
Incident while wearing a Bonehead Mindwarp

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I recently had an accident while wearing a Bonehead Mindwarp. The chin strap choked me, and then loosened, while then slicing my chin open causing the need for 18 stitches. Below is my email to Bonehead with their reply.

Dear Bone Head Composites,
On Saturday, September the 13th, I had a skydiving accident that's landing sent me to the hospital. Luckily, I didn't break anything, but I did sprain and stretch a few areas. The reason that I am writing you is because I had a malfunction that put 18 stitched into my chin. I have an old style Bone Head Mindwarp. It seems that when I hit the ground, I landed on the right side of my body and head. This pushed up onto the helmet, which caused the neck strap to loose, and then make its way up to my chin where it cut through to show my muscle. The doctor is positive that it was from the helmet because of the clean and straight cut it created, and by it's location. I can also see blood on the cloth that covers the canvas strap.

I am very upset, and disappointed with your product. I figured that I should let you know about this before I post my event on dropzone.com and a few other locations. I will give you a few days to reply to me with any soft of reply or comment that you may have. I would be more than happy to attach your reply to my email to show both sides.

I just hope that this accident doesn't cause me any permanent disfigurement because I was wearing one of your products.

I have enclosed a picture of my chin, and the helmet I was wearing.
Thank you for your time,
Andy Ussach

Thank you Andy for letting us know about your accident and your concern about the chin strap.
Bonehead Composites does everything possible to make our products safe. However, we are unable to control the many scenarios that happen while wearing our products in freefall, like landing and/or exiting the plane. This is why we place a warning label on all of our products.
Not to make light of your accident, but it seems that many factors came into play...malfunction, bad spot, bad landing area and hitting your head very hard on the ground. I would hate to think of what might have happened to your head if you where not wearing a helmet at all. In the future, with any helmet you might jump with, it's always a good idea to tack down the chin strap (once it's adjusted correctly) with some E-thread so it won't loosen.

Bonehead Composites


No reply after the first email from Bonehead
Andy Ussach
Team Dirty Sanchez Ex-Vice President #38
Explosivo Rodriguez #1385, Muff Brother #3503, "Woody" Hellfish #646

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Sorry to hear that you got hurt but blaming Bonehead is just weak. You saw the halmet, you crahed, you got hurt. Bottom line is that what we do is dangerous and Sometimes the safety equipment that we wear can hurt us in very perticular instances. I think that you should be happy that you were not really hurt and leave bonehead alone. Too much of this and they won't make equipment for skydivers.

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Oh man, get over it.

You're alive and chicks dig scars. ;)

Seriously, you can not expect any piece of equipment or any manufacturer to keep you completely injury free in this sport.

It's just not possible.

Consider yourself lucky, learn from it and move on.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Let me just state from the beginning, before this gets out of hand. I am not blaming Bonehead for anything that happened to me. I'm sorry if it reads that way. I'm posting this to let everyone know of a failure that I had with the helmet strap design. I enclosed all communication with Bonehead to try to show that I was being fare to everyone.
I'm completely aware that what happened is not to be blamed on anyone but me. I just want to warn people that may be jumping with the older style Bonehead, before they added the Velcro wraparound to it.
Andy Ussach
Team Dirty Sanchez Ex-Vice President #38
Explosivo Rodriguez #1385, Muff Brother #3503, "Woody" Hellfish #646

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This is why we place a warning label on all of our products.

Did you read the label? That's all the answer you should need, and probably all the answer you're going to get. You'd get the same answer from any other skydiving helmet manufacturer.

There are no guarantees in skydiving (other than that you will land). You pays your money, you takes your chances. Sounds harsh, but that's the way it is. You can thank personal injury lawyers for that.

How'd you end up hitting the ground that hard anyway?

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Actually my head would of probably been fine without the helmet, probably in better shape. It was the last thing to tough the ground.

How can you say that? If your head hit the ground hard enough to knock (or pull) the strap loose, then it would have certainly scraped your head up. Consider yourself lucky and don't go looking for compensation or apologies from manufacturer's from your landing mistakes.


The doctor is positive that it was from the helmet because of the clean and straight cut it created

That statement makes it sound like you aren't even sure what cut you up. You get injured on landing, but then look for blood on your gear and advice from 3rd party doctors to explain what happened?

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I'm sorry to hear about your incident.

Unfortunately we can never know if the helmet did more harm than good or if it would have been worse without it. Was there any damage to the helmet?

I haven't heard of a similar incident, so it can't be a major problem. WE can't expect any piece of equipment to be 100% reliable and effective, including our reserves.

That being said, you signed the waiver. Skydiving, though becoming much safer, is still a dangerous sport resulting in many injuries and fatalities every year.

I have tacked a number of helmet chin straps down with a doubled-back straight stitch using E-thread. Once adjusted it shouldn't have to re-adjusted and it keeps it from loosening and flapping in the wind and beating on the jumper's neck. It also simplifies the donning of the helmet.


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So assuming you decied willingly to exit the aircraft, that other choices did you make, or events transpire to cause you to injure YOURSELF.

