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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/07/2020 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Dude, he is referring to a guy who has been accused of raping 3 women and sexually assaulting 11. Who bragged about getting away with those assults on a TV show. Whose son just posted a picture of his AR-15 with a picture of Hillary Clinton on it alongside a white supremacist symbol. Who mocks disabled reporters at campaign rallies. Who mocks wounded veterans and Gold Star families via tweets - while his wife supposedly battles online bullying. Who supports white nationalism. Who called Mexicans rapists, and black and Arab countries "shitholes." If you're going to be a snowflake about this, perhaps find a different person to be a snowflake about. Someone who doesn't specialize in doing precisely what makes you (supposedly) not take someone else seriously.
  2. 1 point
    In "The Portable Atheist" the anthology edited by C. Hitchens, one author makes the snide remark that what God actually said was "go fuck yourselves" but it got re-worked into "be fruitful and multiply".
  3. 1 point
    I don't think we've seen him go completely off the rails. Take his name calling and multiply it by a bunch. Take his lies about opponents and multiply it by a bunch. Take the worst of his idiotic tweets and multiply that by a bunch. Then put him on national TV from the Oval Office. Calling the Iranian's stupid, racist, derogatory names. Saying they deserved to be slaughtered (decimated to the last man ). Saying it was necessary for the US to stand up to them, when it was clear that the Iranians attacked him personally. Saying anyone who didn't agree with him was a traitor. Saying that the Ds were allying with Iran against the US if they opposed him. Threatening to fire any general who didn't follow his orders. Full on 'dictator mode'. Think about Hugo Chavez and some of his speeches. The problem is that his supporters, which still are about 1/3 of the country, would lap it up. They'd be all in to destroy 'those people'. Like Trump, they don't think this sort of thing through. Look how supportive they are for killing a representative of a foreign government on a diplomatic mission. Look at how they are buying the fact that Suleimani was a 'top enemy' of the US, despite the fact that they never heard of him before (Trump has tweeted about him once in the past). To repeat: Scary as all hell.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    Try tightening your left leg strap first.
  6. 1 point
    Sounds like one more scheme dreamed up by an underemployed whiz-kid with an MBA.
  7. 1 point
    Reading comments on The Hill website raised a point that I hadn’t considered previously. It seems plausible that through a proxy Iran could target a Trump owned property. If such an event occurred I wonder how Trump would react?
  8. 1 point
    Whap! Don’t let it go to your head! Wendy P.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Or to be a refugee desperately trying to get a family to a safe place from a land of conflict, hunger, and hopelessness. Only to be turned away from safety because "we just don't have room for you".
  12. 1 point
    More $ than that if I have to untangle lines because the canopy was shipped without links.
  13. 1 point
    this is a huge pet peeve of mine. Canopies come with links when they are purchased new, and used canopies should too. Whether or not those links are serviceable should be up to the purchaser/assembling rigger. It is an enormous drag as a rigger to have to ask a customer for an unexpected $35 ($25. whatever they cost now) because the seller kept or cut the soft links.
  14. 1 point
    The only people who include the p/c bag and sometimes risers are those who do not have a clue. They do it because it's the least amount of disassembly work. They later find out that they have given away hundreds of dollars worth of container parts. Usually when they try to sell the container and no one wants it because the expensive parts are missing.
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