
AFF - how long does it take?

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Got the confirmation from my DZ and start with the course in two weeks! Can't await it!

My question:

How long does it usually take to complete the 7 AFF levels? I've asked different people and some made it in a week, for some others it took a whole season (due to bad weather and lack of time).
I've planned to camp at the DZ as long as it takes (DZ is 50 miles away) but my boss won't give me more than 2 weeks of free time.

how long did it take you folks?



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I did ground training for a guy over a month ago, but due to fairly long distance he had to travel and his work schedule, he was only able to made his first jump two days ago. No problem, he did seven that day and three the next, thus taking him all the way through the "AFF" ISP levels and through Cat F before he had to leave yesterday. That is what I like to see; total dedication to knocking it out. I have had four very motivated students lately who hawe finally gotten the weather they needed to get up in the air and stay there. All are now into their coach dives and should be walking around with A-license stamps on their foreheads this weekend.


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he did seven that day

Is that standard practice? Our AFF instructors tend to limit students to 3 or 4 in a day to avoid them getting fatigued. Or maybe they're just lazy :ph34r:.

My AFF took about 3 weeks because of the weather. :S


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I'm on Level 5, and I'm a month and a half into it. We could have done it quicker, but finances play a big part in it. If you have the money to burn, you can knock it out in 2 or 3 days. We go every other weekend, which is fine with me. I'm not in a huge hurry, although it will be nice to pay $20 per jump rather than $165.

Remember when sex was safe, and skydiving was dangerous?

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It took me 4 weeks. I didnt need any re jumps but the weather got in the way :(

If the weather stays good and you dont need any rejumps i reckon you can get it done in 3 days.

Good Luck!!

"Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!"

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The most time consuming portion of the training is the first jump course. You need to expect to spend 4-6 hrs training. The last few hrs. may be physically demanding so don't try to get in multiple jumps in the same day as the FJC. If your jumps are going well on your next day you will only need to physically train for the next skydiving level. Many students are good for 3 or 4 jumps a day. Success breads success so try to follow your good jumps with another jump. If you do encounter a challenge on one of your jumps try not to get that "hell bent to get this one right" mentality and over extend yourself physically and mentally. Take time to decompress and then try again if needed. Your going to recall your training with fond memories later so try to take time during your trip to smell the roses.


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Please don't focus on how 'long it will take', but on how much you learn, safe skydiver habits, respect for the weather, etc. And have some FUN!
Plan now on it taking longer than the two weeks you have set aside....take some of the pressure off of yourself, you'll have plenty of that without a timetable!!
Have fun, be safe. :)
Attitude is everything!

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Please don't focus on how 'long it will take', but on how much you learn, safe skydiver habits, respect for the weather, etc. And have some FUN!
Plan now on it taking longer than the two weeks you have set aside....take some of the pressure off of yourself, you'll have plenty of that without a timetable!!
Have fun, be safe. :)

hi HRHSkyPrincess!

i do not focus much on how long it will take, but i think that it'd be better for me to take two weeks off, stay at the DZ and dedicate myself completly to the course and training rather than going there once every two or three weeks. When the weather is bad then, ok, bad luck, but can't help it anyway.

thanks to you all for your helpful answers!


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You should have no problem with 2 weeks provided you don't get weathered out or run of money. With good weather and the cash you can get it done in 2 days. If you have to repeat any levels and still have the cash, well, you'll have 12 more days to do them.

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I began ground school on June 6th and have been to the dz every weekend. But due to weather problems and repeating one level, I am up to Level 4.

Side note: My dz highly recommends no more than 3 jumps per day for AFF students due to the fatigue factor. Also, you tend to be more sore and bruised than experienced jumpers.

Good luck.



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We could have done it quicker, but finances play a big part in it. If you have the money to burn, you can knock it out in 2 or 3 days.

I actually do, because i've saved some bucks to pay my girl and me a trip to Cuba, but this was before she's left me. So, YEAH! LET'S BURN IT! ...and i guess money never burnt that goodB|B|B|

...but i don't want to 'knock it out', i'd rather like to do something good for ME and, hm, just enjoy it!!!

have a nice weekend,


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Side note: My dz highly recommends no more than 3 jumps per day for AFF students due to the fatigue factor. Also, you tend to be more sore and bruised than experienced jumpers.

Good luck.


same at my DZ. and i guess my brain's got enough to do when i'm back on the ground after one jump per day. even closing my eyes and recapitulating the last 5,6 minutes feels so damn good!

Good luck to you too!

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