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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/2022 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    General rule in internet interrogations is that once you figure out that the poster is lying you keep after them giving them at least 100 additional opportunities or until half or more of the forums participants are so fatigued that they self vacate or block the liar for their own mental well being.
  2. 2 points
    Having been to a few places some DZs are like that, and some are family. Each DZ has it's own culture.
  3. 2 points
    Yes, Russia’s drone attack on a Zaphorizhia apartment building (just like all the rest of their indiscriminate bombing of villages, towns and cities) was a terrorist attack directed at civilians… and you call it liberation. That’s despicable. Your support for these mass murdering warmongers is unfathomable. The Kersh bridge on the other hand is a key supply line for Russia’s military in Crimea and the south.
  4. 2 points
    That target was as strategic as they get. That’s why it was attacked while a fuel train was crossing and not troop transports.
  5. 2 points
    I don't find this that suspicious. People sometimes lurk on forums before joining, and if he wanted to post a question, he had to join, so join then post isn't so unusual. And although he seems to be visiting this thread regularly, he liked a few of the early responses, and last visit to forum was logged a few hours ago. I can see him not feeling like arguing any points. He got some advice, we probably will never know what he decided to do. I for one am glad he asked, and hope he takes a long hard look at the idea.
  6. 1 point
    He already did. Walker would vote the way Trump wants him to. That's good enough for Ron. They don't care about 'ethics', 'morality', or even 'right & wrong'. They want power. Period. They've even said so.
  7. 1 point
    So we have a candidate who is a lying hypocritical ignoramus, and still there are thousands of Americans who will vote for him. What a sad commentary on the state of the nation.
  8. 1 point
    Tina is so all over the place that she even liked that first sketch thrown together just from witness statements. I always thought that 302 was about Comp A, but Comp A wasn't made until 11-27. Here we have Tina on the 25th talking about viewing a "facsimile". So she's viewing that first sketch, which was clearly just a template to work off of. Here I've got Tina saying: - 11-25-71 template sketch a "good likeness" - 11-27-71 Comp A is "almost 100% like him" (we don't have this 302 but reference is made in a 302 from August 72 that she said this on 11-27-71) - 10-2-72 Comp B "not a good similarity to Unsub" - 12-1-72 Revised Comp B "more similar to the appearance of Unsub than previous sketches" - 3-27-73 Final Comp B "bears very close resemblance..."
  9. 1 point
    Not true. I travel extensively and see AFF instructors jumping a variety of canopy types and sizes.
  10. 1 point
    no, that statement stands by itself, no explanation needed. it's not right, but it's not wrong. i married a stripper once.
  11. 1 point
    And why would they - they wanted to use them. In the Kharkiv region in the first days of the war Russian espionage stopped Ukraine from blowing up some strategically vital bridges. Keeping them standing allowed a lot more Russian war machinery to be moved into place a lot more quickly.
  12. 1 point
    Without explanation that is a completely irrelevant statement.
  13. 1 point
    Because they want to use them. 3 people died in an attack on a legitimate and extremely important strategic target. In the mean time, the civilian death toll from just the most recent Russian drone attack on an apartment building in Zaphorizhia with no military value whatsoever has reached 19. One of those things is sad, the other is a war crime.
  14. 1 point
    Braden and it isn’t even REMOTELY close. To suggest anyone else would be intellectually dishonest. He probably wasn’t Cooper but of the named suspects, he IS the only real answer to your question. As far as being qualified to make the jump, Braden made over 900 free fall jumps with the military, was one of the test jumpers when the Army was inventing HALO jumping, and was chosen by the Army to represent them at International Skydiving competitions, many of which he won. Braden was also chosen by Project DELTA to teach South Vietnamese Special Forces how to jump into wooded and jungle terrain in 1965. Evading capture and escaping? The guy did nighttime jumps with 6 man teams (that he led) into Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, and North Vietnam from early 65 until late 66. He would be evading capture and certain death/torture for weeks at a time. Braden was the first guy to ever successfully plant a wire tap in North Vietnam. Again, he likely wasn’t Cooper, but he is the answer to your question. Even if Peca was the only quadruple agent of CIA-Mi6-KGB and Mossad in all of history, Braden still has him beat at this sort of thing.
  15. 1 point
    If you go ahead and look up the charts for the Dollar against pretty much every other currency you can see the trend: Pick the British Pound, the Yen, the Swiss Franks the Chinese Yuan and on and on: Against ALL of them, the dollar is rising, similarly as against the Euro. The only larger block of currencies agains t which it is not significantly rising are some central and south-American currencies. I assume this is because these are artificially pegged to the Dollar. So now to the Ruble: As the Ruble to Dollar chart clearly doesn't match any other chart, it is obvious that it has nothing to do with the performance of the Dollar, but everything with the Ruble. The completely strange bump and then fall (or vice versa, if seen from the Ruble's perspective) should also tell you that this is not a normal currency fluctuation but completely out of the ordinary and influenced by very specific events. Without expert knowledge and deep economic research (which would be necessary to completely understand it) it seems obvious that this is related first to sanctions (the bump), and second to extreme government controls (the decrease after the bump) as well as the energy market. Given what I gather from your posts, I cannot possibly imagine that you are advocating for government controls, as Russia implemented them. That would go 100% against what I think you stand for in this country. It also makes it completely useless to their citizens, that the Ruble is up, because they are prevented from cashing in on this, because they are not allowed to convert significant amounts of their Rubles into any other currency, or take them out of the country. Lastly: It is really annoying that people use things like "the exchange value of our currency" (and many other statistics, such as "national debt", etc.) as if it they were sports scores and as if "higher" means better, without understanding the least bit of what these numbers mean. There is absolutely nothing that says that a "strong currency" (as good as this SOUNDS, when you say it like this) is actually better for individuals who use the currency, than a "weak one". There are a number of advantages and disadvantages to each, and at different times a "strong" or "weak" strategy may be preferable--and of course it completely depends on the individual, if it helps or hurts (are you an importer or exporter of goods/services, are you doing ANY international business at all, are you traveling to other countries, etc., etc.--if you complain about the "trade deficit"--another completely misunderstood number, by the way--you should be ECSTATIC whenever the Dollar is weak against other currencies, as this will help to reduce said deficit) It is completely useless to look at these charts and then assume because our currency is up, we are "winning" ("USA, USA, USA!!!!") That is the most childish way to view currency fluctuations.
  16. 1 point
    Crimea river...
  17. 1 point
    Serious question, why isn't this dude booted already? Only two scenarios are possible: They are a troll deliberately spreading mis/disinformation They are genuinely this stupid and incapable of engaging in good faith Neither option provides any value, and as has been previously pointed out, their spam posting of links to extremely questionable sources helps boost those sites in the eyes of search algorithms. Allowing them to continue to do so is actively harmful in a broad sense, not just to us poor saps foolish enough to hang out here.
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