
Can skydiving be a family thing???

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I'm in agreement about the kids paying for their own first jumps. I'll also let 'em wait 'til they're 18, my parents did.

I met my wife at Perris in 1980, when she made her first & so far only jump. She went back to make a 2nd, but had such a fit of nerves I walked her back over to manifest and negotiated a refund for her, which they were very understanding about.

I don't think anyone should ever jump to please someone else, not a parent, a lover, a spouse, anybody. If you're not doing it because YOU want to, then don't and I'll certainly understand. This ain't for everybody and frankly it's what sets us apart from all the miserable whuffos.

I've got one daughter who's a fraidy cat about everything and the younger one likes the fastest scariest amusement park rides. The older one says she wants to make a tandem just to check it out. The younger one might be skydiver material. But they won't be doing it for me. I have tried to talk my wife into at least doing a tandem to see what freefall is like, but she's lost her sense of adventure and doesn't even want to come out to the DZ. It's disappointing and scary, because her ma used to be fun and adventurous too, but turned into a real church lady bitch.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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"I have tried to talk my wife into at least doing a tandem to see what freefall is like, but she's lost her sense of adventure and doesn't even want to come out to the DZ. It's disappointing and scary, because her ma used to be fun and adventurous too, but turned into a real church lady bitch. "

I just hope for your own safety that your wife does not read dz.com. Man would you be in trouble....:ph34r:

When people look like ants - pull. When ants look like people - pray.

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[finally delurk]


as I've said, crudeness is everywhere, but finding a family like one can find on a DZ isn't.

My friends and I have been having pretty much this discussion regarding raving, and came to pretty much the same conclusion. Drugs and bad behaviour are everywhere, but the family we've found among the ravers isn't.

It came up because my fiancee and I got talking to this couple in their 40s who are still going to big parties, and they're impatient for their daughter to be old enough to come with them. Initially taken aback, we then realised we'll probably be thinking the same way when our kids are one day curious.

Back on-topic for a second, Emily recently did her AFF stage 1 and will be back for the rest. In exchange, I'm going to learn to ride a horse properly. Anything our partners love so much, we think, will inevitably become a family activity, even before there's more than just the two of us.
"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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I think it depends on the family. But I'm sure it will bring you a lot closer than many other things would. There's just something about the fear/excitement thing that supersedes so much. After I got started sky diving of course I tried to talk everyone into it and eventually succeed in getting my parents to both say yes if I buy them a tandem. But of course my mom had to go and break her ankle before they were supposed to go:P Hopefully this year I can push them out a plane!!

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There's a piece of kids that emotionally want to know that their parents made love just exactly enough times to have each kid [Wink]

Well, my parents never did. Ever. Never never never. Ewwwwwwwwwww.....

My brother and I are adopted....:ph34r:


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Well, my parents never did. Ever. Never never never. Ewwwwwwwwwww.....

My brother and I are adopted.... [Sly]

Boy, that must be a load off your mind!:P

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Wait... Are you implying I beat you to a "load?"

I, sir, am a flaming heterosexual. At least that's what Lew tells me.

BTW: You should change your dz.com nick to "Ganja" - it fits you much better.

The laws of physics are strictly enforced.

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Um well yeah.... Actually she doesn't read this site. That just sort of slipped out, it's an issue that's starting to bubble beneath the surface that is better left unshared. (Note to self - no more posting after the 2nd martini.) She's said all these years that I could return to jumping anytime I wanted, but now all of a sudden she and the daughters two are trying to append a list of if's, but's, and wherefores to the deal.

She actually went along as a hiker/camper on a 1980 El Capitan expedition and hiked out with the camping gear after watching most of us take the shortcut off the top.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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I did my first tandem at the DZ where my cousin and uncle jump regularly. My dad came to see me, and the next week he tried one, too. He got his license before me cause he could afford to, but now we both jump. Usually separately, although we're planning on going to a few events together this summer. Along with my cousin and uncle. Definitely a family thing (although I'm the only female member of the family, which means often I find myself in odd situations).
I definitely get uncomfortable sometimes when my dad's around "after-hours", but that's just his personality and I love it that I have a dad who's a bit crazy. My mom, however, has yet to try ... oh, well.

Life is like riding in a taxi.
Even when you're not going anywhere the meter is ticking
- Masked & Anonymous

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Yes, it sure is or at least can be if given the chance.

My husband and I jump together all the time - we pretty much only jump with each other.

Both of my sisters, a couple of cousins, and my husband's sister have all made at tandem jumps.

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