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Everything posted by Born2Late

  1. People came to these shores for a clean slate. Rampant sexism persists in France specifically because the majority of French society wants it to. You could put a hundred OPs over there, whining for a year straight. It wouldn't change that.
  2. Then you're not listening. I'm not surprised. Carry on, carrying on...
  3. "Eh, people said that about the US 50 years ago. Then people started demanding change. And it worked." You want to compare our unique country w/age old Europe??? Apples & Oranges, BV. I do remember watching a Youtube vid a few years ago. Young people were peaceably protesting w/a sit-in in Denmark. The police rolled up & clubbed them like seals... France's sexism is very well entrenched. It isn't going anywhere. That country has far bigger problems on its hands than the OP's crying about her perceived wrongs.
  4. Option 1- If you were a global problem solver? I think you'd know by now... Option 2- Sexism is equally oppressive everywhere in the world? Who is the sexist??? You picked a European bastion for it. Deal w/it. You missed one option altogether: Option 3- Step up & excel in your professional life, anyway. If you could do that. I think you would have. Accept it, keep beating your head against a wall, or leave. I really don't care which, & neither does France. You want respect? Earn it. Nobody respects a Whiner.
  5. "That's about the dumbest argument I've ever heard... Right back at you, mate! If people do not speak out, nothing will ever change. I applaud people like Nataly who stand up for themselves." Your opinion is duly noted... Speak out all you want to France. You ain't gonna change shit. You can either keep beating your head against the wall. Or, you can leave. France won't give a crap either way, & neither will I. I never said I supported sexism. I never said I think it's right. However, it most certainly IS entrenched in France. Lotsa Luck w/that.
  6. "That's about the dumbest argument I've ever heard... Every place on earth has it's flaws..." You chose to move to a culture w/VERY entrenched sexism. What did you think? That they were going to change for you? Quit your crying or move. France isn't going to change anytime soon.
  7. You chose to live in another culture. You knew what they were like, going in. You don't like it? Leave. Quit your crying. They might call you a little girl.
  8. Meh...penis-envy runs deep. Shah, Are there future plans to remove the hardware? Is there a lot of calcification surrounding the hardware? The nerves run through tight spaces in your calf. It doesn't take much to impinge them. Inflame a nerve, & it can fire for months. Inflame it long enough, & it may never stop hurting. You've got good insurance, right? Have you seen a Neurologist yet? Phantom pain is from an amputated limb. Your pain is real. Nerves can behave in ways that defy logic. Inflame one through exercise, & it could fire several hours later. I say run this by a good neurologist. They deal w/this sort of thing. It's only a nuisance aside for your Ortho. Good Luck, brother.
  9. RIP, Ernest. Thanks for all the fond memories
  10. "Why, Mr.Shah?!" "Why do you persist?!" Because I choose to .
  11. I agree w/Degeneration. You should talk w/your instructors. It's not the size of your chute that matters. It's how well you fly it. We're not all born w/300 Navigators. Given enough coach jumps & practice, though. We can all still soar like Eagles. Fly better. Eat more bananas .
  12. Holy Duck Crap, Carsten?! Ouch! I'm sorry for your pain, my friend. All that from 160mph??? Earlier this week. I figured out how to go head-down trying to catch some guys. Twice, I managed to go vertical. Twice, I backed right out of it. My rig isn't freefly friendly. I was afraid something bad could happen. Ooph! That looked rough. It tore it up like that, but didn't break your back? If I ever get the mad urge to go head-down again w/my current rig. I'll think of your experience. I'm glad you (finally) healed completely.
  13. RIP, Andy. We salute you :
  14. I was going to say that this thread needs some pix. I've changed my mind... OUCH !!!
  15. They look bigger than the American rigs I'm used to seeing. You're 6'1"? I'm only 69". That thing would be hanging halfway down my thighs . Go get 'em, killah.
  16. I thought that artwork looked familiar. I saw it randomly cycled a day or so ago in the photo section. Holy Crap!! Carsten. That thing looks big enough to hold a VW in it?! That has got to be the biggest tandem rig I've ever seen. Are you exceptionally small of stature?
  17. If memory serves correctly. That guy has been caught pulling a number of shady dealings o'er the years. The Rudy story contains a lot of untruth, as well.
  18. Usually the pix/vid from your area of Germany are beautiful. Big, disgusting, fugly, gonna rain clouds? Hell, I've got those damn things outside MY window most of this week... Carsten, please revert to lovely, green pastoral views.
  19. You should be happy, Shah. A new generation of smaller nuclear arms may result from this. It's good for business... You can't really be saying you don't see the potential benefits to better understanding of sub-atomic particles??? Come on, Shah.
  20. I gotta go w/this. Swing music is great. Piping it through a bunch of synthesizers??? BLYUCK!! Crazy kids. Get your own music.
  21. "Does this also happen in the US?" Yes Abedy. There are MANY Filthy Animals in the US, too. To the OP: I only shuck when I jive. Still, some clearly appreciate having the can there for them. No harm_no foul.
  22. Some people buy the corn as fresh as possible. They stop in on their way to the cookout. The garbage can is a courtesy for them.
  23. Had someone pull a thousand feet higher than they said they would. She also tracked up the jump line before pulling. That wasn't so much fun... A near-miss at about fifty feet .
  24. Born2Late


    Oh no... I've been eating yogurt by the quart for years!!