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Everything posted by -Joey-

  1. Well, the web developers at Huffington Post seem to think it's a good idea to auto-play two separate videos at the same time when you visit the site, so people must be getting dumber... Skydiving is serious business
  2. Because you don't want to be on a student rig with a dinosaur-sized main after you're licensed and have a few jumps under your belt. Plus, you may want to get into more specialized disciplines such as freeflying or wingsuiting and what you decide to get into will have a big impact on your container and canopy choice. Skydiving is serious business
  3. Doesn't work. In fact, that would have the opposite effect. There are many things that the prohibition of constitutes the only temptation. Much better idea. I suspect newbies who want to get into swooping are just bored of doing regular vanilla skydives; the thrill of simply skydiving is over and they need some new gimmick to add to bring that spark back. We can fulfill that need with helicopter jumps, ballons, and wingsuits instead. That would cut the size of would-be new swoopers down to only those who really want to learn swooping over other disciplines, and they are more likely to want to learn the right way instead of just fudging their way into it. Plain restricting someone is the worst idea ever - they are just going to go to another DZ and pound in there and so nothing has been accomplished (I'm assuming nobody here is enough of a douchebag to say "I don't care if they die, I just don't want it to be at my DZ.") They are going to do it anyway, so it's better they learn how to do it correctly and responsibly than to be shunned and end up pounding in. Take a lesson from the idiots who preach abstinence-only sex-ed. The states that do that have the highest teen pregnancy rates for a reason - the kids who are going to do it anyway end up doing it irresponsibly instead of responsibly. Skydiving is serious business
  4. Warrantless surveillance, shredding of the 4th amendment, national security letters with gag orders attached, persecution of whistleblowers Skydiving is serious business
  5. Same reason you can't buy a canopy online and you actually have to download this archaic thingy called an "order form" and print it, fill it out, and mail it in. The skydiving world still relies on 1980's technology for everything. Skydiving is serious business
  6. But only having one winner becomes less and less likely as the jackpot goes up. Otherwise, it would be in every billionaire's interest to just buy every number and still make a profit when they win... Skydiving is serious business
  7. -Joey-

    Hartford, CT

    It's only a couple hours from Jumptown just go there Skydiving is serious business
  8. Help the families of loved ones and anyone who lost property rebuild? She cares so much about tragedies. She has such a huge heart for the children. I expect her to do something. Skydiving is serious business
  9. So... 24 children dead in Oklahoma, that's more than the Sandy Hook total. What's Dianne Feinstien gonna do about this? Oh that's right, nothing, because she can't exploit it for a power grab. Skydiving is serious business
  10. I wonder how much more traffic Geoguessr is getting today due to XKCD... My score is around 15,000-ish I don't have the link any more but I still have the challenge link: http://www.geoguessr.com/?s=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%3D%3D Anyone care to accept my challenge? Skydiving is serious business
  11. So we can expect to see Z-Hills pimped out with jet aircraft and free jumps for all for the next year? Cause I'd definitely head down there... Skydiving is serious business
  12. "Our Father, who art in heaven...." Now, tell me again about your scientific scrutiny. Well for one, if a person who claims to speak for God (or claims to be God) makes statements about our present reality, we can test the validity of those statements scientifically. It won't prove or disprove the existence of a god, but it will prove/disprove the authenticity of that person. Case in point: the mustard seed. Skydiving is serious business
  13. Because you know what a hero does in that situation? A hero makes sure the innocent person survives even if it means he gets shot. This guy did the exact opposite - he was so determined to not get shot himself he ended up killing the innocent person. Skydiving is serious business
  14. Your first reply was an ad hominem attack, which is essentially just saying "I have no way of refuting your actual content." It didn't sound like a valid inquiry. I don't think anything I said demonstrates that I'm uninformed. The behavior of this particular cop (which resulted in the death of an innocent person) correlates with the behavior I've noticed among cops in general. There was one criminal yet for some reason 8 shots were unloaded one of which killed the bystander. That's not the result of level-headed executive function; that's the result of panicky, reactive, fearful behavior and a "when in doubt go straight to the trigger" attitude that seems to be prevalent among law enforcement. Skydiving is serious business
  15. Did you not read my post? Skydiving is serious business
  16. Nor does he exist because people think he does. He either does or he doesn't, and the only way to discern which is so is to apply logic and subject religious claims to scientific scrutiny. When someone who claims to be the all-knowing creator of the universe says that a mustard seed is the smallest seed in the world, for example, we can determine the veracity of that claim with some simple measurements under a microscope. If the claim turns out to be false, they either weren't all-knowing, or were deceptive. What does the fact that promoters of religion don't wish to validate their claims that say about their credibility? Skydiving is serious business
  17. Eight shots, really? He was that scared that he fired eight times indiscriminately as soon as the guy even pointed at him? This is why cops don't have my respect. They are cowards. It always takes dozens of them to show up just to arrest one guy who is usually much weaker than even one of them; they whimper behind their huge riot shields and plethora of weapons but will never, ever be willing to go face to face with an equal or stronger opponent. Any cops out there reading this, want to prove you're not a coward? Go arrest a gang banger in some bad part of town by yourself, without all your buddies to back you up, no more powerful of weapons than what the gang banger has, no pussy ass riot shield to hide behind, no trigger happy indiscretion that puts innocents at risk, just a man to man confrontation with an equally-sized or stronger opponent, and then you'll have my respect. But as long as you keep showing up to crime scenes with the entire police force, guns blazing at both the guilty and innocent, and feeling so threatened at every drop of a hat that you have to empty your entire clip, I'll always regard you as cowards. Skydiving is serious business
  18. Fuck it. Ordered a Fuel. Skydiving is serious business
  19. Well the cheapest way would be to go to any college dorm and ask one of the yuppies for a hackey sack, then ask your grandmother to sew it onto your pilot chute for you... Skydiving is serious business
  20. http://www.paragear.com/templates/parachutes.asp?group=27&level=1 Skydiving is serious business
  21. Oh the Fuel is perfect But do I have the patience to wait until June... Skydiving is serious business
  22. I have a Contour ROAM and am about to reach the point where my DZ will let me start camera flying so I'd like to find the perfect solution for mounting a contour. Preferably something where I don't have to fudge some makeshift solution. I know Cookie makes a good Contour mount accessory (http://www.flycookie.com/shop/Accessories/93/index.htm) but it seems to be specifically designed for their full-faced G2 and G3. I can't seem to figure out how to decipher their labyrinth of mounts, flatlocks, and whatchamagizmos that you can order with their open-faced helmets and what exactly I need to order with say an ozone or rok or something to be able to used their contour mount. (I did find this helmet from Bonehead (http://www.boneheadcomposites.com/m8/208--versa-military-and-aviation-helmet.html) that looks like it has a contour mount on it, but I don't really like that helmet style and would much prefer Cookie...) Skydiving is serious business
  23. This is the best post I have ever read on DZ.... Skydiving is serious business
  24. Should have been a dead giveaway... Skydiving is serious business
  25. http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/dropzone/finder.cgi?lat=38.856820134743636&lng=-121.9482421875&rad=500&Submit=Search&search=addr Skydiving is serious business