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Everything posted by ryoder

  1. "Record" inflation? Take a look at 1917-1921, 1947, 1974, 1980, then compare that to recent years. Historical Inflation Rates: 1914-2023 Yearly average graphed:
  2. But will his ego let him skip an event with live television cameras?
  3. The emotional trauma of seeing Bud Light go woke?
  4. Can't you see it, Everett? Them sirens did this to Pete. They loved him up and turned him into a... horny toad. Pete! Pete! Pete!
  5. Disgusting. We all know that in every verified mermaid sighting, they have all been white!
  6. Damn! She cleans up pretty good!
  7. Ever heard of recycling nuclear waste?
  8. Third nuclear reactor reaches 100% power output at Georgia’s Plant Vogtle Didn't think I'd ever see news like this again in the US.
  9. I am really wondering how she will vote, considering one of the allegations is: Paxton accepted a bribe by Paul's employment of a woman "with whom Paxton was having an extramarital affair", and in return Paxton used his office to help Paul Source: Wikipedia: Ken Paxton
  10. ryoder


    Politico: Russia issues arrest warrant for Lindsey Graham over Ukraine comments Well, I'm open to the discussion of an extradition.
  11. Oh, for chrissake! Jan. 6th Convict Wants $370M From Parler for Banning Him Troy Smocks was sentenced to 14 months in federal prison and banned from the now-dormant social network Parler after he made violent threats on the app in the wake of the January 6th riots. Now Smocks is suing Parler for $370 million, accusing the company of violating a controversial Texas law which bars social media platforms from censoring users for their political beliefs.
  12. And hexavalent chromium in the drinking water.
  13. Texas House votes to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton 149-members in the House. Vote was 121-23, (2 present, 3 absent).
  14. TX House set to vote on Paxton's impeachment today at 1300. They aren't slow-walking this! NYT: Impeachment Vote Set for Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton: What to Know
  15. The collapse is getting dire: Electrek: Tesla Model Y is now the world’s best-selling car, first EV to do so
  16. Dayum! How corrupt do you need to be, to be recommended for impeachment by your own party? Ken Paxton just found out: Texas lawmakers issue 20 articles of impeachment against state Attorney General Ken Paxton
  17. FAFO: NYT: Oath Keepers Leader Is Sentenced to 18 Years in Jan. 6 Sedition Case
  18. And these are the loonies who want to rule the populace: Georgia GOP Chair Goes Full Flat-Earth, Says Globes Are Part of a Conspiracy
  19. E Jean Carroll filed two lawsuits against Trump. The first was filed in 2019, and it still pending. The second was field in 2022 under the new NY Adult Survivors Act, which makes exceptions to the statute of limitations. That was the one which was just concluded in her favor. Well, there has been an update to the 2019 suit: E. Jean Carroll Seeks Additional Damages After Trump’s CNN Town Hall Reference on the suits: Wikipedia - E Jean Carroll - Defamation Lawsuit
  20. ryoder


    Leaked U.S. Report Says Basic F-16 Training For Ukrainian Pilots Could Take Just Four Months OK, but what about: 1) Mechanic training. 2) Stockpiling parts. 3) Acquiring maintenance equipment.
  21. ryoder


    Is Putin going to stamp his feet and threaten to hold his breathe if Ukraine gets F-16's?
  22. ryoder


    I had not heard of that, but here is an article about it: 24 combat-ready F/A-18 Hornets are aging unused in Australia
  23. In my late teens, I knew a guy who like to take an acid trip on the weekends. One Monday evening he was coming down from a trip, and came to the realization that earlier that day (while still under the influence), he had visited the local recruiting office and made preparations to sign up for the army. That scared him so bad, that he swore off of acid.