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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2023 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Mostly it depends where in the world the DZ is. In Western Europe they will usually have a vote to decide the issue. In more macho Latin countries each group will choose a champion and it will be decided in a friendly arm wrestling contest. Of course in the USA the group with the best armaments gets to choose, in a tie there will often be a shootout with the survivors doing whatever they want. In other words, it’s pretty much the same as you remember.
  2. 1 point
    Rich people can always get what they want. But one shouldn’t judge a society based on how it treats rich people Wendy P.
  3. 1 point
    The lawyers are learning. Trump has such a long history of being a deadbeat, of refusing to pay bills, that the lawyers are now demanding to be paid in advance. https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/15/politics/save-america-pac-trump-lawyer/index.html Of course, Trump himself isn't paying those bills. His idiot supporters are donating the money for it. Barnum was right.
  4. 1 point
    This is exactly what Hillary Clinton was talking about. Deplorables Fast-forward to 3:20 . I suppose this is also what Trump was talking about when he said he "loved the uneducated".
  5. 1 point
    Yet Cossey consistently describes both backpacks as being military chutes, both in the early FBI files and also in the media in 1971, contrary to his 2003 claim about one of them being a sport rig. Additionally, why is the description attributed to Hayden on 11/24 or 11/25 pretty consistent with Cossey's very first description if they are describing two different chutes? Sounds very much like they are describing the same parachute. Yes, I realize Cossey says sage green and Hayden(?) says olive drab. Those colors are similar enough. But they both say it's a green colored military pack with a foam cushion and with a 28 foot white canopy. And it should be remembered that white canopies were actually somewhat rare for surplus canopies at the time, especially for main canopies. Most surplus parachute canopies four colored brown-green types or had orange and white every other panel. I believe they are describing the same chute, regardless of Cossey's bullshit from 30 years later. The question is where does the 28-foot come from?
  6. 1 point
    Thanks for proving my points.
  7. 1 point
    People like you that take great joy in such issues are what is dividing America. You lack the intelligence, empathy and courage to look at all sides of an issue. You think it’s fun that an entire section of America makes fun of a kind, loving, funny young girl. You have zero insight into why a music video with lyrics aimed at denigrating black America is disturbing. And energizing MAGA world. Filmed at the site of a lynching. Because you back the blue, unless they are defending the Capitol from a bunch of white folks you side with. Because those asshats spit on cops and used flags to beat them. I guess that wouldn’t have happened in a small town. so do you love or hate cancel culture? Such a conundrum. It must be painful to live life viewing everything through a left or right magnifying glass.
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