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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/01/2023 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Am I reading this right... They found two hands near Woodland in March 1972,,,
  2. 1 point
    Interesting angle. I agree with the placement of the tack in the lower third, at least that’s where I wore one. Also, a tack seems to have more options for customization as in a logo, etc. Mine would not point directly to me, but would be pretty specific to a certain function. So yea, a pilot’s tie could be possible. Cooper may very well have removed the tie tack if it could identify the owner or at least narrow down the field. Pilots and plane crew are constantly on the road and staying at hotels. Any of us who have traveled a lot know how common it is to leave things behind. There is nothing that says Cooper didn’t find that tie. I still think he may have left the tie on the plane on purpose, as a symbol or because he didn’t care. Edit. Looking on eBay for old tie tacks, I see a lot of military, railroad, and airline. I think a lot of corporations probably had their own.
  3. 1 point
    Latest Vault. Nothing notable as far as I can tell. https://vault.fbi.gov/D-B-Cooper /d.b.-cooper-part-78/view
  4. 1 point
    Happy New Year to everyone Wendy P.
  5. 1 point
    Happy new year Ron, and have a good 2023.
  6. 1 point
    Bonfires have been pretty traditional at the DZ's in my neck of the woods. (Southern Ontario) A bonfire is a place to socialize around. Maybe the hangar or DZ buildings get locked up late at night, and there isn't some well lighted patio at night as one might get at a giant DZ. Maybe it is a chilly spring / fall / even summer evening. Maybe a fire keeps a few bugs away. So better a bonfire than standing around aimlessly in the dark and cold. The OP mentioned fire hazard as one reason not to have them. One might also have DZ's at a municipal airport, where they aren't allowed to have open fires. I have also seen the tradition wither somewhat as a DZ gets bigger, where it goes from 'We're all here for fun, did a few fun jumps, did a few working jumps for the DZ, now we hang out late at night' to 'A bunch of staff are full time at least in summer and are doing this 5 days a week and have just done 10+ working jumps today -- so screw it, they just want to go get some sleep'. So there are a bunch of practical reasons why a bonfire may be more or less popular at different places at different times. Next up for the OP to learn about?: Flaming soccer. Also not something for tinder dry locations.
  7. 1 point
    It's a good thing laws aren't made with the caveat of "how is it impacting you?"
  8. 1 point
    I don't know if there is a jewish skydiving group, but there is a latino skydiving, muff brothers, pink mafia, rodrigez bros, crest awards, uspa, all kinds of other groups, why do you choose to dislike CSA, and not these other groups? CLICK HERE! new blog posted 9/21/08 CSA #720
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