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DB Cooper

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Wouldn't be the first time a law enforcement agency took credit for a find that they had little to do with.

Was it ever confirmed that the Cooper 727 landed without the door placard?


gunther, seemingly from conversations with Agent H. seemed to imply it was unclear if it was the same placard. He quoted mechanics as saying placards were on both the inside and outside and that the outside ones were known to fall off. Who knows what's true in that area. Do 727s have placards on the outside?

But we've heard very little from the FBI saying the placard was positively linked, right?

I think it basically adds nothing to the case.

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Write it up Jo!

Right now I would like to find a good writer and you have not heard me SAY that before.

You don't even need to get a printer. You can self publish on the web pretty cheaply or freely nowadays.

Get your message out. However deep the conspiracy goes, heads will roll. The American people will back you up when you lay it out for them.

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Snow has an excellent point. Anyone who says that publication of anything (other than classifed info) is being suppressed is dreaming. Anyone can publish on the web and get a potentially huge audience IF the publication has merit or appeal (either will suffice). There are many sites that give you a few gigs FREE, plenty of room for self publishing many hundreds of pages of text.

Go for it Jo! You seem to have no trouble clearly expressing yourself in writing. You can do it yourself or hire someone to transcribe what you dictate orally.

DRAGON voice recognition software works surprisingly well if you have a good microphone, quiet environment and spend a few hours teaching it about your speech (very easy to do). You speak, it types. $149.00


2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I am not going to debate your extreme ugly and loud post.
I was getting ready to sign off.

Duane was not involved in any search of Cooper - this is a seed planted by Sluggo and I know it is not true (one reason I do not allow Sluggo to post some things regarding Duane and I). He is intitled to his speculation, but it has NO basis.

Duane was employed in Ga. and he was married at that time - I have spoke with his employers over the yrs. If Sluggo has anything to back this up - and he doesn't except for a statement from a woman who wants me out of her hair...he doesn't know what he is dealing with.

Reply> The "seed" is in WA and has nothing to do with Sluggo, or with you. If you think, you already know that. X told you and I am not referring to
Sluggo. You are not the centre of the Cooper universe. Never were and never will be.


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I have spent the last 2 hours on the phone. First I was angry at Sluggo and then I made a phone call to the one person I did not want to talk to - I was assured what Sluggo has said NEVER happened.

After this phone call and others I had made yrs ago to other parties - and with Duane's work records - I will assure you DUANE WEBER was not part of any search party nor did he go to Wa in 1975 or the yr before or after. He did not meet the wife of those times until 1972 - so MJ's accounting of the times is accurate.

MJ divorced Duane in I think May of 1972. and Duane remarried in the summer of 1972.

TO ALL: I do not have Old Timers, but I have been overwhelmed with trying to keep all of this information in my head. I do not have the computer knowledge to catelog these things so that I can pull them up with KEY words and the files are VAST...with much of it NOT on the computer. The computer crashed a couple of time over these 13 yrs and some information lost - but it is all in hard copy and some on disks. I have kept a hard copy (paper) of most things.

For my age I think I do a remarkable job of keeping things in order in my mind. Due to the stress of all of this - I am having the normal problems with short term memory like many my age and remember that during part of this I was nursing a very sick husband for several yrs.

It is a miracle that with all I have been thru with the Cooper thing and my last husband's health that I do as well as I do. By being the oldest 68 yr old my sister knows - she was referring to my physical health.

The dumb Blonde syndrome - you all know is an act.
Dumb I am not, naive yes. I was a wife who did not ask question - but that doesn't mean I was not aware nor that I didn't remember or unable to recall when it was necessary.

As for my ability to recall I will go up against all of you - I keep the details sorted out better than the rest of you do. Sluggo is no longer the Myth breaker, because of the errors he has made regarding things I told him and that are in writing in this forum.
He is now a MYTH maker.

I called him and blew my top, but I have had time to make the phone calls and chill out. Nothing is better than going right to the source and to someone who knew Duane during that time period.

I am going to try to have a nice Christmas - and I didn't need what I have been thru in this forum this afternoon.

You can bet your bottom dollar that I will not do an online book...I am not a book writer. I ramble and jump around too much - that does not mean I am mentally challenged - just not a writer.

