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DB Cooper

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Regarding Jo's assertion that I may be a murderer, I feel it is necessary to state a few things.

First, I have asked Quade for his advice on how we should proceed.

In addition, I have asked him to make an intervention with Jo. I think she needs some clear boundaries established.

Along those lines, I feel like Jo uses the forum as a kind of psychological punching bag, beating up anyone who doesn't bow down to her or fawn over her story. Certainly those who challenge her claim to be the widow of DB Cooper and ask for proof are castigated severely by her, regardless of how reasonable their questions may be.

It begs the age-old question - what do you do with bullies, even if they are needy 73-year old women? Leave them alone, or call them on their shit?

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But, to suggest someone murdered another human being, just for a story, crazy.

If that was what she did that would be one thing. Don't blow it out of proportion though because that's NOT what she did. She said;

I would not put it past him to have...

Which is something different from an actual accusation of murder.

As for Bruce, simmer down.

As for Jo, likewise.

Honestly, a number of you are serial offenders and are pretty damn close to getting booted. Talk about the subject, disagree with the theories, but for goodness sake cut it with the attacks on each other. It's so old it's silly.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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So, where is the line of decency at the DZ? Here, or..... just about over there?

It tends to move a bit depending on the personages involved. Snowmman was booted from this forum for being a royal jerk even though he was the smartest guy in the room, every night.

Galen crossed a line and got banned from here for asking Larry Carr ( in a snarky manner) if he posted here during company time, which I personally think was a legitimate use of the taxpayer's money, and also a legitimate question from Galen no matter how sophmoric it may have been to some people.

Meyer and Blevs have been booted for being impulsive bloviators with excessive attitude, and I seem to recall Georger getting a time-out or two for being too mean-temptered for anyone's tolerance levels to withstand.

Yet, no one here has ever called anyone a murderer before, or a "creep" who "lusts" after Tina. No one has ever called for law enforcement to investigate any of us here before. No one has ever threatened to have a DZ poster arrested before.

No, tonight has been a special night.

In response, I am reluctant to have someone kicked out of their therapy group for these kinds of behaviors, even if they've cross the line for most of us here. After all, we all come here for personal reasons, and Jo seems especially drawn to these pages. It certainly looks like a therapy group for her, as it is often for me, as well. After all, Dr. Phil got into show biz because he felt his clinical practice had simply turned into a "Rent-a-friend service."

Such are our needs.

But Jo has crossed a serious line. She is accusing me of crimes. Hence, upon the advise of counsel I have asked Quade to remove her from this forum.

Then, we all go on from here.

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:o[:/]BOUNDARIES who is writing a book built on inflammatory postings you prompt just like you did with Tina's family....that is acceptable behaviour for a grown man?:o

Uncovering cooper is the objective but you won't find him when you alienate the people who were on that plane by showing up on their door unannounce AFTER YOU have stated that Tina is a misfit all based on the very same things you are saying about me.

:|Have you looked in the mirror lately?

Have you sent letters of apology?

Using your own word this is how your are viewed by the individuals whose space you have invaded the (crews and their families).

Bruce made the statement below, but just do a little verbage change here:


those who ask for proof are castigated severely by her, subsititute Bruce or him for her regardless of how reasonable their questions may be.

ARE U looking in the Mirror?:S

What you did with Tina, her family and her sister - is unacceptable. Then you posted it here and in your on line news and I suppose you will use your usual thing about how TINA has a problem and she owned you an interview!

Are U looking in the Mirror?:S

I HOPE U are looking in the mirror U just wrote a post about yourself!

P.S. to Quade:
The attorney must be Galen Cook!
I had to ask that!;) I made my post before I read your warning so I hope this one is NOT out of boundaries - I will no longer respond to any post Bruce's makes. THANK YOU!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I wonder what it is about the a Internet that brings out Lord of the Flies behavior? At the Portland Symposium everybody got along really well. Even JT was a cordial gentleman. I never heard a raised voice or mean word even among people who had taken opposing views on this forum.

Put the same people behind a keyboard and sparks fly.

I'm all for free speech. I don't want Jo banned and I wish Quade would let Snow return.

