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DB Cooper

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Oh, I can understand your post 99, and yes...I do read the posts.

It's true I bat Bruce around like a cat toy sometimes. I get a little flippant, etc. But then it's difficult to take him seriously.

Maybe some day someone will just deck your ass
and have it over with? Gayla can clean you off
and write claiming you are an undiscovered Jackass
who was victimised!

I dont buy your claim you 'got to the bottom of'
the MCCoy story "at the time" (in 1972) when you
would have been age fourteen just starting
Highschool. And, dont even bother fabricating
another version! The bell has tolled - the bell
just tolled on thee. You are just one more bullshit
artist in the Cooerphelia, along with so many.
Nobody gives a rats ass what you think, about

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Oh, I can understand your post 99, and yes...I do read the posts.

It's true I bat Bruce around like a cat toy sometimes. I get a little flippant, etc. But then it's difficult to take him seriously.

Maybe some day someone will just deck your ass
and have it over with? Gayla can clean you off
and write claiming you are an undiscovered Jackass
who was victimised!

I dont buy your claim you 'got to the bottom of'
the MCCoy story "at the time" (in 1972) when you
would have been age fourteen just starting
Highschool. And, dont even bother fabricating
another version! The bell has tolled - the bell
just tolled on thee. You are just one more bullshit
artist in the Cooerphelia, along with so many.
Nobody gives a rats ass what you think, about

Aww how cute.... that did not take so long... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8hjtFq3vE0

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Hi Paul,

Another tidbit in today's paper; it tells about a book called:


by D.B. Cooper

I have no other information,


Here's a clicky. http://www.oregonlive.com/books/index.ssf/2011/11/lost_northwest_books_db_cooper.html

The book's been mentioned on here before but forget whether anyone ever actually read it or critiqued it as to being satire or serious :S.
I've kinda sorta without enthusiasm contemplated getting it but never enough to actually push the "place in cart" button. :)

Hmm... apparently this guy (page 6 at this site) http://plagueofjustice.com/insidebook.html thinks that the book "HA HA HA by DB Cooper" was written by one Rod Addicks (on the left on page 4 at the same site) Got to read some more so delaying my opinion - but looking like a sad and sordid tale and Rod Addicks is not looking like such a good guy.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Uh...you can stop comparing a tv show for History Channel to the Holocaust trials anytime you wish.

There were SEVERAL emails between the Seattle FBI office and AB of Seattle. Not just the one you quoted.

This place is rapidly becoming a waste of my time. No kidding.

In BETTER NEWS, I just released my new novel, The 13th Day of Christmas. Should be at Amazon in ten days in paperback, although it's been out for the Kindle for a while. Truth is, I'm sick of the Cooper thing and moving on. It's kept AB stuck in a rut and frankly I'm tired of all the arguments. I'm asking Quade to close my account or whatever he does. I can still be contacted through the AB website if you wish, but this is my last post on this thread.

It's been fun, but I have to do this.

Bold by hangdiver

post#22608 Feb 24, 2011

Poor, poor Blevins...you are on DZ...I doubt anyone wants to be you...I will just say...wuffo...and I mean that in a nice way...but a wuffo of life as well...

poor, poor, underachiever...better start building a taller ladder...


I really hate having to quote myself...NOT...!!!


"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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before finally being killed by FBI agents in Virginia Beach.


where Duane and Jo would move later - Duaner
driving Jo by McCoy's house. Ooooooooops.
Jo says Duaner felt sohhh sorri that "he" Duane
had caused McCoy to be killed; McCoy copying
Duane/Cooper! Otherwise McCoy would have gone
on to find the cure for polio and diabetes (and the
Cooper Curse).

Gag me with a silver buffalo.

Clarification Georger:
If you are going to tell my story tell it correctly! OK.

We had just moved to Virginia Beach. Weber was showing me where the shopping center was and how to get around town.

He drove me by the house and commented that McCoy - was shot and killed there. I do NOT even remember if he said anything about Cooper. He did tell me McCoy hijacked a plane and was put in prison and escape, robbed a bank and was killed in Va. Bch.