Wish I could drink - I could certainly use a few glasses of wine right now . I am allergenic to the contents not only in hard liquor but also something they use in the wine making process.

I think Georger and Snowmman sound demented - when they go into their RAGES and denials and the attacking of my creditation.

I am a simple woman trying to tell what I know.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I have spent the last 2 hours on the phone. First I was angry at Sluggo and then I made a phone call to the one person I did not want to talk to - I was assured what Sluggo has said NEVER happened.

After this phone call and others I had made yrs ago to other parties - and with Duane's work records - I will assure you DUANE WEBER was not part of any search party nor did he go to Wa in 1975 or the yr before or after. He did not meet the wife of those times until 1972 - so MJ's accounting of the times is accurate.

MJ divorced Duane in I think May of 1972. and Duane remarried in the summer of 1972.

TO ALL: I do not have Old Timers, but I have been overwhelmed with trying to keep all of this information in my head. I do not have the computer knowledge to catelog these things so that I can pull them up with KEY words and the files are VAST...with much of it NOT on the computer. The computer crashed a couple of time over these 13 yrs and some information lost - but it is all in hard copy and some on disks. I have kept a hard copy (paper) of most things.

For my age I think I do a remarkable job of keeping things in order in my mind. Due to the stress of all of this - I am having the normal problems with short term memory like many my age and remember that during part of this I was nursing a very sick husband for several yrs.

It is a miracle that with all I have been thru with the Cooper thing and my last husband's health that I do as well as I do. By being the oldest 68 yr old my sister knows - she was referring to my physical health.

The dumb Blonde syndrome - you all know is an act.
Dumb I am not, naive yes. I was a wife who did not ask question - but that doesn't mean I was not aware nor that I didn't remember or unable to recall when it was necessary.

As for my ability to recall I will go up against all of you - I keep the details sorted out better than the rest of you do. Sluggo is no longer the Myth breaker, because of the errors he has made regarding things I told him and that are in writing in this forum.
He is now a MYTH maker.

I called him and blew my top, but I have had time to make the phone calls and chill out. Nothing is better than going right to the source and to someone who knew Duane during that time period.

I am going to try to have a nice Christmas - and I didn't need what I have been thru in this forum this afternoon.

You can bet your bottom dollar that I will not do an online book...I am not a book writer. I ramble and jump around too much - that does not mean I am mentally challenged - just not a writer.

Wish I could drink - I could certainly use a few glasses of wine right now . I am allergenic to the contents not only in hard liquor but also something they use in the wine making process.

I think Georger and Snowmman sound demented - when they go into their RAGES and denials and the attacking of my creditation.

I am a simple woman trying to tell what I know.

Jo Jo Jo! You are the one (primarily) who originated
the idea that Duane had been involved in a search
"with the FBI" around Orchards 1975.

This predates Sluggo by years, so far as I know.

That Sluggo would pick up on this later, working
with your papers?, makes some sense. Only Sluggo
can explain where he developed the idea and how,
if that is the case. I have no idea if Sluggo even
believes this, or if he does how firmly he believes it.
And he may very well have heard this from people
in Washington ... who seem to be aware YOU first
peddled this story!

I have said a thousand times YOU are NOT the centre of the Cooper universe. But, in an earlier
epoch people were listening to things you said.

The irony of the whole thing is it appears at the
time you were attempting to piece togther some
connetion between your Duane and the Cooper
case. Then you abruptly began claiming "Duane
was Cooper"! That astounded a number of people.

So, as far as I can tell historically, you hav had it both ways.

(1) Duane was not DB Cooper but only involved
in trying to find or search for DB Cooper, and

(2) Duane was DB Cooper.

Make up your mind!

You only have yourself to blame.


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It is absolutely essential that you continue.

Hey on a positive note, research on this Cooper thing has made me reflect on lots of history.


Sluggo is no longer the Myth breaker, because of the errors he has made regarding things I told him and that are in writing in this forum.
He is now a MYTH maker.

One thing I wonder about Sluggo, is that it's easy to create myths just by selective "fact" reporting. There are no facts in the Cooper case. So it's just a question of what information do you gather and present as "interesting". His website presents a point of view about what's interesting. A random example is his weak presentation of an apparent 1995 NB6 rig.

