
COUNTDOWN to Raeford...

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we all made five jumps today.

5 bad ass birdman canopy swoops and it's on video :ph34r: lips so CHECK IT BIOTCH!!! If you ain't here you're sucking!!:D
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Welp....me, Fozchek and Jmpnkramer are here...I've tickled Amish, kissed Lou Diamond, toasted with THe King of Monkeys and now let the weekend begin! we are not sucking in raeford~

NOICE!!!!! Update to follow AFTER the weekend....BEWARE!!!!

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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We are alive and kicking here at Raeford, plane is getting ready to turn, both the Otter and CASA. We will be getting our raft dive, hybrid, birdman flocking FF,and RW dives going here shortly. We are not sucking at Raeford.:D
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Check it!! The Raeford crew made a 8 way Flock and then finished the day with a 9 way flock with Jari. So far we have been putting at least a 6 way out on just about every load. The flock is growing big time at Raeford. Jari blessed off on me and I am now a BMI(insert motivational music here) I have since converted 3 people to the flock with one getting trained today. I am also happy to announce that 3 of the 4 I have trained are women, so the flock is becoming more female friendly every day now Today looks like another awesome day and the new birds are hitting it like a crack addict hits the pipe. We are not sucking in Raeford!!
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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It is done. I personally made 18 jumps, mostly BirdMan flocks. I am tired. The florida contingent left in two groups this afternoon; all had a blast, just ask them. Last jump of the day, my fellow S&TA, our very-own Raefordite caught a bad piece of air and was injured. I "think" it's just a dislocation of the left ankle, but it sure did look kookie. I hope it's not anything more. Winds were honking about half the day today, so thankfully that was the only injury.

There was some outstanding skydiving going on, that's for sure. Lots of smiling faces exiting our CASA 212 and Otter all weekend.

Some of my favorite people in the world made the trip to be here. Several from well over 1000 miles away. Ohio, Mississippi, Florida, South Carolina, Michigan, and Virginia were present. We were not sucking! I hope you all made it home OK. See you soon!

Chuck Blue
Raeford Parachute Center

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Well Raeford gang.....I just walked in the door of my house - it's 12:07 am, gotta be to work at 7:30 and yet I find myself here - already jonesing to talk to the new pals. Glad to be home yet feel a bit sad once again having said goodbye to more new pals....but we will all cross paths soon again...RIGHT?!?!!?!?!?! Trip was good fun - big thanks to ALL who made the Raeford trip a "NOICE" one.

We DEFINITELY were not sucking in Raeford this weekend!!!!B|

Talk to everyone real soon....

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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What an INCREDIBLE weekend!! I had a blast, made 13 flights on my GTI, and made many more new friends. Personal highlights included a 9-way with some of the world's best wingsuit pilots, a 2-way disco-suit night flight, in-air fireworks displays, and partying with so many cool folks. Thanks to everyone at Raeford for the hospitality, I'll be back soon. Wishing Jari and Raefordite a speedy recovery.
Take care,

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What an INCREDIBLE weekend!! I had a blast.... Personal highlights included a 9-way with some of the world's best wingsuit pilots..... and partying with so many cool folks. Thanks to everyone at Raeford for the hospitality, I'll be back soon. Wishing Jari and Raefordite a speedy recovery.
Take care,

I couldn't have said it any better myself....

....so I didn't!!!;)

Speedy recovery to Jari and Raefordite.....I hope they're not out of the action too long!!

Thanks for the great time chillin' together Nugget:ph34r:!! And I wouldn't mind some of those nuggets to find themselves in the package of videos your sending me!!!;) Can't wait to see if those stills of our flock turned out.....and see those videos! PM me for details.... See you soon in Chester!

Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Kiwi, RB #926, AFF-I, FAA Snr. Rigger, RN/BSN/Paramedic

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GK Dave Wherley is doing the video. It ought to rule.

Yo Skymonkey1, did Dave get the WS chit from Kevin's camera??, let me know if not, I can send what I got to you.
nugget:ph34r: ;)

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LOL, terribly modest. Anyway, Blair, no, I didn't get most of the good WS stuff. Scott has all the canopy fly-by's on his other tape and never got it to Dave, so we are definitely sucking in that respect. If you firewired the fly-bys and all the stuff on Scott's first tape, then we need it here. Dave said he had very little he could use. Kevin, if you are reading this, you needed to give Dave your stuff too. Not sure what the best way to do it is, but I would recommend to all of you that you upload all your stuff to Matt's server. There is a link to it on all of his "MattM" posts. We can then firewire it right off the computer and onto dave's camera.

"Make it so, number one."

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Yeah, I'm thinking I might need to make a trek that way anyway because I am wondering about my lines and need a repack and am going to Cross Keys in 2 weeks and want rig in tip top shape.

*sunnydee says shyly*...I only said I was hottie sky dive chick cause Sky Monkey One was calling us that all weekend but he did seem to only say it when you were with me...ok fine - Foz is the hottie sky chick! :P

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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Scott has all the canopy fly-by's on his other tape and never got it to Dave, so we are definitely sucking in that respect.

No worries, I will be back down next week after the movers pick up my shit, if they ever pull their heads out of their asses, and pass the tape to Dave. I did DL my camera pics and will post them in the gallery under my name. Lots of Nig noggery shots and jumping;)

Edited to add a clicky CLICK ME
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Hi all made it from Reaford to Jackson Mississippi in 10 h 20 m a new world record. Thanks to all for the good times and getting me up to speed on all the new sky dive technology. Chuck if a video is put out let me know.

OH I almost forgot, Hey Chuck U Suck!!!! LOL

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Alrighty... just walked in after Raeford. It was not sucking in the least! I cut out Saturday at 5 and it was all good at that point. Bought me my Classic2 and I'm happy B|

Boat Drinks were in Full effect Friday night. Great meeting all the new faces and catching some old ones again. Blair, let me know if the swoop pics turned out... I got $$$ ;)
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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