But why can't we all be more congenial? Why do we act mean to each other here? I'm guilty too. I take a shot at Jo now and then. BK and GreyCop too.

Maybe some researcher has figured out why we grow fangs online.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I did find a post from 2007. it still doesn't make sense. what was the date on the parking ticket? you place him in Portland at the Roadway Inn verified by the night clerk. so why would his car be in Seattle? it is very confusing Jo. you said the Roadway was changed to the Red Lion Inn. Is this the same one you were at? there's a Roadway Inn pretty close to PDX still operating, it looks like it could be from that circa.

I think you have mixed up the ticket with the stub over time...

I didn't even see a date - I am sure it had one. I noted the SEA-TAC and asked what it was. Before in earlier post I describe the ticket best I could and I believe the color, but today I could not tell you the color.

When I look at the receipt from my trip I can give you the answer to Rodeway versus Red Lion. It was the one that changed names. I stayed in a handicap room on the first floor just around the corner from the front desk.

I questioned the same thing and why I described the little ticket - I thought it could be one of those lockers or a parking ticket. That was discussed about the same time - but I have NO IDEA how to find it.

I also asked the question of the thread about if it was a parking ticket - why the car would be in Seattle. Since I was informed someone might have been with him by the night clerk, my thinking was that the other person drove to Seattle - there was PLENTY of time to do this. Also explains the ticket.

Remember that in SEATTLE when Duane took me to SEA TAC - which I did NOT know that was what it was called.

Explain why and how we stopped at the airport in the next post.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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First time I ever saw SEA TAC, but I did NOT know the name of it was SEA TAC - it was just the Seattle Airport to me.

We had to go to a banquet held in another part of town and they provide us with a map to the facility from the hotel. I had the map but Duane said he knew the way. Well, we approach the airport and somehow he goes behind the airport. He mentions he didn't remember the fence. What was there in 1979 was a chain link fence.

In the Book & the thread I SAW A PICTURE OF THE AIRPORT FROM THAT ANGLE. The fence in 1971 was one of those wood kind with a post and two rails....things started tick tick tick.

Duane was at a stop almost as he looked at the plane was at....he mentioned the plane, but I do not remember what he said (actually tonight in telling this I started to say what I thought he said but, that would probably be a false memory).

Then Duane points infront of us and to the Left a build that was what he said used to be a motel - but now it was offices (he knew this in 1979).

The building was yellow in 1979). He mentions a ice cream place near the motel. He was definitely there at one time.

He had told me this was a short cut and I told him not on the map.
Sure enough he knew were he was going - but, with a slight detour.

So when that plane was parked there - he was either on the plane or on the ground. I remembered just now something he said. He told me that people came out there to watch the plane - and I decided that perhaps when he was a kid - what I chalk all the other things he said up to. I didn't give it much thought. The picture of the site the plane was at meant there was photograper along that fence line - but again I will reinterate not until I saw the pictures of the skyjacked plane after I started to investigate.

I would not know it was referred to as Sea Tac until I read my Max's book - My first introduction to Cooper in May of 1996 the day after I aced the FL Realestate Licensing test. ACE it BIG TIME!

Now in retrospect - he was remembering, but as a spectator this time. If ONLY I had known about Cooper - I did NOT realize we were at the place of a skyjacking - the article was on the 3rd page of a newspaper full of war stories in 1971...I was in Millegeville, Ga with my husband and 2 kids.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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***'Jay, you've made a lot of jokes about me over the years. Don't worry. I'm not upset about them.
In fact, I've decided to make you our next ambassador...to Antarctica.' Barack Obama


There is no Ambassador to Antarctica.

Antarctica since 1957 has been governed by the ATS under the
United Nations.

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***Any clues on HOW Cooper arrived at THE airport? Please don't SHOOT me for asking NOOB questions.

This RANDOM capitalization of words THING is kind of FUN.... I must ADMIT.

Barb says she drove, and left her car. Then took a bus back to PDX from her LZ in Woodburn and drove home to West Seattle.

As for McCoy, it is presumed he flew in from Las Vegas, because he filled his VW with gas in Vegas on Thanksgiving Day.

KC - possibly got dropped off by Bernie in the Airstream after a night camping at Priest Point Park.