I do NOT remember how much time went by -a month, a yr or two. Duane came home VERY VERY drunk one night - he told me he was responsible for a man dying. I thought maybe he had hit someone on the way home and was going out to take a look at the car. He said NO, it was a long time ago and he did something and a man copying what he did got killed. He was drunk, but I had never seen him like that - his heart was breaking.
Never ever before and after did I see him act like that drunk or otherwise.

I do remember it was cold and he literally crawled in the front door. It was in the house we bought so it was over a yr and maybe 2. It was around the time I and the boss pressured him to take the position they offered - meaning he had to expose himself to multiple individuals over a period of time week in and week out. This was before he brought an old book home - and showed me a picture of some guys with an old truck used in the forest...this is when he said there was a picture of him in that book, but someone had tore it out. I never ever saw the front of the book - just the pages he showed me. This is when he told me he used to know 3 of the guys in the picture and that they went on to Mt.Hood and one of them was a jumper (never said if it was war or smoke jumping - just a jumper). I assumed smokejumper because this book revolved around the forestry and jumpers. Since learned that Unruh had been a jumper in the service.

Since I knew basically nothing about Cooper and he did NOT use the name Cooper in any of the above conversations - I just chalked it. Went on with life. He started to make lots of money and was very pleased with himself as he became immersed in his position. He seemed to stop being afraid of exposing himself to large crowds.

The Kidney disease let it's self be known - and they placed a fistual in his arm to be use when it was time for dialysis. The fistual was placed 1986 or 1987. He would not go out on disability until May of 1988. The fistual was NOT used until March of 2000. He was a tough Cookie.

Of course to make it that long he had to becareful what he ate and he could NOT drink. He was very disciplined.....about this.

He had fough too hard to loose before he was ready to go.

If you need specific dates I can obtain those by pulling the old tax records (yea, I still have them, but just the cover sheets and attachments - not the supported detailed documents on expense).

I was clueless - DUMB BROAD! That is what I call myself - DUMB BROAD!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Hi Paul,

Another tidbit in today's paper; it tells about a book called:


by D.B. Cooper

I have no other information,


I maybe the only one in this thread who has the book and has read it. I received my copy in the mail - never knew who sent it.

JT claimed to know the author, but when I traced the book back to a publishing company it was extinct - the man I reached said HE did not know who wrote it.

The woman mentioned I never found. If I was not afraid of lawsuits I would publish some of the caricatures along with the real person I think the caricature is of. BUT, I can't do that.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Hi Paul,

Another tidbit in today's paper; it tells about a book called:


by D.B. Cooper

I have no other information,


I maybe the only one in this thread who has the book and has read it. I recieved my copy anomously - never knew who sent it. JT claimed to know the author, but when I traced the book back to a publishing company that was extinct - the man said HE did not know who wrote it. The woman mentioned I never found. If I was not afraid of lawsuits I would publish some of the caricature along with the real person I think the caricature is of. BUT, I can't do that.

Yes you can. Reference where the information was located.

I, along with most college students, would be involved in a shitload of lawsuits considering the papers I have written in the last five years. Pieces of information and pictures taken from others' literary work or studies needs to be referenced/cited.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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The Eagles-Giants game was going a bit slow, so I decided to do a few cartoons on the Occupy Movement to pass the time.

Basically, I think they (the protestors) are mostly harmless and that the police *occasionally* overreact. :S

Water makes the pepper spray worse., The treatment is fresh air.

This is what I was "sprayed" with. http://www.scribd.com/doc/12963068/Pepper-Spray-Freeze-P-Gel-And-Foam

The police do not overreact. SOME officers overreact. That is like saying ALL book writers stretch the truth.
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Basically, I think they (the protestors) are mostly harmless and that the police *occasionally* overreact. :S

LOL....It's so tempting to comment on that but this is a Cooper thread so I'm gonna refrain. :)
Where does the artwork on your cartoons come from? Is it purchased clip art that you put your text balloons on? If the artwork is yours, you've got some talent there.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Someone posted something about a Festival or some event in Oregon. It was supposed to be today - anyone have any idea how that went.

I would think with the protestors being in Portland that might have put a damper on it...of course I do not even know what kind of Sunday event this was or where it was being held.