If I give Sluggo a hard time, it's only because he sometimes seems to get caught up in "facts" as just being what he says are facts. It's all fuzzy. There are millions of "facts" from 1971 and the subsequent FBI search. The question is "which ones are interesting". So there's an editorial function. Which is good. Does Sluggo recognize his? I don't know.

My take was that early on, his early bias was "I want to cozy up to the FBI because they have the only thing I trust as data". Which is fine.

But what if the FBI is the myth maker, unknowingly?
Best to accumulate info from everywhere, and have an editorial bias that maximizes information creation.

You can always throw out stuff that doesn't stand the test of time.

Just my two cents.

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Jo Jo Jo! You are the one (primarily) who originated
the idea that Duane had been involved in a search
"with the FBI" around Orchards 1975.

I never agreed with or suggested that Duane participated in any search...I had a Boss who claimed he (the boss) participated in the original search. If someone introduced that as a way of Duane knowing the area - I might have said maybe and checked it out with the same results I got today - except I went one step further this time. As always that did not explain the things I saw and held in my hands.


The irony of the whole thing is it appears at the time you were attempting to piece togther some
connection between your Duane and the Cooper case. Then you abruptly began claiming "Duane
was Cooper"! That astounded a number of people.

That is a bunch of bunk - I claimed Duane was Cooper from the beginning or that he knew who Cooper was. Himmelsbach and I "talked" about the different ways Duane could have been privey to the search area, but I never agreed to this, because it did not explain the evidence I held in my hands.

SO you must be Himmelsbach's friend who has been in the forum - Gottcha! Retired FBI and friend of Himmelsbachs who said I was discrediting myself by being in the forum. I am only being discredited by someone like you but maybe you are the one who has something to hide. The only thing you have to gain by your posts is to divert me or inflame me. Not succeeding at diversion you then attempt to inflame me. When that failed you then announced and promoted the notion I had a problem with my brain.

For a former FBI agent you seem to have lost your edge. I even have your name someplace within this giant catalog called my brain. You won't be able to hide behind your avatar and the name Georger. Puts you on the same play ground I am on.

Duane WAS not involved in the search...unless he was working for the government or involved with the government some way. So you see what you did - stepped right into the JMWave involvement or covert or cover-up theory or that Duane in some capacity was on the payroll.

Otherwise - why would the FBI or CIA import a man from GA to participate in a seach in WA - he was making a decent income at that time, but not enough to pay his way to WA with room and board and miss a pay check.

I was looking at your name the other day and realized you might also be Robbie Clampett. There has always been an inflection in your post giving me cause to suspect this. In fact I think I would like you in person.

Only you would know who that is and I don't mean the Hillbilly. Thank you for the useful information you provided me anonymously back then - pre Sluggo days. We never talked in a forum (I don't think) - you contacted me as an anonymous friend who wanted to help me.

When I started getting too close your emails stopped - then I sent you an email thinking you might be dead. You are alive and well and retired now it seems. Back then you were active FBI or just retired - couldn't expose yourself trying to help me. The real purpose may have been to disfuse me from the truth or perhaps hoping beyond all hope to save me from myself.

I didn't need saving and I don't now - I need the truth - a truth that makes sense and explains the things I DO KNOW. Not a story that creates more of a puzzle for me and the public.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Hi Jo.
If that post was your first chapter, I didn't mean to take Conrad's style to heart!

In any case, you said:

Himmelsbach and I "talked" about the different ways Duane could have been privey to the search area, but I never agreed to this, because it did not explain the evidence I held in my hands.

If you and H. talked about the "Duane" area as being the same as a FBI search area, does that mean you're confirming that the FBI considered the "Duane" area as a possible DZ before you ever talked to them?

We've been debating the question of whether this idea of a new "DZ" was bogus, and something the FBI knew for ages.

If H. and you were talking about the "Duane" area as a search area, doesn't that mean the FBI considered it a possible DZ way back when?

I'm confused. But hey it's the DBC thread, so that's the goal!

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If H. and you were talking about the "Duane" area as a search area, doesn't that mean the FBI considered it a possible DZ way back when?

I'm confused. But hey it's the DBC thread, so that's the goal!

