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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/17/2022 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Anyone who would use human beings like single use toys to make cheap political points is unfit to lead. Period.
  2. 1 point
    What??? I thought he earned that title long ago!
  3. 1 point
    Walter Reca was not Cooper and is a complete waste of time,,, The Walter Reca / Peca Cooper narrative is a scam, a fraud, a fictional story manufactured with no evidence and easily debunked by the evidence. Walter Reca is probably the worst higher profile Cooper suspect.. Carl Laurin was researching the Cooper case prior to taping Walter Reca... unfortunately Carl was a terrible researcher. In the taped interview, Carl led Reca with case information he had researched and he probably discussed it prior to the taping with Walter. AND still they get most of it wrong. Carl tapes Walter Reca late 2008… his voice is a perfect match to the radio caller... Carl is leading Reca in those tapes… and Carl is telling Walter what to say.. and they still get most things wrong. In early 2008, well before he tapes Reca, Carl calls into a radio interview with Larry Carr. https://principiamedia.podbean.com/?utm_source=podnews.net&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=podcast-page An incomplete list of obvious flaws.. Walter Reca flaws.. claims he asked for used $20’s,,, Cooper never gave a denomination claims he didn’t get all used bills,,, Cooper got all used/circulated bills claims he drank scotch and water,,, Cooper drank a Bourbon and 7up claims he didn’t pick a 727 and wanted to jump out the side door,,, never happened claims the flight path went East to Cle Elum,,, never happened flight path went South to Portland then Red Bluff and over to Reno. claims communicated only through stew,,, Cooper did talk to cockpit through interphone claims scribbled on napkin,,, never any evidence of this claims he didn’t know the 727 had a rear door,,, Cooper and passengers entered the plane via the rear door claims wearing penny loafers,,, that was a media error, the shoes were described by stew as ankle high and laceless Does not recall when he ordered plane to Mexico. Does not recall how long plane was on ground in Seattle. Told them going to Reno,, never happened, Reno was later suggested by crew. claims he asked for stall speed to keep plane slow for jump,,, never happened. January 2008 recording... Larry Carr does the Steve Rinehart of K-TALK, 630 AM Salt Lake City at 25:15 Carl (Laurin) calls in with some questions.. Rinehart, Carr interview.. SR: We have some callers. I want to continue asking you questions of my own, but let’s try to fit a couple of them in here, as we go. LC: Sure. SR: We got Carl on the Salt Lake county line. Carl, you’re on the air with Agent Carr. Carl: Yeah, hi. The FBI put on the newspapers the composite drawings. Now, are these pretty accurate in terms of the people who actually came in contact with the hijacker? LC: Yeah, you know everyone that came in contact with that gentleman in the interview with a sketch artist. They went about their process, developing all of the parameters of the individual’s face. They went back and constructed these sketches and then they were sent back out to the field. Each person looked them over. The three stewardesses involved looked them over, and there were some changes made to the original one. Once the stewardesses gave the thumbs up that this is the best representation, and that’s what was put out to the public. Carl: Okay, and then these thousands of suspects you developed, did they fit the basic description then? LC: Well, you know, a lot of them were ruled out basically on the physical descriptors of who D.B. Cooper was. Not necessarily the sketch, but basically the physical parameters; the dark complexion, or the olive skin complexion. Well, if your suspect’s fair skinned, and even if they weren’t solely ruled out on that, that’s one tick. Yeah okay, I guess if this person, if they were 5’7, as opposed to what was reported as 5’10 to 6’1, there’s another tick, that hey maybe this isn’t the right person. If they had blue eyes... Well, we’re pretty sure D.B. Cooper had brown eyes. So, you know, rule that off. Yeah, you know, a lot of the suspects were ruled because they didn’t fit the physical criteria. Carl: Yeah, I mean, since the FBI, they have this belief that the man may’ve been killed in the jump or when he hit the ground. Did the FBI conduct a search among the missing person reports? LC: Well you look at the databases back then, you know, long before the time of the computer, it was easier to connect the dots as far as missing persons go. So there was, of course, an effort at the missing persons database, but it just simply didn’t really exist back in that point of time. You know, it would’ve individual sheriff departments that would’ve collected the data, and someone had to do that. I couldn’t even guess how many sheriff’s departments there are in the United States, but I would imagine it was well into the thousands. Carl: Yeah, you know, is it possible when the hijacker got on the plane he would’ve changed his appearance? Like wearing a wig or maybe wearing these thick soled shoes so, you know, it’d make it appear that he might be taller, or maybe colored his hair a different color. Is that at all possible? LC: All that is possible, but when you look at how much time, especially Tina Mucklow, spent, the hijacker, shoulder-to-shoulder with him... You know, you can try these experiments yourself. Go ahead and put some makeup on your skin, if you’re fair skinned, and put enough on to swarthy, and then have someone sit next to you. You’re going to see that makeup, it’s going to be pancaked on to you. Same thing with a wig, it looked very unnatural, especially during 1971. So if someone’s wearing a wig, it’s going to be very noticeable. Carl: What seat was he sitting in before he, you know, hijacked the plane? LC: He was sitting in the very back, and I don’t have the file in front of me so... Carl: Was he sitting next to somebody else with whom he had a conversation? LC: No, he was sitting all by himself in a row of three. And, you know, ultimately, Flo Schaffner sat by him originally, and Tina Mucklow the rest of the flight. Carl: What type of firearm did he have? LC: No firearm. SR: And a grenade. LC: No grenade. He had opened up his briefcase and there was either dynamite or road flares in there. Carl: Yeah, well interesting case. I wish you good luck Agent Carr. SR: Carl, thanks for the call. We appreciate it. Carl: Yeah, thank you. Goodbye.
  4. 1 point
    That’s not a turn around, Trump has always been happy to pay…. With other people’s money.
  5. 1 point
    Buy what fits you. For the most part, the helmet is for protection and most will give you about the same for normal bumps and minor hits. For me, the best fit, when it was time for a new replacement was with a Z-1. That helmet offers me great visibility, it's quiet and very simple to operate.
  6. 1 point
    Sure it was. You are American, the Americans invaded, it was your invasion. Real Facts.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Wendy, you and your long term trends!! That graph shows sea level going up and down like a yo-yo. With that jiggly line there are as many instances of it going down as going up. In fact, if I discount only 50% of the years I can demonstrate a continuous drop. </troll data analysis>
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