
What did you learn this weekend?

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I had a very educational weekend in all aspects of jumping this weekend at it was great. But one of the biggest things I learned was on the last jump yesterday. This was jump number 9 of the day, which is the most i've done in a day so i was tired, anyway, coming into land and i start my 90 degree hook and decide to hold it a little longer so it was over 90 degrees probibly 115 degrees. well i was lucky to pull that one out of my ass and stand it up.

moral of the story: when you're tired don't jump and be stupid, now i know. luckily i didn't have to pay for that piece of advice.;)
Slip Stream Air Sports
Do not go softly, do not go quietly, never back down

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I learned that if you know it is a sucky jump run, ask for a go around. Then you don't hose anyone behind you. Now, of course this applies to my cessna dz, not you turbine aircraft dz people.;)
The mind is like a parachute--it works better when it is open. JUMP.

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I learned that not only do assholes exist out on the roads, they have permiated into the mountains and feel it necessary to flaunt their ways there too. Go ahead ask me what happened - its unreal.

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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I learned that it really can be overcast every weekend. I also learned that if you tie one end of a rope to a harnessed person with an open parachute, and the other end to a jeep's tow bar, they will go up in the air when the jeep starts moving.

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I learned that even if I am not a skygod or have a huge vast amount of experience in the sport I can still chew out people who have more and less experience than myself for doing stupid things....2 times this weekend I witnessed 1: an a licenced skydiver (while under my own canopy stowing my slider) initiate deployment sequence at 2k feet and snivel right by me about 75 yards away... and 2: a "D" licenced skydiver do the same thing only his canopy was open at 1.2k... both graciously accepted my criticism and appreciated me giving them a shit for what they did...
this space for rent.

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I learned that riser slaps on a tandem hurt like a BITCH, but I also learned some very cool things to help me fly in the air doing tandems.

I like learning new things, its fun.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Unreal. Sitting here at work still a non-believer. Its kind of non-skydive related, but hey, I gotta get my camp on sometime livin in this beautiful state (that and my dogs get pissed if I don't let em run around for a couple of days)...

So anyhow, bear with me here its kind of a long one.

Me and the fioncee and a couple of friends decide to get our camp on this weekend in a nice remote spot that gets us nice and far away from all other people so the dogs can go and pilage the local wildlife as much as they feel necessary (they are gettin older now so they don't run so much anymore (-: ). Get up all early on Saturday to get driving. Get up to the spot and jump out. No wait - wrong sport... Get up to the spot in question and find it nice and empty. In fact, haven't seen anyone for the past hour drivin down that fireroad (for non Westerners, a fireroad is what the forest service uses to access the deep dark woods in mountainous states - its like a nice paved dirt road that actually gets maintained). After the hour down the fire road and 12 miles down a pretty hefty four wheel drive road we get to the spot and begin to unload the beer, and the beer, some of the Jack Daniels, and oh yah the tent.

So here we are unloadin the vehicles and partaking in some recreational drinking and the such thanking our lucky stars that we have never seen anyone in our secret little out of the way camping location (p.s. for ANY skydiver, let me know and I'll introduce anyone of you to this place - there is an amazing waterfall and big ol fishin hole only 30 feet away from the campsite as well as three fourteeners and a shitload of 13ers all right there for the really motivated, really kick ass place) and sure enough up pulls a man in his late fifties or so and his son I presumed... Now we are all parked on the main road as we don't like to just wreak havoc off of the main trail. These guys pull right by us unpackin the vehicle and stop literally 12 inches away from the makeshift firepit that has been there for the past decade. It was quite a nice maneuver as they had to negotiate past our half built tents and open beer coolers. I thought to myself, hmmm, wonder what the hell they are doing as officially, since we were in the site for the past 30 minutes, we considered it officially ours (yah right lol).

I proceeded to ask them if they'd mind moving their ATVs out of the way so we could contiune to set up camp. The very first words out of his mouth were - "You are kidding yourself if you think I'm giving up my campsite. Our whole family is supossed to meet us here in two hours for a picnic."

I was floored. Couldn't be more floored than that at that moment. I in all my years of haulin a fifty pound pack around the Colorado mountains had never experienced such disdain for everyday human to human common sense ethics. I didn't have a clue what to do next and since I know how my temper is (I can't keep it together when dealing with pure asshole very well and have resorted to fist throwing once in awhile), we retreated to our vehicles to figure it out.

After talking about it, I decided to go back and show them my fioncess badge (she's an industrial inspector in Denver and gets a real enough looking badge). I showed him the badge and proceeded to lie through my teeth that having ATVs off trail in National Forest is a 500 dollar fine per atv and that my fioncee is an off duty Forest Ranger. I told the guy that I didn't want to start any trouble, but that he should consider moving his vehicles so she didn't have to call her "on-duty" partner to come fine his ass. His response, I kid you not, "I don't give two shits about no 1000 fine, I'm rich".

At this point, I began to lose it a bit, i.e. "Are you F#$%^% serious, you are just going to plop your hick ass (no offense hicks, I'm pretty damn hick myself) down right here and not move?"

Him: "Yes"

Me: "Wow, F#$%^%^ unreal, I leave Denver exactly for the reason of getting away from people like you."

HIS SONS RESPONSE: Gets off of ATV and begins to get in my face asking me why it was alright for us to be parked where we were (on a marked road) and not alright for them to be parked where they were (in the middle of my campsite where nothing of their's existed except for two ATVs).

