
Canopy choice

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Hi what sort of parachute should I get I have got 6 jumps now and I know that I will have to wait to come off of student status but I'm so excited, I saw someone at my home dz with a really nice yellow parachute,sort of like acid lemon i think, He said it was a Spectator something and then a number I think, does that ring any bells with you. And I weigh 160 pounds should I think about that when I buy one, i think thats what my JM said. Well thanks for now,

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Yellow ones are really nice. I have a purple (actually blackberry), teal and white one now, but I hope to get a red, white, and black one eventually. Good luck in your search. Hope it is successful. Maybe your instructors can help.
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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I have yellow on mine and it flies great - openings can be a bit sketchy though. It might be worth asking that person at your dz what their yellow canopy is like.

At the risk of feeding the trolls: The 'Spectator' is probably a Performance Designs 'Spectre', IMHO it's a good choice for a first canopy. Typically people's first canopies are about the same size (in square feet) as their weight (in pounds, with kit on) so you'd be looking at a 170 or a 190. Speak to your instructors.


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first of all, welcome! You've entered an entirely new world and your excitement is quite understandable (we've all been there :)Safety&Training section and check out the gear to see what kind of canopies are used today. (btw, you'll probably find the parachute you were describing under Performance Designs->Spectre).

Basically, most of them have either nine or seven cells and are square (rectangular, anyway) or elliptical in shape. Both that, the size (square footage- the numbers that come after the name) and the weight of the person flying it determine the parachute's behaviour in the air.

As I said, with 6 jumps, you've got a ton of learning ahead of you (it never stops actually, there's always tons of things you still don't know in this sport). By the time you get your A you'll probably know infinitely more about skydiving than you know now and should have a much better idea about which canopy is suitable for you. And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask your instructor or us friendly folks at dz.com. :P And of course- have fun!

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Hi what sort of parachute should I get I have got 6 jumps now and I know that I will have to wait to come off of student status but I'm so excited, I saw someone at my home dz with a really nice yellow parachute,sort of like acid lemon i think, He said it was a Spectator something and then a number I think, does that ring any bells with you. And I weigh 160 pounds should I think about that when I buy one, i think thats what my JM said. Well thanks for now,

Ok, in all seriousness, this almost reads like you're trolling (baiting) the forums. I think that's probably why you are getting mostly snide responses.

Assuming this isn't a troll...

I remember covering wingloadings quite extensively in my first jump class. How is that you don't know what the numbers signify? This concerns me as it seems that you're lacking some basic knowledge. I'd hate to see you grab the wrong rig with a tiny canopy in it 'cause you liked the color of it.

What also concerns me is your statement "I think that's what my JM said". If you are EVER unsure of a statement that your JM makes, clarify. And then make sure. You can ask all the questions on the ground that you want. You will not get that opportunity in the air.

For the record, yes, I would say most people care about the color of their gear. However, it's usually way down on the list of their priorities. Safe (this covers a lot of things), correctly sized and as inexpensive as possible are most people's concerns, especially right off student status.

I bought my canopy off a good friend. It's a Sabre 150, had about 500 jumps on it and I knew he'd taken good care of it. He only wanted $300 for it. The fact that it was decent colors was a bonus.

I would redirect your excitement and energy toward learning about the basics of the sport. Maybe show your jumpmaster this thread and the responses so that he can address it for you.

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Smart ass comments do nothing but add noise

Imagine you are a gear salesperson (not a stretch, right?) and someone comes in and says, "I have 6 (12, 18, 25 your choice) jumps. People I have never met and have never seen me jump recommended I buy a Spectre. I would like to order one." Your thoughts?

In this litigious society, giving advice to a question like the one posed here is foolhardy.

I stand by the last line in my post. No matter how helpful you want to be, that is truly the only advice worthy of following. That and this post should probably not be in this forum.
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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Your thoughts?

My thoughts? I'd spend as much time as needed working with that person to be sure that a Spectre would be the right choice for them before selling them anything. Education is a big part of my job; helping new jumpers figure out what gear is going to work best for them. And I try to carry that over to the forums.


In this litigious society, giving advice to a question like the one posed here is foolhardy.

That's part of why the advice I give here leans heavily toward the conservative side when it comes to sizing and canopy type. It's also part of why I strongly encourage jumpers to demo before they buy, and to talk to as many knowledgable jumpers as they can about gear choices.

Not that I think that I'd be in any danger of being sued for telling someone that a lightly loaded Spectre might be a good canopy for them... now if I was telling them that a Crossfire makes an excellent first canopy that'd be a different story.

