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I was advised by the farnham dropzone (the closest to me, where I did my last tandem) to sign up for a november trip in florida and go with them.

If you go to Florida, come to Zhills, that's where all the birds hang out! B|

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in reply 2 "I would have never shown them to you if my fellow coworkers had not pushed me to do so, posting here feels pretty much like jumping of an airplane to me. "


Perhaps you could get those work mates to give you a bit more pushing.

My favourites ....the landing gear boogie board and the jelly bean.



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Man I really like that F-jpg very much.
Very BASE and that Suit !. Has really struck a nerve in me. Half, Tracking suit -&- Half, WingSuit.
Also the concept of the Integrated Harness Container system. Very stream-line. Very Futuristic.
The idea of having a integrted Rig and Suit. As One machine of fabric and hardware. Has always been in the back of my mind.

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I was advised by the farnham dropzone (the closest to me, where I did my last tandem) to sign up for a november trip in florida and go with them.

If you go to Florida, come to Zhills, that's where all the birds hang out! B|

I think you could get a couple of birds crazy anough to do a tandem-flyby if you decide to do a jump..

That way you could see a flying wingsuit in action, close-upB|
I'm an Athlete?

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Sorry for the delay in my posting, have been working freelance in the weekends to finance my aff!! Coming along pretty well on my bank account! I should be able to do it soon.

mccordia >> Wow, that would be something! My eyes would probably pop out of their orbit.

Here are two new ones, and also a third one much more sci fi (but which I can not give high res as it might be used for a book).
The next serie I will do will probably be with less mountains, and more suits.

the main link again for the hires stuff:


Home mount_A

Sci-fi stuff: (I thought I'd post it here anyway since there are 3 weird wingsuits after all!)

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Not only is it quite appropriate this is the best place you could have decided to offer those images. Stunning work, gimme a shiver just looking at some of em. I'm amazed at the accuracy and flightlove in them....they do not look like illustrations done by a non-birdman. They look like I feel when I'm flying.
Thank you for putting them up. I think its unanimous, the wingsuit pilots you were inspired by are inspired by your work themselves.
Got any more female birds? Pic A is awesome, and if I added a faceplate HUD and a neck deflector on the back of my bonehead Havok helmet I'd have the helmet off pic B, or close to it...
Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.

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long time no post, but for good reasons! Finished to work enough freelance to pay my aff. Using the fact I am going to the U.S for a game convention, I decided to add the few vacation days I have to go through Eloy next week ;) hopefully the weather will be fine.
Before I left I did a quicky sketch done after the latest flocking videos I saw online.
lurch>> I found your video, got a good laugh at the screams, and only dream about one thing: be able to share flight with you guys one day.
As soon as I get back to Montreal in ten days, I'll add more female-birds ;)


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hopefully the weather will be fine.

Nice picture. The weather there has been fine, you should have no worries. Have fun doing your AFF and if you need anything look up Betsy , she can help you with just about anything.:)
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Hi Vyle.

good luck with your AFF, I still remember mine like it was yesterday. An incredible life changing experience.

Would you be interested to do some work with us in the future? Either for our website or an advert?

Soon you'll be needing track pants and then a wingsuit!! :)
Long flights, remember to smile in freefall


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Well, no shit... you're at it already? AFF?
You didn't mess around, man. One day you're saying you'd like to be one of us someday, shortly thereafter you're acting on it and making it happen. With that kind of determined action you'll have a set of your own wings in no time...

" be able to share flight with you guys one day."

"one day" might not be as far off as it looks from here.... once you get going, a few jumps under your belt, things tend to speed up. I think "one day" might arrive a lot sooner than you think.
For some reason I'm surprised....after a few years in the sport I've noticed out of every 100 wannabes who say "yeah I'll do that someday", for most of em someday never comes, you're lucky if one in a hundred ever even tries AFF, let alone becomes a Birdman.
Congrats on getting started, rock on! It WILL change your life, living out your wildest brightest fantasies does that. Split a cloud with you sometime soon, man. Expect a warm welcome when you show up at Skydive Pepperell, eh?
First time you surf a cloud, you'll howl, too.;)B|B|B|B|B|
Another new bird on his way up....FUCK, YEAH!
Welcome to the flock.
Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.

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That's exactly what I thought. That water looks so real, if that was me, after a kick ass landing on the beach I'd dive in. Didn't see any waves so I'd leave the board at home.
Drags me down, like some sweet gravity...
Nightwing has stirred, and taken to flight...the silence is over, he's shattered the night!!!

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got mildy lucky with the weather (got 4 days of wind out of 6 ...) but managed to get my aff. Did 12 jumps in 2 days, including the two solos and the hop and pop. Had to redo level 3 and 4 (stability issue due to not being relaxed at all, thanks to my instructor for stopping the spin!) then it all went smoothly.
Had the chance to sit right next to some wingsuit guys, they probably thought I was a weirdo as I tried to look at every inch of their equipment while on the load...

After those few jumps, I am even more amazed at what you guys do. It was a very humbling experience.
Need to work freelance again to get my A license now...

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got mildy lucky with the weather (got 4 days of wind out of 6 ...) but managed to get my aff. Did 12 jumps in 2 days, including the two solos and the hop and pop.

Jesus Christ, now that's what I call getting it done! Even now, 12 jumps in 2 days is a busy weekend for me (I'm lazy).

Congrats dude, and welcome to the pre-flock. ;)

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