Snowmman that make two of us. If I remember right there was a mention in a book or news article of another search in that lower area, but would not even know the time frame of the search.

Himmelsbach and I had lots of conversations with me throwing out things - fishing for information in those early days. He never volunteered information and was very careful to never say something that was not already public knowledge. I expect you will find that information in writing someplace in a public media.

My memory says there is mention of another search in the lower area, but tonight I am too tired to think. Tired from doing nothing but being on this damn computer and using up my Holiday feelings.


That is how I feel - they got it all backwards. If Duane was part of a search how did he end up with those items - all searches are in teams. if the items were exposed to the elements or not in a protected area they would have been soiled or showed evidence of having been wet.

The suppositon of Duane being part of search team seems "WET".
There were younger men who were closer - they weren't going to import a Georgia ex-con...How does that make one bit of sense?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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One of the McCoy (possibly) myths was that he was involved in the Cooper search. It's even in wikipedia saying that.

I tried to track this down and found a newspaper article that I suspect may have the details that created the myth. I don't think McCoy was really involved in the Cooper search.

It sounds accurate, and might suggest how the myth got started.

This was from the Lawton Constitution 4/11/72

"...accused of masterminding Friday's hijack, reported Saturday morning at the Salt Lake City International Airport for extra National Guard helicopter training.
Maj. Gen. Maurice L. Watts, the Utah adjuntant general, said McCoy, a warrant officer in the National Guard, flew a guard helicopter with a photographer to Camp Williams on a Saturday morning. The camp is a short distance from the Provo area where FBI agents had been searching for the hijacker. [ed. McCoy]
Watts said the photographer told him the two flew to the camp and returned, passing near the area of the search.
Watts also said McCoy, upon returning from the helicopter flight, was met by FBI agents who questioned him at the airport"

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Write it up Jo!


Right now I would like to find a good writer and you have not heard me SAY that before.

You don't even need to get a printer. You can self publish on the web pretty cheaply or freely nowadays.

Get your message out. However deep the conspiracy goes, heads will roll. The American people will back you up when you lay it out for them.

I agree. Take it right to the top of Walmart.
Tinfoil is hazardous.

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Okay, I've been curious about the PCA/USPA membership numbers from '62-'71 and I was seeing some different numbers...

but I finally found this interesting little 1979 paper purporting to analyze "risk" activities...

it had a chart with the numbers I wanted (along with hang gliding and ballooning)

I think the numbers look like (roughly)
'61 -3300
'62 -7000
'63 -9000
'64 -7100
'65 -10000
'66 -11100
'67 -11500
'68 -12000
'69 -13000
'70 -11000

So if Cooper did some jumps in '62-'64, and he had a PCA license, we're only talking about 9000 folks?
Cutting that down to NW area and males and certain age at that point ((36-38) would seem to prune the list a lot.

Can't be more than a couple hundred that might be interesting Coopers? Just guessing, I would think the median age for jumpers would be lower than Cooper's age at that time, potentially lowering the number of interesting suspects, but maybe in the early years ('62-'64) skydiving skewed a little older? does anyone know?

I can't imagine the FBI went thru all those folks though. Would the USPA (was PCA) have given them a list with data? Would the data have been lost? Nowadays I could imagine a subpoena...heck with Patriot Act, they'd just hack into the USPA computers...We Don't Knock!

chart attached from 1979 paper
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I have spent the last 2 hours on the phone. First I was angry at Sluggo and then I made a phone call to the one person I did not want to talk to - I was assured what Sluggo has said NEVER happened.

After this phone call and others I had made yrs ago to other parties - and with Duane's work records - I will assure you DUANE WEBER was not part of any search party nor did he go to Wa in 1975 or the yr before or after. He did not meet the wife of those times until 1972 - so MJ's accounting of the times is accurate.

MJ divorced Duane in I think May of 1972. and Duane remarried in the summer of 1972.

TO ALL: I do not have Old Timers, but I have been overwhelmed with trying to keep all of this information in my head. I do not have the computer knowledge to catelog these things so that I can pull them up with KEY words and the files are VAST...with much of it NOT on the computer. The computer crashed a couple of time over these 13 yrs and some information lost - but it is all in hard copy and some on disks. I have kept a hard copy (paper) of most things.

