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Everything posted by wmw999

  1. What, besides your faith that you’re right, differentiates the self-sacrifice of martyrs for Islam from those for Christianity? Do you think Muslims are convinced by the devotion of their martyrs? Wendy P.
  2. And, again, what does it mean about God’s stated love if no supernatural manifestation ever happens? That’s why I reject the personal salvation piece of Christianity. It’s too specific, and leaves out entire classes of people. Not to mention that people in one “saved”‘church can definitely reject people in another as not being saved in exactly the right way. Nite that I’m not arguing for the non-existence of God; any supreme being whom I can comprehend or wrap my head around probably isn’t very supernatural Wendy P.
  3. I’m sure they didn’t. But how much fun it probably was, and everyone there will remember that day. A real “I was there” moment. Wendy P.
  4. Too many of his people admire him for that. Because, in their view, they've lost over the last 50-70 years. They've lost the ability to call someone an n-word, or boy, or to call a woman babe, or grab her butt, or tell Polack jokes. They've lost the beloved high school mascots. They've lost the knowledge that most of the jobs they were interested in only hire some people -- i.e. people who "fit in" (and aren't likely to complain about boys-will-be-boys jokes and gestures). The standards of polite society have changed in that time, and people who knew they were superior because of the identifiable inferiority of minorities and women, whom they could insult without considering in any way. So why wouldn't they admire Trump? He demonstrated what it takes to go back to being Bubba -- money, and a complete lack of inhibition. Wendy P.
  5. At the moment, Houston would almost welcome a hurricane. No rain in roughly forever, and 100+ temperatures (remember Houston specializes in humidity) for most of the last couple of months. Wendy P.
  6. The thing I find troubling about the "personal experience" approach is the experience of (for example) Mother Teresa, who said that she felt separated from God for much of her later life. As well as the people who have had saving experiences, but ended up in bad, abusive, churches, and people who want to have saving experiences, but never have. Are they rejected by God? It sounds as though the personal acceptance is up to God, and no matter how one opens one's heart (or tries to), God can still reject them, simply by not proving the "proof." Wendy P.
  7. Jay, how do you reconcile the changes in science, knowledge, society, which make life as we know it today far less dangerous than it was, say, 2000 or 250 years ago, with a literal reading of either the Bible (which varies even from translation to translation), or the US constitution? The humans who wrote them down were limited by the knowledge and society of their world, just as we are by our world. Wendy P.
  8. And it’s equally why an atheist doesn’t do much good telling a believer about their beliefs, either. To me, the discussion of theology as an intellectual construct is just fine. As a discussion of what’s right and what’s wrong, that’s a little more arrogant — because it’s saying that a wise human knows God. And if God is as far from our plane as all of the divine scriptures make them appear, then we don’t know shit. What I know is the amorphous mess that feels comfortable to me, and I know that’s all it is. Wendy P.
  9. However, that constitutional republic uses democratic elections to select most leaders. According to its constitution. If people who don’t share your religious and political values outvote your, is that valid? And what differentiates it from “mob rule?” Because sometimes they will Wendy P.
  10. Lately, where I live there’s been a contentious school board issue. Things have gotten testy, and now several members of the school board have resigned due to relentless personal attacks and threats. I’m saying this because lately in here the line between calling someone’s argument wrong and calling them an asshole has gotten to be very fine indeed. And while there are other venues where anything goes, this still isn’t one of them. Sangiro said to consider it as though it were his porch. That still applies. Attack the idea, not the person. And it’s better to come up with an actual countering argument, instead of did not-did too, or nyah-nyah-nyah Wendy P.
  11. And a good morning to you. I’m sitting out on a dock, looking at a pond, so it is a good morning Wendy P.
  12. One can but hope. But after the debate (I’ll admit I didn’t watch it — no TV where I am right now, and no desire regardless), I’m not so sure. Wendy P.
  13. It’s what I’m scared of, and what they probably hope we’re scared of. Nothing like bullies running the country, eh? Wendy P.
  14. Number 1: I’d expect that damage visible on opening in a dz-packer packed canopy to be the DZ’s responsibility, barring Supra-terminal openings or something like that. But the rental agreement may have said something different. Were you solo jumping, or did someone watch your exit and opening? As far as the second, shit happens to everyone. I don’t know how busy the DZ is, how often the rigs are in use. So I don’t know. Wendy P.
  15. He’s a veteran, very possibly a combat veteran if I recall at. Very different thing. Really. Wendy P.
  16. I can believe it. Worst I did was drag off a diamond from a 182 right at 2000. But we split after that. Very few dirty low-pulling women out there. I don’t think it was our thing Wendy P.
  17. I went to a big engineering school. There was enough time if you were dedicated. Wendy P.
  18. My only funny hat is one of the hiking hats with a flap that hangs down over your neck for more protection. It’s a real fashion statement Wendy P.
  19. Pretty much every encounter is just an opportunity to talk past each other, raising one’s points. Interviews, news conferences, town halls. Everyone reacting to the questions they wish had been asked, or the situation they’ve prepared for, instead of what’s actually happening in the world. Its much better theater, and gets more views Wendy P.
  20. wmw999


    Trump is aspirational power for Maga-types. Putin is aspirational power for Trump. Wendy P.
  21. wmw999


    Why do you rely on videos for information? They’re just about the worst thing. Wendy P.
  22. 40 years ago they were illegal immigrants. I believe it was the Fox spin machine that jammed it over to aliens. Wendy P.
  23. Integrating the military was a diversity effort; adding women during WW2, no, but the expansion of available jobs over the years, yes. That seems to have worked, too. Just because we're used to something doesn't make it perfect Wendy P.
  24. From something by some chess dude in The Conversation (at least as authoritative as Youtube) Wendy P.