Really, you appeared to put the blame for your injury on Bonehead.

That's weak.

Suck it up, and take responsibility for your actions.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Dude - the chicks are gonna love that scar!

Personally, I always hated the factory chinstrap on my bonehead, and I replaced it with a chin cup, which I like a lot more. But that was a personal choice, just like jumping out of the plane.

no fault, no blame, it doesn't mean I don't desire to point the finger, blame the other

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Who packed for you and what caused the mal? Were you on your reserve or your main? Did you PLF?


Really, you appeared to put the blame for your injury on Bonehead.

That's weak.

I concur.


Suck it up, and take responsibility for your actions.

Roger, that!

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Though it sux you had 18 stitches, that is pretty minor in this sport. Shit happens, we all know that, and if the consequences of your jumping are too high, then don't jump. The helmet is designed to protect you head from an impact (low speed) and that is exactly what it did. Did you suffer any problems with your head, or just your chin? The way I see it, the Helmut worked. Just speculation but, maybe the chin strap was too loose.

Anyway, I would not be pissed at Bonehead, and if you are, just don't buy their product. Also, you are assuming as is the doctor, that the injury came from the chin strap. Maybe it did, maybe it didn't.

Oh well, just be happy you are walking.


Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

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Let me just state from the beginning, before this gets out of hand. I am not blaming Bonehead for anything that happened to me. I'm sorry if it reads that way. I'm posting this to let everyone know of a failure that I had with the helmet strap design.

Moderators - here comes a personal attack...

Thanks for the disclaimer:P

It's the year of the Pig.

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Things could have been a lot worse. Be thankful you were smart enough to wear a helmet...

And people wonder why foreigners thinks Americans are whiney babies who won't take responsibility for themselves...

"...and once you had tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward.
For there you have been, and there you long to return..."

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Just curious - but how is that Bonehead's fault? A chin strap is a piece of cloth that used in the wrong way WILL do what it did to you. I'm not saying you used it wrong, but you definately abused it wrong.

If you really want chin protection, get a full face helmet without a chin strap or get a chin cup.

My two cents.

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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I am not blaming Bonehead for anything that happened to me.
Oh Really?
I am very upset, and disappointed with your product. I figured that I should let you know about this before I post my event on dropzone.com and a few other locations. I will give you a few days to reply to me with any soft of reply or comment that you may have. I would be more than
happy to attach your reply to my email to show both sides. I just hope that this accident doesn't cause me any permanent disfigurement because I was wearing one of your products.
What was the purpose of that? Clearly you are blaming there product for what happend to you. Hey brother you jumped not them. You are the one that landed hard. Take responsiblity for your own actions. Know body told you to land on your head! I don't mean this as a personal attack, but it is because of people like you that so many stupid lawsuits are filed making all of our insurance costs go up. I guess this is a pet peave of mine. Like a person sueing a DZ because they landed hard and broke a leg. Is that really the DZ's fault? No! Is the fact that you had to get stitches Bone Heads fault? No! Take responsibility for your own actions! Glad you are ok and survived your experience. Please don;t answer any classifieds I may post. I don't want you to sue me or try and slander my name in a public forum because you have to cut away from a canopy I may have sold you but you trash packed and took a ride because of it.

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If I'm telling you that I'm not blaming them, then I'm not blaming them. As a matter of fact, I even talked with a person from Bonehead on the phone while I was sending the email,a nd read it to her before it was sent. Maybe if you read the very next sentence on that post...
Let me just state from the beginning, before this gets out of hand. I am not blaming Bonehead for anything that happened to me. I'm sorry if it reads that way
There is no lawsuit, nor any mention of any thought of one. If you still read on, I even said that I took full responsibility. As a matter for fact, I will probably continue to use Bonehead helmets, just with a different style of neck strap.
Also, I DID NOT LAND ON MY HEAD! If I landed on my head, a helmet that is not meant to be protective, like most skydiving helmets are, I most likely would of been dead. As a matter of fact, my head was the very last thing to hit the ground. It was more of a hit the ground un a PLF style working my way up to my head while dragging across the ground.

Once again people....
Let me just state from the beginning, before this gets out of hand. I am not blaming Bonehead for anything that happened to me. I'm sorry if it reads that way. I'm posting this to let everyone know of a failure that I had with the helmet strap design. I enclosed all communication with Bonehead to try to show that I was being fare to everyone.
I'm completely aware that what happened is not to be blamed on anyone but me. I just want to warn people that may be jumping with the older style Bonehead, before they added the Velcro wraparound to it.
Andy Ussach
Team Dirty Sanchez Ex-Vice President #38
Explosivo Rodriguez #1385, Muff Brother #3503, "Woody" Hellfish #646

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Thanks Derek,
I'm not even going to reply to anyone anymore. If people can only be closed mind, and read what they want to read, and not take the information I was posting as a here, this is what happened, oh well.
Andy Ussach
Team Dirty Sanchez Ex-Vice President #38
Explosivo Rodriguez #1385, Muff Brother #3503, "Woody" Hellfish #646

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