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  1. Lol! Mental part should be no problem for me! People are already telling me to be careful pretty much everyday.
  2. Thanks for all the replies! Appreciate it! Wolf, thanks so much for going into great details explaining everything. This has made me even more curious. I just wish I could start much sooner! But fire season is here and I have to be on call all of the time. So guess I'll have to settle chatting on the forum and doing more research until I'm free to do as I desire! Also one more question.... Once I get my license A, how may times a day is it possible to jump?[url]
  3. Yes... I know this is a extremely newbie question... But... I'm really trying to learn as much as I could about skydive as I won't be able to do it until around the fall. But my question are: -What make someone a good skydiver? Any specific features (size, shape, weight, etc...)? What ability help (strength? Flexibility? Agility?) -Why is skydiving not easy? I mean I always thought it was more about jumping out of a airplane and open the parachute. I know landing could be hard. But after so much research, I realize that not everybody can be Jokker Somme. So it must mean there's something that make it challenging, what would that be? -Any active beside skydiving (or any air active) that could help me get ready for skydiving? -Lastly... I may will get heat for this, but... Why are relative work popular? I'm curious because it seems incredibly popular. Yet When I look at it, I just think "oh man I'd hate that!" because it seems rather corny and take freedom of being able to do whatever in the sky away. I must have miss something, so can someone please explain this to me? Thanks for any replies.
  4. I'm 29 years old adventurer. I've always been a huge adrenaline junkie for as long as I can remember. I have always wanted to explore every square inches on the world, push limits in every possible way, and get my adrenaline kick in. I wind up doing kickboxer after high school, so I never really had the money or time to do much. Finally, last summer I got a job offer to become a wildland firefighter. I was in situation where I was super desperate for money. I took the job and end up loving it and making great money. So I decided it was time to chase after all other dreams I have... So I walked away from combat sport world. Now I'm eagerly waiting to be called to a fire and for the fire season to be over so I can finally start working on my skydiving license! There's not a day that go by now when I didn't look up at the sky and thinking about how great it must be to jump from the airplane! Biggest influence so far has been Roberta Mancino's two elements video!!! :)