My response: "Screw it." Pretended to pick up cell phone and call Jim, the mythical forest ranger that my mythical off duty forest ranger fioncee is partners with and proceeeded to tell Jim (nothing on other end of line) that it would be great to see him since its been so long and that it would be really nice to see two idiot ATV riders get large and in charge tickets.

So anyone who has read this far thanks - it gets WAY WAY WAY better.

Their response, begin getting fishing tackle out of their atvs. Begin setting up fishing poles. Begin fishing. At this point my dog peed on one of the atvs (right on Malcolm!) so that was good. Point is they were not leaving.

As I said b4, I tend to have a really difficult time dealing with my temper and usually end up getting my ass kicked in and handed to me on a plate for my lack of musculature. So this idea pops into my head - "What Freaky learned this weekend"...

When all else fails, get nude.

My fioncee comes over to me and says f it, she is locating the most vulgar Eminem cd she can find where Eminem wants to kill everyone. I get this idea in my head that no one wants to deal with some sort of wacko. How do I seem wacko without a gun or muscles? NUDITY!!!!!!

It hit me like a ton of bricks. How many times have you been fishing in the remote woods and seen a nude guy walking down the middle of the river you are fishin in??

I took all of my clothes off and proceeded to do just that. (NO LAUGHING, I AVOIDED FIGHTING HEHEHEHE). Walked right by the assholes while they were getting their fish on and proceeded to splash about like a merry naked guy. As this was going on, the guy's wife and daughter show up in their lame ass jeep take one look out of the window and take one listen to the Eminem cranking on some strangers radio and backed straight out. The guys shortly followed in a hurried state as apparently they've never seen a nude dude in the woods before.

True story I kid you not.

Oh yah - so people don't think I'm some crazy (wait, I already am...) I really used to have a big temper problem growing up and almost got sued up the ass twice because of it. I'm 99 percent sure that if I hadn't thought about nudity, I'd almost be getting my ass sued once again. LOL

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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I learned to trust your instincts. My husband was on a hop & pop load, 2nd of the day, and felt that he should scratch himself. Instead, he went anyway and ended up with his pilot chute wrapped around his left arm. Luckily, pin was not popped and he was able to correct the problem and got line stretch within 800 feet, but it was scary! He should have listened to that voice and scratched on that one.

I'm walking a marathon to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Click Here for more information!

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I learned that I am capable of flying a Sabre2 150 and/or a Saffire 149 (both loaded at 1.5:1 when I wear my camera helmet) as I did four demo jumps on the Sabre2 and one on the Saffire and stood up all five landings with no sign of difficulty. But the canopy nazis don't have to worry too much as while I know I am capable of flying these smaller wings, I am NOT planning on downsizing anytime soon. I will be trying to setup more demos in the coming months as I really would like to try a Crossfire2, a Samurai and if Riddler will let me, maybe I can try his Lotus 150.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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I learned that I am jealous of gorgeous weather when camping because I knew damn well CanuckINUSa was jumping at Mile Hi )-:

I was actually jumping my ass off in Brush on Saturday as Mile Hi was hosting a CSL 4-way meet that day, and the loads were full with the 4-way competitors and usually tandem traffic. There are many things I like about Mile-Hi over Brush, but Brush has some great post jumping mojo going on there which Mile-Hi will likely never match. :ph34r:

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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I learned that jumping sick is dumb (got my hearing back yesterday morning, sorta). That losing currency isn't just a formality.

Oh, and that Greg the cook at our DZ can perfectly time his food production to landing time if you order before you go ;)

(Oh and - freakydiver, noice one!)
"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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when you're tired don't jump and be stupid, now i know. luckily i didn't have to pay for that piece of advice.

When your wide awake, don't jump and be stupid either.

I learned:

1) that Carolee, all 110 lbs or so, can go over my back and thread thru the middle of the diamond that I'm the tail of.

2) that Matt, all 200lbs or so, can't. Ouch! :P

"Viva la Stinkfist!"

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I learned that when the first two-good-weather-day weekend comes to Tullahoma Tennessee, so does the AEDC Airshow which closes down our airport (and DZ)...

Oh well, can't complain too much, got to see my hero, (Patty Wagstaff!), Jimmy Franklin, his son and that incredible JET powered Waco...WOW! other small fry airshow acts included the Golden Knights and The Aeroshell T-6 team, lots of nice airplanes, C-54, B-25, P-51 (woody-time!), oh yea, B-17, and the new stuff... what'da ya call 'em? uh F/A-18, F-15... the F-86 was pretty too, (gotta love those classics). Kinda sucked that we didn't pay anything... no one paid, free for everyone. Guess ya gotta love Tullahoma, even on a pretty weekend that we can't jump...

Nice Loadstall, C-47, Pitts, Eagle Team, too many to name... fun people to party with too.

Nice weekend in Tullahoma, wish I could have jumped, but the canoeing was fun too... kinda nice to spend entire days with my wife and kids!!


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I learned that:
1. No matter how ready clients tell you they are, they're not.
2. Cars need oil.
3. When your colleague goes on vacation, no matter how quiet her files are when she leaves, TSHTF and you need to work 2 desks to keep a lid on things. And that they tend to frown when you whip out the alcohol and pour yourself a shot of Jamison's Wiskey at the office.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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What did you learn this weekend?

That sloppy packing on an early 90's Monarch leaves one walking very carfully for days afterward.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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