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Everything posted by -Joey-

  1. Prove that you have the 1600 jumps you claim in your profile. I want to see a photo of your log book right now. Skydiving is serious business
  2. Other people shouldn't have to suffer because of that guy's decision not to care about his altitude. So a few can't handle the thrill of the camera. Doesn't mean they represent everybody. Skydiving is serious business
  3. Right. All the injuries and fatalities that happen every day due to cameras. And here I was browsing the fatalities database thinking about how many were due to low cutaways and low hook turns. Nope, turns out I was wrong, these were all secretly due to cameras and DZ is covering it up in the database. If only they didn't those extra 2 ounces of weight on their helmets their wing loadings would have been 0.001% lighter and maybe would have planed out sooner... Skydiving is serious business
  4. Who cares, there's no hard and fast USPA rule about cameras, only recommendations. My DZ only requires a B License to jump a camera so yes it is not uncommon to wear one of the 50th jump if you get your B by jump 50. This safety nazi crap on this forum is getting ridiculous. Also, learn to use the search feature. This dead horse has been beaten a million times. Skydiving is serious business
  5. -Joey-


    If you're still mulling over signing up now, just forget about it. It's popularity is waning, especially with younger generations. The only thing I really use it for now is easy login on other sites that have a "login using facebook" feature, such as commenting on news sites or whatever. Really the only reason I don't just delete my FB outright. Skydiving is serious business
  6. An internet troll? I won't deny that... Skydiving is serious business
  7. FWIW, and I don't know if you do this or not, but avoid the energy drinks / caffeine on your jump days. These will increase your heart rate (which may already be jacked anyway if it's your first AFF) which increases oxygen demand, and constricts blood flow to your muscles which also increases oxygen demand. Also, exercise can help. Exercising regularly will increase your aerobic capacity, which is just a way of saying your muscles will require less oxygen to perform the same action. Skydiving is serious business
  8. Are you brand new to the internets? People do things like that for lulz and shock value, but it's not meant to be taken seriously. I post outrageous things on various corners of the internets all the time that don't reflect my true inner feelings. If you're going to browse the parts of the web that rely on user-generated content, you better grow a thick skin and accept the fact that you don't have a right to not be offended. If you are offended, then I have some great news for you - nobody is forcing you to view the content you disagree with, and you can freely click the red X in the corner of your browser or navigate to a different URL! Skydiving is serious business
  9. Agreed; of all the things people bitch about, this is pretty retarded. Skydiving is serious business
  10. Is there a statistical correlation between "new jump season" and incidents? Maybe an article needs to be written about things to keep in mind when regaining currency... Skydiving is serious business
  11. The most effective way to support the troops is to not vote for politicians who are eager to send them off to fight unjust wars in foreign countries that pose no threat to us and then throw them away. Skydiving is serious business
  12. That's the level of your game? LOL, ok. And yet you can't argue it. Common, I want to know your thoughts. He created a surplus! The means by which he did it shouldn't matter, right? it's a surplus! Skydiving is serious business
  13. OP, the best advice I would give you is to pay no attention to the high and mighty canopy nazi's who love to post their fanatical diatribes on this forum. Downsize at a pace that YOU are comfortable with and think you can handle given your learning pace. When the self-righteous, holier-than-thou know-it-alls flock to preach to you about the evils of downsizing, you would be wise to ignore it. Skydiving is serious business
  14. My friend robbed a bank and created a budget surplus for his family. That makes him a good person, right? Skydiving is serious business
  15. Columbia has really gone down the tubes in recent years. They send me spam in the mail all the time begging me to transfer there. Skydiving is serious business
  16. I think the only way to determine that is empirically. Even for identical twins flying the same size and type of canopy, things like how in-trim the lines are will still make a difference, so there is no grand formula you can just stick a bunch of variables into. Skydiving is serious business
  17. How does that save money on Jet-A if the plane is still going to climb to 13,500 anyway? the weight of the jumpers is negligible compared to the weight of the airplane. I would think doing two jump runs would cause the plane to spend more time in the air. Skydiving is serious business
  18. Of course not; everyone is supposed to shout "DOOR" in unison, on a C major 7 harmony. Skydiving is serious business
  19. $25,000? I'll provide this service for only $10k! Skydiving is serious business
  20. I can center them with a laser :) I would just point them both at a far away wall and make sure the lasers are on the same horizontal. The wideness may be a problem with closeups though... Skydiving is serious business
  21. Lmfao... great justice bro Skydiving is serious business
  22. I guess I'm a douchebag as I see NIMBY (Not In My BackYard) as an option, particularly for smaller DZs that may not have the people to properly teach advanced canopy flight, but would prefer it phrased as "If they get hurt/die it won't be at my DZ." I've also been a douche and not sold a Stiletto to a guy with low jump numbers even though I was told "If you don't sell it to him, he'll just buy it from someone else." He probably did and I still have the canopy.
  23. Please refrain from telling people what they "want". You have no clue what they want and your use of derogatory terms, i.e., dinosaur-sized, implies smaller is better and that's not true by along shot. You are perpetuating a myth that smaller is better for everyone. YOU are one of the ones causing the "gotta downsize" and "gotta downsize fast" problems that lead to so many injuries. Let his local people handle it. Wrong I never said any of those words that you unjustly put into my mouth. Nowhere did I say "smaller is better." But it's fact that the very first rig a student uses for AFF level 1 is most likely not the size they'll end up using at jump 25 with stamped proficiency card in hand. If students typically go through one downsize (ie 240 to 220 or 220 to 20) between jumps 1 and 25 (as I've observed) then it's not a good idea to buy gear at jump 1 since they'll likely be on something else soon anyway. Skydiving is serious business
  24. Aww I wish I had seen that earlier and it's even on the top = better IMO. But the one upside to the fuel is that I had them put a mount on both sides, so if I get a second contour I can make 3D videos. Skydiving is serious business
  25. http://www.dvice.com/2013-5-22/barcelona-looks-build-space-hotel-anti-gravity-spa Skydiving is serious business