Gossett - no idea.

Uncle LD - no idea, but possibly Dewey dropped him off on the way to stationing himself in the woods of SW Washington.

Duane - walked or got a ride from someone at the Red Roof Inn, where he stayed as John C Collins. He didn't take a taxi or bus because the FBI talked to all those drivers and no one saw him via those means of transportation.

Thanks Mr. Bruce, but I was looking for info on the hijacker, not the suspects. Surely (I'm not calling you Shirley), the authorities questioned cabbies, shuttle bus drivers (they have shuttle buses back then?), hotel workers and such trying to find out info on the guy. I also figure they kept a close eye on the parking lots, as well. If they never found anything at all, it would lead me to think (my opinion here) that he might have been dropped off by a friend.

Is it important? Probably not, but when I get a question that pops into my head, I'm going to ask because so many of you know the case inside/out.

Also, I suffer from ADD, so if I ever ask the same question twice.... go easy on me.

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In 2001 a night clerk approached me thru Margie Boule. I believe and have confirmed the story he told me.

He contacted me thru Margie and told me a story. The night before the crime a man checked in - who he has claimed since seeing Duane's pictures in an artilce Margie did - that Duane Weber was the man.

In 1971 the next day after the skyjacking he was questioned by the FBI since he was on duty the night before. A man came in after dark and was looking for a room. He said there was a second party outside the door he believed was with the man...stayed in the shadows. Never knew.

The man wanted a room and asked for a late check out and not to be disturbed the next day - which was Nov 24, 1971. Pilots and stewardesses often do this so he thought nothing of it.

Next day - when he goes to work the FBI question him. He tells them what the guy looked like and until the picture of Duane Weber appeared in his local newpaper in 2001 - he didn't know who the man was.

The FBI collected the sign in Card and placed it in a plastic bag. Now the FBI has NO IDEA where THAT EVIDENCE is.
The Night Clerk swears it was signed by JOHN COLLINS. He remembered that clearly....yet, the FBI has NO records. The local law enforcement also did a lot of the work like that - so WHICH dept. took the hotel registration is in question. Portland Police or FBI. It was the Red Lion just out side of the airport.

LOL, okay, thanks.

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Jo, if the Portland Police collected the sign in card they would be obligated to hand it over to the FBI. it's a Federal crime which is out of the jurisdiction of the local police.

even if the card was lost or misplaced you would think a paper trail would be in the files.

what triggered this event to even take place. nobody else checked in around that time? if he explained to the police it might be Cooper then it would of been a huge break in the case. if the police collected the card, it would have been linked to possibly being Cooper.

I provided a picture of the Red Lion Inn which is about a thousand feet from PDX. it has two floors and offices in the front. are you saying the hotel/motel Duane checked into no longer exists?

there is a Rodeway Inn southeast of PDX a little over a mile away. both of these motels were there in 71, but not sure about the names.

I'm trying to unravel all of this. try to keep it on the subject. I know you feel like you are on trial, but it's you guys making these claims.

basically what I'm trying to figure out is where you stayed in 79, and where you claim Duane checked into in 1971.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Some of you posting to this thread need to question your overall intent for being here.

It may read as very strange to you non-jumpers but jumpers really are different from you. As odd is it may seem, during my 50+ years involved with the sport I personally have never seen a physical confrontation or heated argument between jumpers. Disagreements, of course; but nothing like I see here.

Sure, lots of heated arguments in some other forums but nothing like in this DB thread.

Long before this DB thread was started I've been wondering about what sets jumpers so apart from the non-jumpers. I've always noticed that jumpers treat each other with more "respect" but I really don't know why.

Maybe I'm brainwashed, some how, but I really do think we see life, and live life, totally differently. I've thought this long before the Internet was created but interaction seen here underscores my premise: we really are different from whuffos..


There may be actual psychological data to support your statements.

In 1963, I participated in a psychological study (by filling out a rather lengthy booklet of questions) that was being sponsored, or at least supported, by the Parachute Club of America, which encouraged its members to participate.

Supposedly, the results of this study were to be reported to the PCA membership in the Parachutist(?) Magazine in due time. But I never saw anything further on the study.

Do you know if the results were ever passed to the PCA membership or published anywhere?