It's always best for new jumpers to discuss canopy choices with their instructors... but sad to say, some instructors don't know wtf they are talking about when it comes to recommending canopy sizes. You've seen the posts, I've talked to the new jumpers - "my instructors said I'll be fine on a 135 loaded at 1.2 for my first canopy."


That and this post should probably not be in this forum.

I agree with you on that. And as soon as the moderator of this forum gets online I'm sure he'll move it someplace more appropriate.

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>Imagine you are a gear salesperson (not a stretch, right?) and
>someone comes in and says, "I have 6 (12, 18, 25 your choice)
>jumps. People I have never met and have never seen me jump
> recommended I buy a Spectre. I would like to order one." Your
> thoughts?

Would you honestly say "no comment" and go on to help the guy with 1000 jumps? I've spent a lot of time doing just the opposite. The guy with 25 jumps needs help a lot more than the guy with 1000 jumps, and I think that this sport is all about helping people (especially people with 25 jumps) when they need it even if society is litigious.

>In this litigious society, giving advice to a question like the one
>posed here is foolhardy.

Blue, Brenda and Frank do it all the time, and do an excellent job at it.

>That and this post should probably not be in this forum.

It's a forum on canopy control. It's a question about a canopy. Should she post it in the German forum?

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>Hi what sort of parachute should I get I have got 6 jumps now . . .

Your instructors will tell you what to use until you get off student status. Once you do, you'll have a wide variety of choices. I'd recommend a used ZP or partially ZP canopy; a lot of it depends on what you're used to. A few keys:

-Get advice from people who know how you land; instructors and S+TA's are good choices here.

-Make small changes. Don't go from a 288 sq ft canopy straight to a 150. If you want to do that, beg borrow or steal intermediate canopies to ease the transition.

-Don't move on until you have mastered the canopy you are flying, and that includes things like flat turns, flare turns, accuracy, crosswind landings etc.

-When you get over a loading of 1 to 1 or so canopy performance changes - you go from just pulling both toggles down to having to really fly the canopy through the flare. Make sure you get coaching when you get above this loading.

Some good starting-out canopies: Triathalons, Spectres (although they snivel a lot) Silhouettes, Sabre I's.

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Bill, nice to see common ground upon which we agree.


Would you honestly say "no comment" and go on to help the guy with 1000 jumps?

Exactly my point, but I would have added after your no comment, "and drawn up the order with no questions asked." I would never expect or accept that from a salesperson. I have always found them more professional than that. Agree with you on that.


Blue, Brenda and Frank do it all the time, and do an excellent job at it.

Don't know them, but don't doubt that they do. I assume they are professionals with a depth of knowledge of skydiving and equipment and are proficient in the sale and use of equipment. And I bet they know more about the people they help than they have six jumps and post on a public site. Again, in agreement.


It's a forum on canopy control. It's a question about a canopy. Should she post it in the German forum?

Not sure what languages she speaks, but I would probably think the Gear and Rigging Forum (The Dropzone Gear and Rigging forum is where you can discuss any gear related questions and issues. Ask about gear before you buy it and find out what others are using and how.) or the General Skydiving Discussions (Have a skydiving related question? Get a skydiving related answer here.) would be more appropriate than the Swooping and Canopy Control Forum( A forum for swoopers and anyone who wants to hone their canopy control skills.) That really doesn't seem to be where her questions lie at this point.

Compare and contrast your remarks:


Your instructors will tell you what to use until you get off student status. Once you do, you'll have a wide variety of choices. I'd recommend a used ZP or partially ZP canopy; a lot of it depends on what you're used to. A few keys:

-Get advice from people who know how you land; instructors and S+TA's are good choices here.

with my Cliff notes version from the original post:


Maybe your instructors can help.

Amen brother can I get a hallelujah!
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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Not that I think that I'd be in any danger of being sued for telling someone that a lightly loaded Spectre might be a good canopy for them... now if I was telling them that a Crossfire makes an excellent first canopy that'd be a different story.

I happen to think a Crossfiire loaded .6-.7/1 would be an excellent first canopy if they are using Sabers for students like my dz. loading usually 0.9-1.0/1 by the time off student status. OK so at least they would need some warnings.

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I happen to think a Crossfiire loaded .6-.7/1 would be an excellent first canopy if they are using Sabers for students like my dz. loading usually 0.9-1.0/1 by the time off student status. OK so at least they would need some warnings.

That of course depends on what they're flying as students. Most dz's seem to still be using big ol' F111 mains for students; putting someone who has only jumped a Manta on a Crossfire (even at 0.9) would, imho, be asking for injuries or worse.

Again, I stick to very conservative recommendations on the forums because those who post asking generally don't give near the amount of info needed to recommend anything but conservative canopy types and loadings.

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