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  1. Today
  2. And we've been thinking Trump and this H5N1 virus were huge problems. Now granted, the countries are Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan but these things have a way of spreading. For example, was this problem discovered in a lab? Maybe I'm overreacting but I'm running out of time for serious, life changing problems even if I don't usually cross dress. Anyone else concerned?
  3. The evening is young Sir, Bidens rewriting of Title IV seems to have put me in "John the savage" mode.Desantis said"we will not comply", where did I hear that before? Samson, what a name. LOL
  4. Now that's a twist. You're on your killfile list? You are keen, that's for sure.
  5. Whoa, Did you get a good spanking from Bill for saying that, I believe the code word is Clueless. LOL
  6. Brilliant video. These guys cut to the chase.
  7. Your video seems to have disappeared. These guys cut to the chase.
  8. Why do you think Trumpty Dumpty used them? Do you think the stock offering would have happened if an ACCURATE audit had taken place?
  9. I don't disagree, but I'm not narcissistic enough to think I'm guaranteed survival of any new virus. I did ok during Covid, masking in public and staying the hell away from everyone as much as possible. I'd be willing to take those precautions again if necessary. But we found out in the past few years how stupid some people are. And if it gets bad enough, precautions aren't going to be enough.
  10. I've suspected I'm on Winsor's killfile for some time. Knowing now that you are a recipient sort of makes it a badge of honor. Is there some way we can make it public who is banning us? Maybe a thumbs down unlike button and another scoreboard number? That would be totally cool.
  11. Yesterday
  12. The Wpath files were recently released, parental consent itself seems to be in question. Mermaid is under investigation,and I believe there are one thousand lawsuits attributed to gender affirming care in the U.K. That word "Toxic" came up again, let me know then you find it. Sorry Bill just another Dunkelflaute in SoCal.
  13. I thought you could use a laugh. I agree, soon there won't be any contrarian views allowed. Please do replace IXK for the Priest of your choice. LOL
  14. Are you sure killfiling isn't close enough these days?
  15. I fully endorse killfiling people that cause Winsor (or anyone really) cognitive dissonance. With the ability to create media bubbles these days, it can be painful and confusing to hear other opinions. So killfiling is a great option to prevent intrusion of other points of view into that carefully curated bubble. (As long as they keep away from banning books, that is.)
  16. Trump has stated he will "terminate" the Constitution. LOL
  17. Bravo Sir, Being technical deficient would you PM me. That's the ticket, and when he wins you'll have to do what Conservatives did for 0bama's second term.Trust in the Constitution. LOL Let's come Back from the Future,there's enough Jew hatred to go around right now. Let's Go! Genocide Joe.
  18. Yeah, I killfiled him long ago after I reached my limit of snark and abuse. Abysmal SNR. Given the tendency for breakthrough, I just skip any AFLAC input.
  19. Lucky for me I still have a box of masks.
  20. Im sorry, but you’re killfiling Billvon? Dang Wendy P.
  21. What's the betting that Winsor won't identify a single thing that makes any current democrat politician worse than Trump? Of course he doesn't have anything, he's just going to vote for Trump anyway because he's like Mussolini.
  22. You say that like it is a bad thing. Fewer people, less energy use, less CO2 in the atmosphere, global warming slowing down, less traffic on Interstate 4 between Orlando and Disney World.
  23. Godwin's law applies nicely here. I can only guess what was the basis of this thread, thanks to the magic of the kill file. The Doctrine of Fascism was penned by Benito Mussolini, with whom our last president has much more in common than with the Corporal from Austria. The appeal of totalitarian government in Europe between the wars was largely a function of the excesses of Marxists of various persuasions. The Catholic Church underwrote the regimes in both Rome and Berlin in support of the perceived lesser two evils. Since the Church is still extent, they made the historically accurate choice. In the US of A, the batshit craziness of the Progressives makes finding any survivable alternative worthy of consideration, if not if outright support. Trump's selling point is that, thought he may be a toxic lunatic, he's not quite as bad as the idiots on the left (a tough call to make). The brain dead protesters on campus rather support that stance. Thus the upcoming election is akin to chemotherapy - a toxin that kills you 50% and the cancer 90%, in the hope that what's left of you can defeat what's left of the cancer. Going by historical precedent, after running the numbers it appears we're pushing Stage 4, so it might not make much difference when all is said and done. BSBD, Winsor
  24. Although in this case, ironically, it is the people receiving the communication who are being too emotional to pay attention to the facts.
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