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'Jay, you've made a lot of jokes about me over the years. Don't worry. I'm not upset about them.
In fact, I've decided to make you our next ambassador...to Antarctica.' Barack Obama


There is no Ambassador to Antarctica.

Antarctica since 1957 has been governed by the ATS under the
United Nations.

Let me guess. You don't have much of a sense of humor do you? :S Fortunately, our current Prez does.

Enough said.

Thats right. I have no sense of humor.

I also have one leg.

There you go again! Telling people who and what they are,
and what their motives are!

Maybe it's you who has no sense of humor! Who doesn't know
Antarctica has no Ambassador, but will make an issue of it
anyway to have the last word... and still be wrong!

To do the double-dread-naught diversion hoping you can entrap
someone and get them in trouble, while you escape Scott free
... to be the Ambassador to Antarctica.

Maybe that's why you book got reduced to .69c and they still
wouldn't sell, so got returned!

Now Ive gone too far and spoken the truth. Im probably in trouble because of YOU again. And you arent worth it!

So let me guess: You aren't worth it! And have nothing to
contribute to your "wage earner sheeple". :D But you will
demand that everyone listen to you! Because you can recite:

jack and jill went up the hill ...or maybe it was Geestman?


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Guru wrote

Long before this DB thread was started I've been wondering about what sets jumpers so apart from the non-jumpers. I've always noticed that jumpers treat each other with more "respect" but I really don't know why.

I've noticed this too Guru, but it's probably not unique to skydiving. I wonder if its found in most extreme sports? Might have something to do with shared risks and trust.

I'll query Snow. He has done some radical climbing stuff including extreme ice ascents at night. Wonder if that community is similar to the skydiving one in collegiality and minimal sniping, dissing and fighting?

We all tend to idealize our own communities, but I've been a jumper for 46 years now and it's been a very smooth ride people wise. I've never been in a fight or even had harsh words with another jumper. It is amazing how patient and helpful some superstar jumpers were with me when I was a tumbling newbie.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Guru wrote


Long before this DB thread was started I've been wondering about what sets jumpers so apart from the non-jumpers. I've always noticed that jumpers treat each other with more "respect" but I really don't know why.

I've noticed this too Guru, but it's probably not unique to skydiving. I wonder if its found in most extreme sports? Might have something to do with shared risks and trust.

I'll query Snow. He has done some radical climbing stuff including extreme ice ascents at night. Wonder if that community is similar to the skydiving one in collegiality and minimal sniping, dissing and fighting?

We all tend to idealize our own communities, but I've been a jumper for 46 years now and it's been a very smooth ride people wise. I've never been in a fight or even had harsh words with another jumper. It is amazing how patient and helpful some superstar jumpers were with me when I was a tumbling newbie.


Hmmm. Why tiptoe around this?

If identification is the problem, one is the entity you called
THE VENOM MAGNET. The other you called THE TEASE.

Maybe this isn't a problem in celestial cosmology and mechanics
after all?

Just inquire of these two trolls who they want sent packing
from this forum ... and the whole problem will be solved!?
Since there is a long list of the people these two have tangled
with, membership here may get reduced, but these two even
claim that would only be temporary and would IMPROVE this forum!

There is your solution and the only solution!

Otherwise: move on. Good luck.


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"...Thanks Mr. Bruce, but I was looking for info on the hijacker, not the suspects. Surely (I'm not calling you Shirley), the authorities questioned cabbies, shuttle bus drivers (they have shuttle buses back then?), hotel workers and such trying to find out info on the guy. I also figure they kept a close eye on the parking lots, as well. If they never found anything at all, it would lead me to think (my opinion here) that he might have been dropped off by a friend.

Is it important? Probably not, but when I get a question that pops into my head, I'm going to ask because so many of you know the case inside/out.

Also, I suffer from ADD, so if I ever ask the same question twice.... go easy on me..."

Don't worry, Wheatie, on asking questions twice - I'm old and fat so I probably won't remember more than one.

Yes, it is my understanding that all forms of public transportation were investigated - bus drivers, cabbies, etc. Also, all the cars in the parking lot were also checked to see if any were abandoned and not accounted for.

