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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2022 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    The immigrants I know adhere to "American Values," particularly American family values, more than a lot of Americans I know.
  2. 2 points
    Walker cannot even explain any single policy he supports. He is incoherent in his public statements, like someone under the influence of drugs or with mental deficiancies. He will do nothing for the people of Georgia, other than be a rubber stamp for whatever national policy (not Georgia) the Republicans tell him to vote on -- assuming that someone is sitting right there with him to make sure he doesn't screw that up. Walker never was that bright, and seems to have been knocked on the head too many times. He claims to have graduated in the top 1% of his college class, but dropped out and never graduated at all. He claims to have worked with the police, but in that regard is more like a kid that claims to pilot an airliner because he was given some plastic wings by a flight attendant. He has pulled a gun and threatened more than one lover, and is a deadbeat dad. In under two years in the Senate, Warnock has already done a lot for Georgia residents, including rural Georgia farmers. He is smart and articulate, actually has an interest in helping to improve the living conditions of Georgians. Walker talks about "fans." It really is amazing how literally stupid Georgia voters are as a group. How they could have picked the Jewish Space Laser lady over her right wing primary opponent, I will never fully grok. I grew up there, and all of my family still reside there or in North Carolina. Many Georgians have traded their country for a red hat, and don't even recognize what they have lost.
  3. 1 point
    Yes. If the stairs were going to be routinely opened in flight, then there would probably be a control in the cockpit to do so and Cooper may have had knowledge of that. The hijacking may have been the first time that Cooper had seen the aft stair controls on a commercial 727 airliner.
  4. 1 point
    Can we get the moderators to treat Slim King the same way as they did Blevins? This is becoming a spam issue.
  5. 1 point
    Tina said "brown ankle length pebble grained shoes, not tie type shoes" He was likely wearing something like this, which is a 1971 Allen Edmonds slip-on
  6. 1 point
    Cooper also brainfarted and thought a 727 could act like a C-130 because he told Tina that the pilots could lower the stairs from the cockpit once they were airborne. C-130's could drop their rear hatch from the cockpit but obviously 727's could not. Throw in the fact that he had to be shown how to actually lower the stairs and that tells me that he had an intellectual knowledge of aircraft but not a practical knowledge of them.
  7. 1 point
    Well to be honest I just ignored him. But now I use the advanced SC algorithms to do it for me. In the deep central warren chamber of the GOP tribe. Ron, Slim, trump, Herschel and others all hear the echos of the same racist messages. "So up is down and down is up We’ve all sunk through the rabbit hole Women’s wombs they supervise Concealed guns though they do allow Candidates choose their voters now Democracy be damned and it must bow Screw the Constitution Screw our public health Screw pandemic vaccines Screw redistributing the wealth Sideways no longer exists My way or the highway shall ever persist The “family values” Party of the past Values only power for its die is cast Screw face masks Screw the science Screw the Earth Screw the climate crisis upon us The Party of “small government” Imposes control for its own betterment To win elections is all they care Altering the scales often when they dare Screw women, girls, LGBTQ Screw black and brown bodies Screw the poor and working classes Screw immigrants & refugees For on top GOP wants to remain In bed and in the public domain A Christian theocracy they wish to attain White supremacy is their continued aim Screw the infidels Screw Muslims and Jews Screw atheists and agnostics Screw Sikhs and Hindus No diversity or inclusion Advocacy is mere collusion No critical race discussions No lessons on those delusions Screw gender variants Screw critical thought Screw civil disobedience Screw those communist plots The Grand Old Party are we We’ve been here seemingly an eternity It will maintain and grow by cheating Thievery is permanent and no longer fleeting Screw reason Screw civility Screw discourse Screw nicety We’re here in control for now and ever after Whatever you do will never matter We have the will of the people on our side Well, at least enough to control the tide The GOP in 1000 years still will be But where else did I hear a similar prophecy?"
  8. 1 point
    I don't know if that's supposed to be sarcasm or not. But you're right. See Ron's reply in #1670. He doesn't care who Walker is. Or what he is. Just that 'he'll vote Republican'. Nevermind the fact that the Rs want to gut Medicare (Ron's health insurance), Social Security (Ron's income) and the VA (Ron's alternate health insurance). I do believe the phrase "cutting off one's own nose to spite one's face" would apply here.
  9. 1 point
    Yes to all the above. And less a drill, but more - make sure you are achieving the maximum performance of the suit. Many go to a big suit for more performance but in actual fact could just fly a bit better in their current suit.
  10. 1 point
    Factcheck :Social Media Posts Make Unsupported Claims About Zelensky’s Income, Net Worth "posts on social media claim, without evidence, that he has a monthly income of $11 million." From the ADL:"Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, extremists and antisemites across the ideological spectrum have used the war as fodder for promoting antisemitic conspiracy theories. Emanating from classic antisemites and white supremacists, as well as QAnon influencers and Proud Boys acolytes, classic tropes of Jewish power, financial control and “abuse” of the Holocaust narrative abound online. In just a few short weeks, tens of thousands of social media users have been exposed to these dangerous lies. Some allege that the war itself is orchestrated by Jews for both financial control and global prowess." Be it proud boys, brownshirts or QAnon fascists. Conspiracies, lies and racism has a purpose and is spread by acolytes That purpose is evil and should be stopped.
  11. 1 point
    I would definitely add transitions, backflying and upset recovery to that list.
  12. 1 point
    On the first night of their honeymoon, the husband isn’t sure how to tell his bride about his stinky feet and smelly socks, while the wife is wondering how to break the news to him about her awful breath, which so far, she’s been able to cover up. After some soul-searching, the husband gathers his nerve and says, “I have a confession.” She draws closer, peers into his eyes, and says, “Darling, so do I.” Recoiling, he says, “Don’t tell me—you’ve eaten my socks.”
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