
I started jumping with a camera when I had...

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As of writing, I just recieved my Rebel X. I've got an EF 22-55mm zoom @ 4.5-5.6 f/stop, and tandem rubber band for it.:)
My BoneBond won't mature till Valentine's next year, so no Optik for me.:(

I'll be over 200 by that time, so I voted anyways 'coz it is my goal to hone my flying skills in preparation.;)

My other ride is the relative wind.

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I had about 120, but didn't really do anything with it. I just got it together because I was exploring options in skydiving. Now things have changed and I rarely do any skydiving without my camera. You never know when you are going to get that one perfect picture or that awesome vid that will drive them crazy!!!!!

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I started with video on Jump 72.
With Stills on Jump 73 (didn't want to overload myself on Jump 72 ya know...)

My first jump was videoing a 4-way and orbiting it really flat... :)

My First Stills Jump was of a local skysurfer out of a king air. I was using a stock EOS hand switch that locks if you push and slide it. At 5 fps, I shot the entire 24 exposure in less than 5 seconds.... The skysurfer floated on me (no camera suit) and I never saw him after exit.

The exit shot was cool, though... It's still framed 24x30 in the Skydive AZ conference room and the DZ used it for an ad in a local rag for 8 weeks.

[email protected]

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I'm with Videotoaster too, I had over 800 jumps and shot a 2way of my pals Jim Steffeck and Dave "Opie" Thorp, out of the "silver Bullet" 182 at Skydive Oregon late fall 1994, as they climbed out I had to ask the pilot ,Brian Miller if my red light was on (no Brent light yet) he said yes but after the jump he told he never saw it, just wanted us off the plane, they left and I went low barely made it back up before breakoff and landed shaking. Could'nt see because of the ringsight, chincup was too tight, left the camera on all the way down to landing, gathering up my gear, high fives with Jim and Dave, walking in to the loft, laying out my parachute, jabbering non-stop. all the usual first timer stuff.
40 seconds of freefall and 15 minutes of useless crap, but everyone drank my beer anyway.

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I had 1770 jumps when I first got a SONY Hi-8
video camera in late 1994...I've owned 4 other camcorders since then...
I have done 920 jumps since starting , and probably shot video on 875 of those....(Now I run a VX-1000 side by side with a TRV-20,, with an EOS rebel 2000
(very lightweight) on the front...) I enjoy being in a
skydive,,, (still prefer RW formation skydiving.) and wearing cameras,,,,, but now 'cause of my wings I can dock much later than I used to ...( with gear I have an exit weight of around 235 lbs.!!!) Sometimes,, if I'm in the base, I will set up the helmet with the TRV-20 facing backwards..... and the vx-1000 facing forwards,,, and catch some interesting footage,,,,,,,When coupled with footage that is shot from OUTSIDE the formation,,, It makes for some neat editing options.......teamwork??....why not???

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200. Like others, restricted by the rules in the UK (200 minimum). Done most of my jumps with camera since; this last year I have been filming the UK 4-way team Usual Suspects - exit photo attached.

"If you can keep your head when all around you have lost theirs, then you probably haven't understood the seriousness of the situation."
David Brent

US exit2.jpg

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