Maybe Jerry was there. I got a call from a friend today who told me to listen to Coast to Coast tonight because she heard there was going to some new evidence coming out about Cooper. Well, where I live I can't get Coast to Coast. I tried on 2 old radios I had and NO GO. Oh well, maybe someone else listened to it and can tell me what it was all about.

I told her that Coast to Coast was Galen Cook's gig and I could not imagine what new EVIDENCE he might have to present. She was surprised to know I had talked to him LOTS over the yrs and kept every one of the EMAILS we exchanged...just encase I ever had to defend myself. That old thing about 1st base and second base - and Who was on first third base.


Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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You didn't need to scour months of my posts just to make that comment. Seems a bit pathetic somehow. You might want to take that advice about building yourself a bigger ladder.

I know how to use a search function...about 30 seconds...:P

eta: I climb ladders to base jump...when I really want to get altitude I ride turbines...


"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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Had heard it was really off beat and not something I would be interested in, but this friend gets the channel and was listening to it on the way home the other day.
She sort of likes thing like that, but I have always avoided them.

The thing was they were advertising the show for Sunday night and promising NEW information on the ID of Cooper.

Was just curious what the blankety blank it was all about.
I figured Cook was working another angle now....just thought maybe someone caught it and knew what it was all about.

Just keeping an eye on the competition - he has been really quiet in the last few months. Thought maybe this had to do with whatever he is up to.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I would slap down Cook like a red-haired stepchild.

I dont like your phraseology above, Mr Blevins,
and I dont like where it leads. Cant you just leave
children out of your comparisons and imagery,
when slapping down adults?

What do you have against red haired stepchildren
that they get slapped down, in your world ? Their

Please curb your violent confrontational personality,
again, Mr. Blevins.

Are we going to need Quade again so you can
get control of yourself, again?

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I would slap down Cook like a red-haired stepchild.

I dont like your phraseology above, Mr Blevins, and I dont like where it leads. Cant you just leave children out of your comparisons and imagery, when slapping down adults?

What do you have against red haired stepchildren that they get slapped down, in your world ? Their appearance?

Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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While Jo is referring to Coast-to-Coast she says:

The thing was they were advertising the show for Sunday night and promising NEW information on the ID of Cooper.


Just keeping an eye on the competition

I did not know this was a competition. I thought it was an investigation into finding the identity of the person who hijacked flight 305 on the eve of Thanksgiving 40 years ago.

This makes a lot of sense....The one with the most stories......WINS.

Screw any actual evidence, such as fingerprints or DNA. I want to know...What is the prize? Is it monetary compensation? Fame and fortune?
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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Well, well, well….. good catch Vicki.

It’s a rare moment when actual intentions are exposed to the bright white light of righteousness. I was totally convinced that everyone was just seeking the truth and not using that statement as a foil (code for headless corpse) to cover some colossal wet dream about acquiring fame, fortune and hunkyness.

I found the immediate killing and attenuation of other suspects WHILE amplifying a favorite under the guise of ‘aww shucky darn, I’m the victim here and wish I could get on with life if not for my noble cause’ stuff to be genuine, intelligent and admirable. I hope it continues in an even more frenzied and near uncontrolled pace. Like misquoting the McCoy trial, having Captain Scott speak to Cooper, a suspect with a Forrest Gump-esque presence in every possible scenario, declaring DNA too degraded, fingerprints too mixed, Tina too unreliable, Airstreams too heterosexual, FBI too unresponsive, History Channel execs too irreproachable, scorned wives too honest, living witnesses too accurate, dead ones too bad, hairy arms too Sasquatch-y, Roswell Aliens too freaky and leave the thinking two them. Ugh!

Competition is best left between opposing teams with like skills, level playing fields and officiating. The best competition in commerce is by focusing on your customer base and delighting them with a product. I don’t think McDonalds is competing with Ruth’s Chris Steak House any more than Kenny could be competing with Duane, it is a silly concept.

Besides everyone already knows full well Shirley MacLaine is behind all this obfuscation since she is the only one with the resources to hire and train so many people to act like Norman Bates except weirder.

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Thanks to RobertMBlevins’ well focused research, investigative skills and abilities to glean information from whence I can’t find any data; I must confess another weakness on my part.

