sticking out of it all over the place it's got to weigh a ton. It would be a lot easier to carry those on a web belt around your waist, so that you would be able to hold the gun up to shoot it for more than 15 seconds.
  4. And if that is the kind that is going to be in this backyard then the author should be aware that those things are VERY noisy. They are powered by a large diesel engine running at high rpms. Every neighbor within a half-mile will be calling the cops to complain.
  5. Yes, but if you're doing 100 mph on the freeway you risk a hefty traffic ticket. Whereas sticking your hand out the window is free. That new 85-mph speed limit freeway by San Antonio has some possibilities!
  6. Of course, the movie takes place in the year 2093 - 81 years into the future. So who are these bozos to judge the future using old-fashioned 2012 knowledge? For all we know, those kinds of things will make perfect scientific sense 8-decades from now. And with the exponential growth in knowledge and technology, that's like flat earth believers saying; "Yeah, right, the earth is ROUND! OK, this is toooo funny!"
  7. The two dissenters: "JUSTICE BREYER, with whom JUSTICE KAGAN joins,dissenting".
  8. Well, if you're looking for a big poll thrill, go to Bonfire and vote in my "grocery store etiquette" poll. That's the most lop-sided poll I've ever seen. One person actually had the gall to vote in favor of store-shucking!
  9. Where I grew up in Virginia there was a farm at the bottom of the hill, and we would stop in there to buy fresh produce. I don't remember the price, but the you would order a dozen ears of corn, and the farmer would walk out into the corn rows right then and there and pick 'em fresh for you right off the stalks. And he would always throw in an extra or two, just to be a good neighbor. Time from stalk to dinner table was as little as about 30 minutes.
  10. JohnRich

    Used cars

    We can tell you still love her...
  11. Do you think that people who have been found guilty of non-violent misdemeanor crimes should be denied their Second Amendment rights? Now is your chance to "vote" and tell us how you feel about this.
  12. News:SAF Says New Chicago Ruling Bolsters 2A Momentum "A ruling overturning part of Chicago's Firearm Ordinance on Second Amendment grounds reinforces the principle that people should not be denied the exercise of their right to keep and bear arms even if they've been convicted of a non-violent misdemeanor, the Second Amendment Foundation said today... "The judge further wrote, "There is something incongruent about a non-violent person, who is not a felon, but who is convicted of a misdemeanor offense of simple possession of a firearm, being forever barred from exercising his constitutional right to defend himself in his own home in Chicago against felons or violent criminals. The same Constitution that protects people's right to bear arms prohibits this type of indiscriminate and arbitrary governmental regulation."Full story: Market Watch Meanwhile, whilst Chicago concentrates on keeping guns away from non-violent misdemeanants, the criminals are still running amok: 35 Hurt, 7 Killed in Chicago Shootings And Obama's buddy, Mayor Rahm, vows to keep the law on the books anyway, somehow, despite the judges ruling: Mayor determined to preserve city gun law despite judge’s ruling
  13. I didn't "have" to ask, I simply thought that it would be an amusing topic for conversation. Why don't you tell us what that "reason" is.
  14. Female, about 30-years-old, with three kids in tow.
  15. Re: Cupholders You don't want a cup holder on a rocking chair - your beer will slosh out all over the place. That's what end tables are for.
  16. It used to be a standard unwritten law that someone would follow a jumper down who was in trouble. But these days that mindset seems to have vanished. Maybe it's the high-speed canopies and lack of accuracy skills now that make it more dangerous to land off-airport. Maybe there's some selfishness in it too. The pilot I'm sure had his hands full just saving his own life. It wasn't his job at that point to worry about radioing someone about you. What policy or procedure change do you think should be implemented? It sounds to me like the only problem was with your own gear. Jumpers need to be hyper-sensitive about protecting their deployment handles, and making sure the pockets aren't loose. That's not a policy or procedure problem with the drop zone - that's a personal gear and jumper issue.
  17. By the ear - 4 for a $1, so it wasn't about trimming weight to save money.
  18. I saw something unusual in the grocery store the other day. I was buying ears of sweet corn on the cob at four for a dollar. One lady was shucking the ears of corn right there on top of the pile, leaving all the husks behind on top of all the other corn. I suppose she was inspecting it to make sure it was good, and then she put the already-shucked ears in her bag for purchase. A store clerk had to come along and clean up her mess, to allow other shoppers to find the rest of the corn underneath. Shucking the corn in the store never even occurred to be before - I always take it home and do it there. I can't remember the last time I ever got a bad ear that I could have discovered early by shucking in the store. So, is this rude behavior to leave a mess like that behind in the store for other shoppers and for a store clerk to clean up after you? Or is this just smart shopping to make sure of what you're getting?
  19. What's it made out of? Metal? Wood? I take it that those joints flex as you sit in it to conform to your butt? How much do you sell them for? Yep, need a high-back option. Rocking chairs put you to sleep, so then you need a high back for a head rest. And how about some cushions? You're ready for the "Shark Tank" TV show.
  20. Ask your questions, and see what happens.
  21. JohnRich

    What to do?

    Why doesn't your ex want the car in her name?
  22. Re: "Repukes" I don't think even Amazon thought of that one. She usually went for the cheap sexual references.
  23. NRA Rumor Control: The Truth About Indianans Legally Shooting Police Officers
  24. There may be airspace issues with that, but that's not what this topic is about. The question is if landing in a public park is trespassing, and I think it is not. The public is welcome there, and it matters not if you arrive by car, on foot, by boat or by parachute. As long as you don't endanger anyone while doing it. I'm reminded of a "bandit" jump someone made once into the Disney World park. He was smart enough to purchase an entrance ticket and carry it with him on the jump. Once he landed, park security arrested him, but they couldn't make trespassing charges stick because he had paid his fee to be there.
  25. A similar technique can be done while sitting by an open aircraft door while the plane climbs to altitude. You can stick your hand out the door into the wind blast, and by changing the shape of your palm and fingers you can feel which shape creates the most drag. And that's the most effective hand position to maximize the leverage you need from the wind on your hands to make yourself turn quicker. It's important info for old-fashioned style. It's interesting that you get more drag from spreading your fingers slightly apart, then by cupping them together. Yeah, you can do the same experiment out of a car window, but the speeds are slower.