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Everything posted by DBCOOPER

  1. Didn't know who he was when I was a student at Moton. Now we have to split his gear.
  2. I had one. It tried to kill me. I wouldn't jump a Sabre 170 if it was the last canopy on earth.

    Introducing The Kraken

    Every time you deploy you're sure to get a Kraken...
  4. Contract towers want the operations count to justify the tower...
  5. Didn't realize this happened in 2014. Should probably be moved to safety and training. http://aerossurance.com/safety-management/usaf-parachute-skyvan/?fbclid=IwAR3LUPKn5OrVlrU5YcWxH7J0HPiFsvpXk2UT6I2sYax9jyNPH9dW76IuQWA
  6. The Air and Space Museum would be perfect. And more realistic to accomplish. Replying to: Re: Stall On Jump Run Emergency Procedure? by billvon If the plane is unrecoverable then exiting is a very very good idea.
  7. No, his information is not wrong. You refuse to accept the manufacture's information. Replying to: Re: Stall On Jump Run Emergency Procedure? by billvon If the plane is unrecoverable then exiting is a very very good idea.
  8. I love these trips down memory lane. I wonder is old Awizrd has his D yet... Replying to: Re: Stall On Jump Run Emergency Procedure? by billvon If the plane is unrecoverable then exiting is a very very good idea.
  9. My next poll will be how many skydivers can read and comprehend instructions. Replying to: Re: Stall On Jump Run Emergency Procedure? by billvon If the plane is unrecoverable then exiting is a very very good idea.
  10. Well there are over 30,000 could give a shit less who is on the board. Replying to: Re: Stall On Jump Run Emergency Procedure? by billvon If the plane is unrecoverable then exiting is a very very good idea.
  11. An astounding number (5899) voted in the BOD election Replying to: Re: Stall On Jump Run Emergency Procedure? by billvon If the plane is unrecoverable then exiting is a very very good idea.
  12. Simple straw poll in honor of US election day. Simple yes or no without any discussion. Replying to: Re: Stall On Jump Run Emergency Procedure? by billvon If the plane is unrecoverable then exiting is a very very good idea.
  13. Well, if you really must know, I brought this really nice hash back from Costa Rica Replying to: Re: Stall On Jump Run Emergency Procedure? by billvon If the plane is unrecoverable then exiting is a very very good idea.
  14. In 18 years I have only been to one DZ that had a protocol for checking in after every jump. Carolina Sky Sports gave you a laminated card when you waivered in, that had you name and weight on. When you went to manifest you gave them your card and after the jump you walked back to the building and your card would be in a rack. If you failed to get in a reasonable amount of time they would page you. Simple system, worked well, no extra personnel required. It was the system they had in place and everyone complied. Replying to: Re: Stall On Jump Run Emergency Procedure? by billvon If the plane is unrecoverable then exiting is a very very good idea.
  15. Have you ever dealt with them? Just had a 7711-2 rejected because due to some internal checklist they want this statement in line 6. "Authorization is requested in accordance with § 105.21 and 105.25. Well no shit that's why I submitted the form. Not in any instructions anywhere. Ok, makes sense, but don't keep it a secret. Want and authorization to do a demo in the Philly Class B? Better start 6 months in advance and and be prepared for final disapproval the week of. Bunch of drones that most of will do anything to not have to do their job. Replying to: Re: Stall On Jump Run Emergency Procedure? by billvon If the plane is unrecoverable then exiting is a very very good idea.
  16. Grommet to pin and dynamic corners are quite common in wing suiting. No issues when packed that way for belly. Replying to: Re: Stall On Jump Run Emergency Procedure? by billvon If the plane is unrecoverable then exiting is a very very good idea.
  17. Just curious as to how fast your falling and what is the wing loading? Replying to: Re: Stall On Jump Run Emergency Procedure? by billvon If the plane is unrecoverable then exiting is a very very good idea.
  18. All around good guy, load organizer and Pa and NJ POPS and SOS record organizer. Come join us at Cross Keys on 15 Sep 18 for some memorial jumps and celebration of the Bald Guy. Replying to: Re: Stall On Jump Run Emergency Procedure? by billvon If the plane is unrecoverable then exiting is a very very good idea.
  19. You're kidding right? "inform not enforce" translates to "I can do whatever I want because I wont get in trouble for it anyway". Imagine if the police only 'informed' citizens about the laws they broke and not actually enforced any of them. The FAA needs to step in the other direction and start handing out larger fines, revoking pilot licenses, and grounding aircraft permanently. What do you think would motivate a DZO more to do maintenance, threat that the FAA will come over to them and 'inform' them about the FARs they broke, or threat that the FAA will fine them six figures and ground their entire fleet? Hey, Mr I know everything about everything, when was the last time you were ramp checked? Do you have any idea what is involved? Of course you do because you know everything about everything. ( Don't delete me yet Bill). Besides the paperwork they usually check seat belt labels and a do walk around. So if you have your ticket, medical,air worthiness, registration weight and balance and owners manual its as far as they can go. So if the owners manual(operating manual in newer planes) is missing they won't make an enforcement action they will tell you you need it and not shut you down. The new kinder FAA Now if you an asshole, or the fed is a dick, or there are obvious deficiencies in the plane they can call you in with a request for log books. At that point they are no longer the new kinder FAA. So get yourself an airplane,start flying jumpers and join the fun. Replying to: Re: Stall On Jump Run Emergency Procedure? by billvon If the plane is unrecoverable then exiting is a very very good idea.
  20. Every NTSB skydiving related accident back to 1995. https://www.ntsb.gov/_layouts/ntsb.aviation/Results.aspx?queryId=92898a77-0845-4454-8de3-d92819573b8b Lots of 182s, lots of self induced accidents. Replying to: Re: Stall On Jump Run Emergency Procedure? by billvon If the plane is unrecoverable then exiting is a very very good idea.
  21. So how many riggers have ever been blamed for anything? Lost their ticket? Replying to: Re: Stall On Jump Run Emergency Procedure? by billvon If the plane is unrecoverable then exiting is a very very good idea.
  22. If you insist.... https://petlifetoday.com/best-gps-dog-trackers/ Replying to: Re: Stall On Jump Run Emergency Procedure? by billvon If the plane is unrecoverable then exiting is a very very good idea.
  23. I understand the argument and it's probably a good one but consider this: Every time the pilot does a preflight -which is required by the regs- he is certifying that the aircraft is airworthy. The same thing doesn't apply in skydiving....there isn't always a Certificated Individual on the hook, passing the liability from hand-to-hand for that particular flight (jump). Where did you get that? A preflight does not certify anything except the pilot is willing to fly it. There is no sign off for a preflight.There are so many things a pilot can not see or never been trained for that could kill them that doesn't show on a preflight. Rental pilots never even see the sign off for the annual or 100 hour unless they are taking a check ride. Replying to: Re: Stall On Jump Run Emergency Procedure? by billvon If the plane is unrecoverable then exiting is a very very good idea.
  24. "With the number of people who have lost canopies" I don't know anyone. Know a few that melted them on a four wheeler. one on a barbed wire fence, and one caught in a boat prop but none lost due to a chop. I'm sure it happens in certain locations but it seems like a solution looking for a problem. Replying to: Re: Stall On Jump Run Emergency Procedure? by billvon If the plane is unrecoverable then exiting is a very very good idea.