I had NO idea that smokin99 was a BASE jumper and therefore have some latent Airstream owning tendencies in that I had pictured smokin99 as a genial, sweet, intelligent woman with a leather peak cap in her closet right next to a whip.

Now I kinda feel creepy since RobertMBLevins has exposed smokin99 as a BASE jumping many, man with hairy arms and no toupee. I think I need another shower; but the type with a fixed stare and curled in the fetal position for hours and hours.

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Rather than deflect or insult others by claiming that they misunderstood me or simply deny in the face of overwhelming evidence I have decided to use a different approach; a mea culpa.

For the longest time I have crafted some sort of weird and freaky fantasy about smokin99 and it was admittedly sick. Probably due to the subdued approach in posting styles I assumed smokin99 to be a female. The constant lack of seeking credit for various research activities (the left handed tie clasp) only fueled my fantasy about some kitten with a whip behind a keyboard persona. Well that and the fact that she made references to a husband only reinforced my prurient vision to a more twisted level.

So now it’s time to come clean and admit that I had a much different picture in my mind as to smokin99 incarnate and have been thoroughly disabused of any such notion by RobertMBlevins and his usual insightful perspective, analysis and unavoidably damning conclusions.

I’m glad I found this out before smokin99 and I ‘may’ have somehow ended up together on a canoe trip in Georgia, a tent on a cattle drive in Wyoming or a hovel in rural Nebraska. I’ll admit this is was simply too close and on the precipice of a very slippery slope from which there is no return.


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I sure hope some recorded $20 bills show up at the Ariel gathering. Wouldn't that be something?

Actually there will be one at the symposium in Portland. It will be offered in a charity auction. It is one of the ones found at Tena Bar. Hope its a good specimen (some were pretty small pieces).

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I had pictured smokin99 as a genial, sweet, intelligent woman with a leather peak cap in her closet right next to a whip.

Rawhide - right next to the stiletto heels and handcuffs.:)


Now I kinda feel creepy since RobertMBLevins has exposed smokin99 as a BASE jumping many, man with hairy arms and no toupee.

YOU feel creepy...Yeeek.

For the record....
I've slid into a base, let my 8th grade boyfriend get to first base (or was it 7th grade? --shhhh - don't tell my mama), plucked a bass, caught a bass (oops, never mind), visited a base, jumped a curb while visiting the base, touched base, applied a base coat, know the difference between an acid and a base, jumped a broom (not really, but it sounds cool), jumped rope, jumped off my car's battery, jumped a barbed wire fence while running from a old bull, made a jump shot, and routinely jump up and down when I get frustrated at folks that don't read posts.

I have, however, never jumped a base. The dropzone says it all: BASE jumping is a highly dangerous sport that can easily injure and kill participants. Think long and hard before making a BASE jump. We do not recommend BASE jumping to anybody. You, and you alone, are responsible for your safety.

So I'll defer that particular pleasure to someone else...like...hmmmm......maybe hangdiver. :)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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I’m glad I found this out before smokin99 and I ‘may’ have somehow ended up together on a canoe trip in Georgia, a tent on a cattle drive in Wyoming or a hovel in rural Nebraska. I’ll admit this is was simply too close and on the precipice of a very slippery slope from which there is no return.

Canoes, tents, cattle drives and hovels....Damn, are these all the choices I would have had? What about Key West, Wine Country, Hawaii, Big Sky......

Oh well... canoe trip in Georgia would be fun I guess - - as long as the natives don't think you're a dentist you should be fine.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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She's on the preliminary list.

Glad to see Marla is doing OK, I was worried about the let down and the effect it might have on her.

Would it be out of line to ask for her autograph on a beat up waterlogged twenty?;)


2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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She's on the preliminary list.

Glad to see Marla is doing OK, I was worried about the let down and the effect it might have on her.

Would it be out of line to ask for her autograph on a beat up waterlogged twenty?;)


I will bring my Dan Cooper comics. My Mom had a bunch in the shed.

(Disclaimer: the previous statement was a half-assed attempt at making a Dan Cooper Comic joke - Please do not take seriously)B|
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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