For my age I think I do a remarkable job of keeping things in order in my mind. Due to the stress of all of this - I am having the normal problems with short term memory like many my age and remember that during part of this I was nursing a very sick husband for several yrs.

It is a miracle that with all I have been thru with the Cooper thing and my last husband's health that I do as well as I do. By being the oldest 68 yr old my sister knows - she was referring to my physical health.

The dumb Blonde syndrome - you all know is an act.
Dumb I am not, naive yes. I was a wife who did not ask question - but that doesn't mean I was not aware nor that I didn't remember or unable to recall when it was necessary.

As for my ability to recall I will go up against all of you - I keep the details sorted out better than the rest of you do. Sluggo is no longer the Myth breaker, because of the errors he has made regarding things I told him and that are in writing in this forum.
He is now a MYTH maker.

I called him and blew my top, but I have had time to make the phone calls and chill out. Nothing is better than going right to the source and to someone who knew Duane during that time period.

I am going to try to have a nice Christmas - and I didn't need what I have been thru in this forum this afternoon.

You can bet your bottom dollar that I will not do an online book...I am not a book writer. I ramble and jump around too much - that does not mean I am mentally challenged - just not a writer.

Wish I could drink - I could certainly use a few glasses of wine right now . I am allergenic to the contents not only in hard liquor but also something they use in the wine making process.

I think Georger and Snowmman sound demented - when they go into their RAGES and denials and the attacking of my creditation.

I am a simple woman trying to tell what I know.

My information has not come from Sluggo. You can
bank on that. My information comes from the
State of Washington, where a lot of people dont
see you as the owner of the Cooper legacy.

These people say flat-out it was YOU who started
the idea that Duane had done a search at Orchards
in 75.

That you are evidently recanting is no surprise.
Its not the first time.

You are always so cock-sure of yourself, day to day, its no wonder conflicts emerge. Nobody can't follow
your machinations. It's too wearing!

Good luck.

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Jo Jo Jo! You are the one (primarily) who originated
the idea that Duane had been involved in a search
"with the FBI" around Orchards 1975.

I never agreed with or suggested that Duane participated in any search...I had a Boss who claimed he (the boss) participated in the original search. If someone introduced that as a way of Duane knowing the area - I might have said maybe and checked it out with the same results I got today - except I went one step further this time. As always that did not explain the things I saw and held in my hands.

Reply> So "your boss" participated in a Cooper search? Not Duane. And from this it became

Why didnt you nip it in the bud when it became
public knowledge?

Or, you have also stated Duane may have know WHO Cooper was. How would that be possible
and when would he have known that?


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and I can testify that Duane wasn't.
Duane could testify that I wasn't, but Duane isn't here.
So I was there.

(edit) "owner of the Cooper legacy"
Doesn't that sound more like the voiceover for a car commerical..you know the one where the old guy with grey hair buys a car for the 22 year-old trophy wife and it's in the driveway with a bow...snow etc..

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That is a bunch of bunk - I claimed Duane was Cooper from the beginning or that he knew who Cooper was. Himmelsbach and I "talked" about the different ways Duane could have been privey to the search area, but I never agreed to this,

REPLY> Which search area are you talking about?
Merwin Lake the original search area 71-72 or Orchards a later search in 1975? Your talks with
H did not happen until the 90's?

I claimed Duane was Cooper from the beginning
or that he knew who Cooper was. Himmelsbach and I "talked".

REPLY> How would Duane know who Cooper was
if he wasnt Cooper himself?


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- they weren't going to import a Georgia ex-con...How does that make one bit of sense?

Yet you have consistently implied that the CIA would. how does THAT make sense? Spend a fortune training up all sorts of elite people and then hire an ex con for all sorts of highly secret things?
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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This was 1983. So he must have been just 17 at his first attempt in 1980? Yup, and that one was at SeaTac
This one was Portland.

January 21, 1983
A 20-year-old man, on probation for a bungled 1980 skyjacking, commandeered a Northwest Airlines jet and demanded to be flown to Afghanistan but was shot to death by (one of two) FBI agent(s) who had sneaked aboard. After trying to throw a shoe box he claimed held a bomb, Glenn K. Tripp, died yesterday in the aisle of Northwest Airlines Flight 608 after being shot at close range. "As he was going down, he said, 'I give, I give.' The last time he said it, he was fading" said Roy Gronquist, a passenger from Beavorton, Oregon.

