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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/15/2019 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    The President and CinC is responsible for making clear to all foreign nations and other groups that messing with the internal affairs of the United States will have serious consequences. Instead, he’s basically inviting everyone in provided it's to his benefit. The man is unfit for the office.
  2. 1 point
    The best thing Canada could do to reduce gun deaths is to stop the overflow of illegally imported weapons from the world's largest arms dealer. You.
  3. 1 point
    There were 824 unintentional gun deaths in 1999, and 482 in 2015. "Taking into account population growth over that time, the rate fell 48%." "Experts attribute the decline to a mix of gun safety education programs, state laws regulating gun storage in homes and a drop in the number of households that have guns." I know you're not interested in stats and facts, so I guess you can just attribute that decline to all those thoughts and prayers you guys keep talking about. In Canada however, they just keep happening over and over and again and again without any improvement over the last 5 years or so. You guys may want to start doing something about that.
  4. 1 point
    It's easy these days. Americans have been dumbed down for decades with reality TV and sensationalism. I get really depressed when I think about the state of reality in this country. People obsessed with the Kardashians or the Bachelor or The Apprentice...meanwhile I haven't met a single right winger who can point to Benghazi on a map (I've tried this experiment more than a few times), though they're utterly convinced that something nefarious happened there because Hillary. This is a result of sensationalism and half-baked conspiracies. They gain so much traction with people who have been dumbed down to believe the "reality" productions they are seeing on TV are based in reality. I think these things are tied together. My entire family is convinced that Trump is some great businessman based on his TV persona, when all the available evidence points to his riches coming mainly from his father's business acumen, along with his propensity to engage in shady and illegal financial arrangements and outright tax fraud. So all these foreign governments have to do is make the wild accusations...the creatures on the right wing will do the rest of the legwork for them. Fuckin Space Force...are you kidding?
  5. 1 point
    Not interested in seeing if this thread can get any worse.
  6. 1 point
    Children, behave. Don't you have some some stupid Canadian firearm accidents to deal with? They keep happening again and again and over and over. . .
  7. 1 point
    The Prince of Whales (photo attached) issued a statement confirming the Dotard is a moron.
  8. 1 point
    It's also unfair that the woman takes all of the physical risk for a pregnancy. The woman is more likely to take the financial risk for the pregnancy than the man as well. Many men share the risk; few take it on alone. The woman is more likely to take sole care of the child than the man is. Again, they may share, but the chance of the man taking over all care of the baby and leaving the woman alone is not as great as the other way around. The woman is more likely to take a job/lifestyle hit because of taking care of the child. Not solely, but more likely. There is a pregnancy, for which the woman takes the overwhelming majority of the risk. There is the baby, for which the woman, statistically, in the US, takes a disproportionate amount of the responsibility. People are VERY willing to say "well, she should have thought of that first." So maybe the man should have thought of it first before having his "choice removed" by the woman making a decision with her doctor. In a responsible relationship, a decision not to carry a pregnancy to term would involve the father as well. Of course, so would the care of the child. Life isn't perfect. Religious beliefs are that. They are based on faith, not on evidence. So, no, life isn't fair. Wendy P.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Depend how much mass you have.
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