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Everything posted by chuckbrown

  1. If they don't get prosecuted it'll be because the ATF decided not to make enemies of CNN, not because they don't have a valid case. This isn't a specific intent crime, i.e., one in which the violator specifically intends to break the law. This is a general intent crime, i.e., a crime in which the violator merely has to intend to do the act which broke the law. Ignorance of the law is not a shield. The police can break the law in furtherance of their police powers, e.g., purchase illegal narcotics to catch the dealers, but private individuals can't. I hope CNN gets hammered.
  2. Relax, it's normal. You're training your mind to operate in an environment that nothing in your life has prepared you for & a million years of evolution are saying not to do! The more you do it, the more comfortable you'll eventually become in your new environment.
  3. Here's another one.
  4. She was convicted of passing communications between her client & the terrorists; these weren't communications between her & the client which would be covered by attorney-client priviledge. Also, attorney-client priviledge only extends to communications undertaken in furtherance of the lawyer-client relationship, i.e., legal representation. She was not acting as a lawyer when she deliberately disregarded a judicial order that her client not communicate with his followers. Furthermore, had she been discussing her legal representation of her client in the videotapes they wouldn't have been shown to the jury. As is was, she was discussing matters outside of her legal representation, which are fair game. Think of it this way, if you tell your lawyer you're going to commit a crime, your lawyer has the right to report that statement to whomever he or she wishes. It's not covered by the privilege. This case is no different from cases involving the Mafia and their lawyers. This lawyer played with fire and got burned.
  5. Just curious Mike. Who's affidavit were you trying to submit & for what purpose? Was the person who signed the affidavit at the hearing with you? Personally, I think the judge shafted you. I've seen many cases where a party appears pro se & most judges cut them some slack unless it's an error that would cause the judge to be overturned on appeal. Good luck & I hope you're open for the Toadsucker Boogie.
  6. If you ever get this situation, tell your clients to file for bankruptcy. Your clients may have problems with feeling like they're deadbeats, but show them the money impact and they'll come around. Your clients will never save anywhere near the money by using a credit counselling agency than by filing for bankruptcy and the effect on credit is the same. Either way, their credit is trashed (and probably already was). Credit counseling? Your clients pay money but not as much as they were paying before, but more than if you or they negotiated the settlement. Bankruptcy? Your clients walk away from unsecured debt without paying a cent. Don't rag on me, I didn't write the law.
  7. Obviously, it was a very flawed study. People said medical bills forced bankruptcy. I'm sure that's what they reported, whether it's accurate is another thing. Also, the report doesn't disclose the total amount of debt & instead just looks at the medical bills. It's the total amount of debt that matters.
  8. You don't have to be destitute to file bankruptcy. In fact, bankruptcy law is designed to allow you to file for bankruptcy before you're in the poor house, and will permit you to shield lots of assets from creditors. The $11,000 in medical bills everyone is citing is probably in addition to all the normal bills that we associate with being middle class (credit cards), and the respondents to the survey may not have wanted to admit that credit cards pushed them over the edge. Personally, my experience with bankruptcy clients is it's almost always credit card debt that causes a consumer bankruptcy filing. It's very easy for middle class people to have negative net worth (debts exceed assets) in which case you're a prime candidate for bankruptcy relief. And you don't have to be out of work to file. The mechanics of bankruptcy law are much different from the moral aspect of walking away from your bills, but that's exactly what the law allows. We've come a long way from debtor's prisons.
  9. No, here's a lawyer who doesn't have any clients coming in the door. Just funnin' ya.
  10. Unlike local law enforcement in the US, Federal agencies have very minimal accountability to the people they "police." Thus, they have no incentive to be co-operative if they don't want to be. Good luck dealing with a Federal bureaucrat with a chip on his/her shoulder. The best bet for jumping National Parks is making a concerted effort to establish personal relationships with the appropriate decision makers. There's obviously a lot of bad blood (historically) between the BASE community and the NPS which makes establishing such personal relationships difficult. This fact alone just demonstrates what a tremendous accomplishment Bridge Day is.
  11. Oh, I think the news is very cool. You can't help but notice the change brought about by Abbas, though. Apologies for sounding like SC.
  12. Nah, he just can't hear that kind of music.
  13. Yasir Arafat made a great contribution to peace in the Middle East: he died. What a difference.
  14. Hopefully he'll get to MOH. Small consolation, but deserved.
  15. Dude, you had me going. I thought you meant he was doing CRW. "I don't do BASE, I don't do CRW, and I try to stay out of the Mosh Pit." Handsome Dave.
  16. Considering what you've been doing to test the ankle, you'll be fine. Just do it & get it behind you. BTW, I've got 2 screws in the tibia and a plate and 6 pins in the fibula (or is it the other way around). Yes, from skydiving.
  17. By & large a good article. I do dispute his claim that Vietnam never invaded a neighboring country until after the U.S. left. The North Vietnamese occupied a large part of southern Laos & eastern Cambodia during the U.S. war. I'll grant that Sihanouk permitted the NVA to be in Cambodia, but they remained after Lon Nol took power. As for Laos, it was "invaded" pure and simple. Hitchens is still one of my favorite columnists.
  18. chuckbrown

    Fireefox Qs

    Firefox will save downloads to whereever you specify. It also has a neat little download manager that allows you to open the program right from the manager. Firefox rocks. Now if I could just install it at my work computer.
  19. Definitely get your instructor's advice, but Triathlons are great canopies all the way around. It's a canopy that you can learn on & also grow into. Canopies don't kill pilots, pilots kill themselves.
  20. Go to the Drudge Report. This is too funny!!!! Now they're going to behead GI Joe. Edited to correct mi speling.
  21. My bad. I thought I was in Speaker's Corner.
  22. No not every one who graduates law school is a "lawyer." All states require "lawyers" to pass the bar exam, after which you're a "lawyer." I've worked as a lawyer for the 10 years since law school & have won multi-million dollar jury verdicts. What have you done? Oh, and by the way, your ability to pass the LSAT means nothing when it comes to being a lawyer. You can be the smartest person on earth and still be a lousy lawyer.
  23. Just studied from the book w/o a class. Don't remember what I got (it was 14 years ago), but I'm a lawyer, so it worked out. Good luck.