This kind of massive man-hunt is what made Norjak the most expensive investigation of its time, as I understand it.

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"...Thanks Mr. Bruce, but I was looking for info on the hijacker, not the suspects. Surely (I'm not calling you Shirley), the authorities questioned cabbies, shuttle bus drivers (they have shuttle buses back then?), hotel workers and such trying to find out info on the guy. I also figure they kept a close eye on the parking lots, as well. If they never found anything at all, it would lead me to think (my opinion here) that he might have been dropped off by a friend.

Is it important? Probably not, but when I get a question that pops into my head, I'm going to ask because so many of you know the case inside/out.

Also, I suffer from ADD, so if I ever ask the same question twice.... go easy on me..."

Don't worry, Wheatie, on asking questions twice - I'm old and fat so I probably won't remember more than one.

Yes, it is my understanding that all forms of public transportation were investigated - bus drivers, cabbies, etc. Also, all the cars in the parking lot were also checked to see if any were abandoned and not accounted for.

This kind of massive man-hunt is what made Norjak the most expensive investigation of its time, as I understand it.

This is probably one of the most under-reported aspects of the
case. The response in some areas, I think, was fairly massive at
least for a short time (based on conversations over the years).

The effort to build lists of suspects was large and to some
extent concentrated on certain areas. Not only was LE looking
for or 'at' potential suspects, it was also looking for anomalies
or incidents that had happened coincident to the hijacking ...
and trying to connect dots ... all very time consuming with
1970s technology. They burned more gas and shoe leather
than electrons, is my impression, generating a ton of

Blevins is fond of saying (reminding us!) that the FBI
"failed" to look at NWA employees! I wonder if that is true?
I doubt his account is the whole story, or even the real story.

But alas, once again, there is no one here with real authority to
speak about this issue - nobody! Don't you find that a bit
strange - in a vaunted Jo Weber DB Cooper thread ?

I need to go take a nap - it's all so overwhelming! :D:D

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"....This is probably one of the most under-reported aspects of the
case. The response in some areas, I think, was fairly massive at
least for a short time (based on conversations over the years).

The effort to build lists of suspects was large and to some
extent concentrated on certain areas. Not only was LE looking
for or 'at' potential suspects, it was also looking for anomalies
or incidents that had happened coincident to the hijacking ...
and trying to connect dots ... all very time consuming with
1970s technology. They burned more gas and shoe leather
than electrons, is my impression!

Blevins is fond of saying (reminding us!) that the FBI
"failed" to look at NWA employees! I wonder if that is true?
I doubt his account is the whole story, or even the real story.

But alas, once again, there is no one here with real authority to
speak about this issue - nobody! Don't you find that a bit
strange - in a vaunted Jo Weber DB Cooper thread ?

I need to go take a nap - it's all so overwhelming! :D:D..."

I agree with you G. This aspect is under-reported.

What I know of the details confirms that the search was massive in the days following the hijacking.

Bruce Thun reported that the feds were all over Thun Field and knew extensive details about his jumpers and pilots. Bruce asked me, plainly, "How did the FBI know all that stuff!"

SOG guy JD Bath also told me that he was interviewed in the DB Cooper case as soon as he rotated out of Vietnam and was questioned in Ft Bragg. Bath indicated that many of the SOG guys got the same treatment.

SA John Detlor also confirmed to me that soldiers returning from Vietnam were comprehensively questioned. Plus, John seemed uncomfortabale telling me that, and had to clear his throat as he spoke. I may be reading too much into that, but....

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G wrote


Hmmm. Why tiptoe around this?

If identification is the problem, one is the entity you called
THE VENOM MAGNET. The other you called THE TEASE.

Maybe this isn't a problem in celestial cosmology and mechanics
after all?


I know you see nothing redeeming in Blevins but if he truly is a VENOM MAGNET doesnt that serve a valuable function? The ideal filter not only strains but attracts and affixes contaminants. But I am assuming that supply of venom here is limited and therfore controllable, which may be an incorrect assumption. ;)

Been looking at alleged CIA uses of 727s. Found some claims on fringe websites that the CIA used drug smuggling to finance black ops and that 727s and C 130s were flown between Columbia and Panama at low altitude aided by specially installed LF radiobeacons. Drugs were allegedly dropped out the rear of both types of acft during flight.