In the 1980 attempt he demanded and received $10000 in cash along with two parachutes. He scaled down the demand to a rental car and three cheeseburgers and was arrested when he left the plane.

Shortly after Thursday's takeoff, Tripp stood and said, 'We're going to Afghanistan,' said Chuck Goodman, 40, a passenger from Boca Raton, Fla, "He said it in a low voice and no one took him seriously."

"He was very upset with Americans,"said passenger Larry Larson, 43, a log scaler from Hood River, Ore. "Evidently, for some reason, he had a lot of hatred for Americans. He said we are not helping his people in Afghanistan enough"


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Duane didn't have to be physically part of a search team to be looking for him (like most of us here).
Sure, maybe he knew Cooper. Or maybe he just got interested in the case. Maybe he got it into his head that Cooper died and the money was out there. Maybe when he said "That's where Cooper walked out the woods" he was supposing so, just as you and others here have said "Cooper did X" as though you know it as fact, when you don't.

Maybe he didn't say "i'm" dan cooper but "find" dan cooper cos he wanted you to continue the search...?

All looks at least as plausible if not more so than the idea that Duane was Cooper.

Yes there are a lot of unexplained things in Duane's life, maybe there is a good story there, but not that he was Cooper.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Sure, maybe he knew Cooper. Or maybe he just got interested in the case. Maybe he got it into his head that Cooper died and the money was out there. Maybe when he said "That's where Cooper walked out the woods" he was supposing so, just as you and others here have said "Cooper did X" as though you know it as fact, when you don't.

good point Orange1. That's exactly the way Gossett's ex-wife described how Gosset talked about it, in the 3rd person. I'm going to upload that news video to youtube so it's more accessible. I think it helps show how bogus the Gossett thing is also.

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Duane didn't have to be physically part of a search team to be looking for him (like most of us here).
Sure, maybe he knew Cooper. Or maybe he just got interested in the case. Maybe he got it into his head that Cooper died and the money was out there. Maybe when he said "That's where Cooper walked out the woods" he was supposing so, just as you and others here have said "Cooper did X" as though you know it as fact, when you don't.

Maybe he didn't say "i'm" dan cooper but "find" dan cooper cos he wanted you to continue the search...?

All looks at least as plausible if not more so than the idea that Duane was Cooper.

Yes there are a lot of unexplained things in Duane's life, maybe there is a good story there, but not that he was Cooper.

Or, rather than working for the CIA, Duane had
some friend he met while in prison in WA. This
person alerted Duane to the Cooper story going
on in WA and from that a interest developed and
a trip?

And that person (the guy he met in prison) was
working for the CIA! (arent they all?)

We now have three maybe four brand new threads:

"I never agreed with or suggested that Duane participated in any search...I had a Boss who claimed he (the boss) participated in the original search."

(1) Jo had a boss who may have been in the search
for Cooper. Who was Jo's boss!? This may have filtered to Duane.

"That is a bunch of bunk - I claimed Duane was Cooper from the beginning or that he knew who Cooper was. Himmelsbach and I "talked" about the different ways Duane could have been privey to the search area, but I never agreed to this,

(2) Jo and H discussed if Duane had ever been
in the search for Cooper.

(3) Jo discussed that Duane knew who the real Cooper was.

(4) Jo and H and others discussed all of this freely,
seriously, according to Jo. But who is the instigator in all of these communications? Is H chasing Jo around
for information about Duane?

When you realise all of this may have absolutely
nothing to do with the real DB Cooper or the
DB Cooper case, but be ancilary and a creation
by Jo Weber, that is when my detector goes off.

As in, how many nuts can show up at a fire and
all show too much interest and one claim responsibility? Is it just a Full Moon of what!?


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You investigated a possible Coffelt connection in the conspiracy.

Doesn't it make sense that there's a Gossett+Duane link that needs to be investigated?

I think you need to talk to Gossett's ex-wife.
The truth is out there.

Gossett existed independent of Cook. Cook came afterwards.

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