
Show me your backfly!

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I just searched the web, and I could not find one video of somebody backflying in freefall. Other than a tracking dive I mean. Nobody giving their foot to a tandem or taking a grip on an RW formation from their back. There are some really good videos of backflying in the tunnel, but none that I could find in freefall.

I wanna see one. I backflew fairly well in the tunnel, but it didn't transfer 100% to freefall. Maybe because the rig keeps me from feeling the air, maybe because the tunnel provides a constant reference point, or maybe because I had a lot of practice in a short period of time at the tunnel, but then I leaked skills before I got to freefall, I dunno, but I wanna see somebody doing it.

Anybody got anything super hot freefall backfly vids?

Dan Wayland

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I noticed thats at the cajun chickens website and I haven't seen the video yet......is that SGC's year end or somebody else's that Phree was nice enough to post there?

Wrong Way
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Zup Dano: Check out Guano's freefly routine at this years Nationals - good backfly sequence.

Question: Is there anything special about the wings on a camera suits used by guys that backfly with tandems?

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Question: Is there anything special about the wings on a camera suits used by guys that backfly with tandems?

You can ask him if you want, his DZ.com name is garyharbird. I don't know him or anything but it's in the credits and the original post I got the video from. I was curious about the suit too.

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I have a question - does a backfly have a similar speed range to normal belly to earth? It looks to me like it should be faster unless you are in a fairly uncomfortable position (barring wings of course)

Cheers for any input
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Yes, you can fly faster then on your belly. You can arch a lot better on your back. Theoretically you could touch your feet with your hands while on your back. You would have a minimal air resistance this way.
But you can also slow down to an equal speed as on your belly. The range is bigger on your back.
Michi (#1068)

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Now thats just given me a vision of a completely new discipline.......at last ! a new way to unite free and flat flyers..
4 way RW but with 2 on their belly and 2 on their back at all times....turning points ....hmm
lets call it "Hybrid RW" for want of a better description

I think thats got a future.....:)

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there's a video out called "learning to backfly" or something like that. it's the first in a series of 5 or 6 dvds that joao, juliana and fabian are putting out to teach peeps to freefly. there's backflying in the air and in the tunnel on it....pretty cool.

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Master of the back to earth front float exit!!!

Yes, but how did he get his feet on back-to-front as well? That looks like a handy trick.
"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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Hey man !

Remember me ? I Visited skydive houston about a week ago.. How you guys doing ?

BTW. Say Hello to Rodney from me ..

Will do! I hope you have a good season at home, and look forward to seeing when you visit SDH again. We will get some in next time;)

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