Operation Snow Cone - Parent Central American drug smuggling operation. Various operations under Operation Snow Cone include: *Operation Watch Tower - Operation Watch Tower consists of secret radio beacons stationed at remote locations between Columbia and Panama. The beacons help CIA drug pilots fly from Central America to Panama at near-sea-level without being detected by high flying U.S. drug interdiction aircraft. Pilots of the drug flights home in on the low frequency signals emitted by the beacons to reach their destination at Albrook Army Airfield in Panama.

I, of course, like the radio angle. Low freq beacons wouldnt require any new gear in the C 130 or 727 as both have ADF receivers that can home in on LF beacons.


Operation Toilet Seat - The CIA uses Boeing 727 and C-130 aircraft to haul drugs from Central and South America. The drugs are dumped out the rear ramps of the aircraft into waters offshore of the U.S. in waterproof containers. There the drugs are retrieved by boat and brought into the U.S.

No way to know if this info is paranoid fantasy or has a grain of truth. The Iran Contra affair showed us that the CIA isnt above selling guns to US enemies in the Middle East to finance covert anti communist ops in Central America. Is it crazy to think that other crimes (such as drug smuggling) were committed to raise funds?

From Wikipedia

The Iran–Contra affair (Persian: ایران-کنترا‎, Spanish: caso Irán-Contra), also referred to as Irangate,[1] Contragate[citation needed] or the Iran–Contra scandal, was a political scandal in the United States that came to light in November 1986. During the Reagan administration, senior administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, the subject of an arms embargo.[2] Some U.S. officials also hoped that the arms sales would secure the release of several hostages and allow U.S. intelligence agencies to fund the Nicaraguan Contras. Under the Boland Amendment, further funding of the Contras by the government had been prohibited by Congress.

The scandal began as an operation to free the seven American hostages being held in Lebanon by a group with Iranian ties connected to the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution. It was planned that Israel would ship weapons to Iran, and then the United States would resupply Israel and receive the Israeli payment. The Iranian recipients promised to do everything in their power to achieve the release of the U.S. hostages. The plan deteriorated into an arms-for-hostages scheme, in which members of the executive branch sold weapons to Iran in exchange for the release of the American hostages.[3][4] Large modifications to the plan were devised by Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North of the National Security Council in late 1985, in which a portion of the proceeds from the weapon sales was diverted to fund anti-Sandinista and anti-communist rebels, or Contras, in Nicaragua.[5][6]

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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"....This is probably one of the most under-reported aspects of the
case. The response in some areas, I think, was fairly massive at
least for a short time (based on conversations over the years).

The effort to build lists of suspects was large and to some
extent concentrated on certain areas. Not only was LE looking
for or 'at' potential suspects, it was also looking for anomalies
or incidents that had happened coincident to the hijacking ...
and trying to connect dots ... all very time consuming with
1970s technology. They burned more gas and shoe leather
than electrons, is my impression!

Blevins is fond of saying (reminding us!) that the FBI
"failed" to look at NWA employees! I wonder if that is true?
I doubt his account is the whole story, or even the real story.

But alas, once again, there is no one here with real authority to
speak about this issue - nobody! Don't you find that a bit
strange - in a vaunted Jo Weber DB Cooper thread ?

I need to go take a nap - it's all so overwhelming! :D:D..."

I agree with you G. This aspect is under-reported.

What I know of the details confirms that the search was massive in the days following the hijacking.

Bruce Thun reported that the feds were all over Thun Field and knew extensive details about his jumpers and pilots. Bruce asked me, plainly, "How did the FBI know all that stuff!"

SOG guy JD Bath also told me that he was interviewed in the DB Cooper case as soon as he rotated out of Vietnam and was questioned in Ft Bragg. Bath indicated that many of the SOG guys got the same treatment.

SA John Detlor also confirmed to me that soldiers returning from Vietnam were comprehensively questioned. Plus, John seemed uncomfortabale telling me that, and had to clear his throat as he spoke. I may be reading too much into that, but....

