
Mr. Bill

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A friend and I were going to do a couple of Mr. Bill jumps but got rained out and decided to learn more about them anyway. First we were going to jump his 135 Sabre 2 and then my 98 Xaos. I've seen one done by a couple of guys on a 69 Velocity but noticed that on a previous post that small h.p. canopies were considered to be a bad idea. It would be hard to find a softer opener than my Xaos so I assume that the reason must be the potential for a spinner. Anybody out there ever Mr. Billed a small canopy?
Sometimes you eat the bear..............

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I did a successful Mr. Bill under my Stiletto 120. Total exit weight was ~330 pounds. Be level when you pitch to avoid an opening wich throws off Mr. Bill, gives you line twists, or worse.

I've also done a semi-succesful (we held on, although I got line twists so she jumped off) one under my Batwing 134, and lost Mr. Bill under the stiletto 120.

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A buddy and I did a Mr Bill a couple years ago on a VX89. Overall wing loading was about 4.5. It opened briskly, but I was able to hang on. After flying it for a few thousand feet, he pulled one toggle down about 8" while leaving the other up......I held on for one full turn, then was flung off. It took me a good 1500' to get stable after that. Gave me a good idea what Luigi would feel like after chopping a spinning mal on the VX46.


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Yesterday we did a Mr. Bill. This was my first (beer was purchased), I piloted. Our first plan was to use my Alpha 94 - we later sobered up and I grabbed a 190 something - turned out to be a ProSeries. Around 2.0 wingloading. Everything went well until "Bill" tried to climb over the slider and face forward - the canopy stalled, hucked him off violently, sent me into line twist that trapped my right hand in the risers. I kicked out and landed fine. It was hard enough to fly at 2.0 wingloading with someone climbing around on shoulders and lines - I'm glad we didn't grab something smaller.

This was well a documented Mr. Bill with 3 video angles and stills. I attached a couple cropped stills from the chase pilot.


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No, I didn't firewire Chris or Jonathan's video angle and I'm only now transferring my video angle to the 'puter. Those were just the a couple stills Jonathan shot from my digital. Chris has the best angle of getting forcefully removed - my angle is just koas and spinning.

Here is a couple from my video.

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It turns out that the canopy i mentioned was probably a VX not a velocity, and possibly much bigger like a 79.. I doubt that there's much difference on a Mr. Bill jump. Any tips for pulling this jump off successfully (and safely)?
Sometimes you eat the bear..............

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from what i saw last weekend, i would go with a bigger canopy for the simple fact that as soon as jackass #1 (mr bill) put a little input on the line of jackass #2 (psw) he was removed with extreme prejudice.....

i am still laughing, the video from all angles is priceless! especially when the lines are twisting up and you hear jackass #2 yelling "get off".....

Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!

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I tried my first this weekend. Pilot slowed the plane down to 60kts for my exit. We got out and I pitched Imediatly. Had the pin pulled we would have been good. Te bridal didnt even get out of the bridal channel. It stuck there for a second and we went unstable. The bridal went around my leg and then around my girlfriends. tumbled for a second, she got the bridal off our legs and then the container opened. She decided to abour as soon as something went wrong, but I didnt see it so I decided to hold on to her. My xfire2 open soooo soft I held on to her with one hand. Just as the canopy finished opening she fell away. I know have the plan worked out for next time. I also have awesome video of it but its on a regular tape. If you all chant in unisyn, maybe jerm will put it up for us! Or Ill just smack him around a bit!

--"This ain't no book club, we're all gonna die!"
Mike Rome

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Had the pin pulled we would have been good. Te bridal didnt even get out of the bridal channel. It stuck there for a second and we went unstable.

Why didn't the pin get pulled?


The bridal went around my leg and then around my girlfriends

Be very careful, this could have turned out much worse.


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I have three Mr. Bills so far. The last one was the Unsucessfull one - We about hung ourselves. :| We usually use a SL for deployment on Mr. Bills, and our Modified Exit Left us unstable off the strut. Shook me up enought to realize that maybe this isn't the brightest idea..... Did i learn anything?? Well, I'll let you know after the fourth attempt comming up here shortly. B|
=========Shaun ==========

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Yeah, it wasnt my ideal situation. From what I can tell, we either didnt have the airspeed to pull the bridal yet or the burble from the 2 of us was too big.

I will try it again but have the variables worked out (I think)

As long as we stay stable this time, it should go better.

--"This ain't no book club, we're all gonna die!"
Mike Rome

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Yeah, it wasnt my ideal situation. From what I can tell, we either didnt have the airspeed to pull the bridal yet or the burble from the 2 of us was too big.

I will try it again but have the variables worked out (I think)

As long as we stay stable this time, it should go better.

John, if you pitched immediately, even with the engines cut, you'd be pitching into the prop blast and it should've been enough to extract.
Sounds like your stability was the issue. Even with a good horizontal toss, you might have rotated back directly in front of the pilot chute and placed the burble in front of it as well.
Do I understand you correctly that you were holding on to Kim, as well as deploying? Is that commonly how it's done? That could've contributed to you becoming unstable. Maybe have her hold on to you next time?
So, do I get to fly around you next time??

Stay safe,

If you're gonna' be stupid, well, then you're most likely stupid.

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unfortunately my camera is at the DZ... but i'll be happy yo post it as soon as my PC and camera are in the same place :)

Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

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Yeah, but I felt leary of commiting to having my p/c out before I get out of the plane. I am gonna try my new modified exit once before I give that a shot.

John, IAD exits are fun. I did a bunch of them last year when several of our AFF and Tandem instructors were going for their IAD and static line ratings.

Have fun.

If you're gonna' be stupid, well, then you're most likely stupid.

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Hey mike, I was on the plane with you during the IAD training. I was the other dummy for those and the mock-static line jumps. Chipped ice is fuckin with your memory!

I also would want one of the instructors who knows what they are doing to do it. You know, anyone but grouper!

--"This ain't no book club, we're all gonna die!"
Mike Rome

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