Somebody should write this up! Its historical record. And soon
the accounts will vanish - or be purloined and distorted for someone' smut pulp fiction 'diatribe'.

Be objective.

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The fireworks seem to be over for the moment, ie: Jo and me, but let's pause for a moment and see where we stand and posit some ideas where we go from here.

As for behavior at the DZ, what I glean from Quade's actions is that he has determined that it is okay to call or infer that a fellow-poster on the DZ is any of the following:

1. A murderer
2. A stalker
3. A liar
4. Someone who lusts sexually after Norjak principals.
5. Greedy
6. Not nice
7. Smelly and unable to maintain hygiene

In addition, bullying and character assassination is okay, as well. (Whew, I'd hate to be called an assassin, too!)

However, it is not okay to call someone a coward, or to develop a "cowards list," or call yourself a cop, as did Paul, apparently.

Further, posting cryptic or indecypherable posts is okay. Outlandish claims without any proof is okay, too, like saying your husband or boy-friend was/is DB Cooper.

Teasing or posting veiled tidbits of information is acceptable, even when 377 begs for clarity or decisiveness. 377 is just going to have to suck it up, it appears. But skydivers are special! (Yeah, skydivers!!!)

The issue of how nutty we can be is a little murky, but referring to oneself in the third person is okay.

Taking pain killers while posting is also allowed, even if it seems to cause immediate impacts on the clarity of one's posts. Drinking, too, is okay, at least Tequila, apparently. (Thank Gawd!!!)

Have I missed anything?

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"...I agree with you G. This aspect is under-reported.

What I know of the details confirms that the search was massive in the days following the hijacking.

Bruce Thun reported that the feds were all over Thun Field and knew extensive details about his jumpers and pilots. Bruce asked me, plainly, "How did the FBI know all that stuff!"

SOG guy JD Bath also told me that he was interviewed in the DB Cooper case as soon as he rotated out of Vietnam and was questioned in Ft Bragg. Bath indicated that many of the SOG guys got the same treatment.

SA John Detlor also confirmed to me that soldiers returning from Vietnam were comprehensively questioned. Plus, John seemed uncomfortabale telling me that, and had to clear his throat as he spoke. I may be reading too much into that, but...."

Somebody should write this up! Its historical record. And soon
the accounts will vanish - or be purloined and distorted for someone' smut pulp fiction 'diatribe'.

Be objective..."

I have Georger. It's in my book. The bigger question is: Who reads my book?

Nevertheless, we'll always have the DZ...

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Saw your question, had some comments. (In italics)

Georger says in part:


'Blevins is fond of saying (reminding us!) that the FBI
"failed" to look at NWA employees! I wonder if that is true?
I doubt his account is the whole story, or even the real story...'

Come on. I thought you were the Big Cooper Expert, Georger. You know better than that. Here's a quote from Ralph Himmelsbach, from the Geoff Gray interview:

***'I (Gray) asked him if he’d ever investigated anybody who worked for Northwest Airlines.

“No,” he said, and explained. “We had an awful lot of suggestions by people that said ‘I think it’s an inside job.’ It is inconceivable for several reasons. The most obvious, if you know anything about airline procedure, is that it is not possible for a conspiracy to form because the individuals are not in charge of what flights they’re going to go on.” But what about a lone employee? Himmelsbach ruled this out too. “If you were acquainted as I was with many of the people in the airline industry,” he explained, “they are exceptional people. They are head and shoulders above the standards and the values and the character of normal, average Americans...'

Come on. I thought you were the Big Cooper Expert,

Ralph Himmelsbach wasn't in charge of the Cooper investigation - duhhh!

The Seattle office was in charge of the investigation ?

Who did Ralph Himmelsbach interview? Name one!

Portland had limited resources compared to Seattle etc.

To make a long story short Blevins: It would appear Gray talked
to the wrong person and never did the story straight! And here
you go again (the Gray Groupie) - relying on and reporting 3rd
and even 4th hand accounts, which you have no way of
knowing the veracity of!. You are Pete & Repete of the same
nonsensical data.

You have never interviewed anyone to know anything!

So keep using and quoting Gray's book!

It clearly shows us what fools Gray and you both are!

Why do I even bother to reply to your shit!!!!! ?????


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