
pack yourself or getting packed

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after hanging around in the forums i notice that it seems to be quite common for u.s.-jumpers to get their gear packed by a packer. it also seems common that you don't learn how to pack while beeing a student (seems strange to me cause i think packing is one of the basic skills a skydiver should learn)
one more point: if i read about reserve-rides it's sometimes stated that the reason was a packers error. isn't it to easy to blame someone else?

i packed right from the beginning (under supervision of my teachers of course) and i think i will stick to this (btw - saves a lot of dough for jumping)

so what do you prefer and for what reasons?
(pls feel free if you think if i missed a point in the poll. thx)
The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle

dudeist skydiver # 666

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How about an entry for "can pack just fine just sometimes don't want to/don't have time" or something...

Same here! Once in a while I don't feel like packing, - Or at meets where there isn't much time to dirt dive, much less pack between loads. But on "normal" jump days, I pack myself. But I usually do an extra-careful check of my main bridle and pin when I don't pack myself.

On the other hand, I am appalled by the number of newbies I see that "learned" how to pack, but will stand around waiting for a packer to come available and miss loads for it. WTF?

Easy Does It

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I pack for myself 99.5% of the time for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, if I have a mal, I have noone to blame but myself. For the .5% of the time that I have someone pack for me, it's one other person that I trust completely and she only packs for me if I'm involved in some sort of event and I've already packed for most of the day and I'm just simply exhausted. The second reason I pack for myself is to save money for more jumps. I have a friend that figured he spent $750 on pack jobs in one year. That's 44 more jumps he could have made. After doing the math, he too packs for himself!

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How about an entry for "can pack just fine just sometimes don't want to/don't have time" or something...

ok. now if i only knew how to update/edit a poll it would be fine (can it be done???)
The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle

dudeist skydiver # 666

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I never pack for myself. I know how to do it - packing (and jumping your own pack job) is a requirement for the A license - but I HATE it!:P My first student pack job took me about 3 hours and then just as I was gearing up to jump it, the winds kicked up and students were put on hold. Since it was rather late in the afternoon and I have a 2+ hour drive home, I left. On my next visit to the dz, I had to pack again (only took about an hour this time) and jump my pack job. Passed my requirement, but swore never to pack again. About a month ago, I bought a used rig and bought a brand new zero-p canopy. I tried to pack it. That new zero-p stuff is slipperier than owl shit. It took me about 6 hours to get that damn thing in the bag. And I didn't have the nerve to jump that pack job so as soon as I got to the dz I marched right over to the packers and had one of them re-pack it. I had some satisfaction at least in watching a professional packer work up a sweat trying to get that thing packed. I keep promising myself that I'm going to start packing. Someday perhaps....


Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.

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Have my own rig now and have jumped it three times and each time I paid a packer to pack it. I hate packing and love having a more experienced person doing it. Having said that, this weekend I plan to do all my packing...........................although it's worth paying $6.00 to have it done, the money adds up and takes away from my jump money. So I'm going to start doing all my own packing with the exception of the final jump on Sundays.................I'll gladly pay then. :ph34r:

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I always do my own packing. Once paid a packer to help me bag a brand new canopy, the slippery ZP fabric was f#@*ing impossible and I was going to miss a 10 min. call without help.

This same packer had quite a lucrative day yesterday, packing for a 4 way team & their cameraman. They were making something like 10 jumps and wanted to go straight to debrief, so they just budgeted packing fees into their training budget. I can see that as a legitimate reason. At $6 a pack X 5 rigs X 10 jumps, my friend probably had a good day, even if he only got part of the $.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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How about an entry for "can pack just fine just sometimes don't want to/don't have time" or something...

exactly...and we've done this poll several times before too ;)
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Good thing you didn't start 15 years ago, or jump at a small DZ now. Paid packers didn't exist and don't exist at many DZ's. When I started it was hard enough to get someone to volunteer to hold tension on the round.;) (If I have to explain that, well, I guess I'm just an old fart.B|) If I was on a big way or training with a team where I was required to use a packer, I'd be very uncomfortable. That's not to say that packers aren't conscientious, but this is one place I want to trust myself. If you'd rather spend your money for a pack that's fine, but I'd suggest everybody learn how to pack efficiently. Hey it gives you an excuse to play with your parachute on rainy days or in the winter. What I really want is for you to know your own equipment. It's always bothered me when a jumper never wants to watch his reserve packed, maybe doesn't know what color it is, doesn't know how to hook up a three ring or check the line rotation on his main, etc etc. When you want to make the B-17 and the packers are backed up, you at least have an option.;)
I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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Oh, I have a very keen interest in my equipment - I want to know the in's and out's of all of it and as soon as my reserve is due for a re-pack, you can betcha I'm going to ask to watch. I just don't like packing!:P Especially this brand new (9 jumps) Sabre2 210 zero-p! I feel like I'm mud wrestling with a pig and the pig enjoys it. I've watched some folks pack and they get their canopy folded up oh-so-neatly and just slide it into the bag with nary a grunt or groan while I almost always end up with a giant ball of crap about 6 times bigger than the bag, all the while turning the air blue with cuss words, sweat dripping from every pore on my body and strongly considering setting fire to the whole damn mess and just doing a ash scatter dive on my next jump with a rental rig!:S

I eventually learn how to do it efficiently, but for now, if I packed for myself, I'd only make 2 loads a day - the breakfast load and the sunset load.


Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.

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I am with those who say that they usually -- but not always -- pack their own gear. I actually like the packing; it gives me some time to decompress from my jump and focus on the gear, and I am definitely of the opinion that it is best to rely on myself. That said, once in a while, if I'm really wiped out or just feeling a little lazy, there are always some great packers who I am more than happy to give some well-earned money to!

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i like packing, I pack for myself, of course I've only packed about 20 times, maybe that will change as that stretches into hundreds. I could see once I start working at the DZ instructing (way down the road) I would pay someone to pack out of necessity, to get on that next load...

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I almost always pack for myself. I have no problem with other jumpers using packers (it keeps people employed, right?). I take pride in knowing what the hell I'm doing, whether that's in freefall, under canopy or sweating it out on the packing carpet. If I have a malfunction, I'd like to be able to know what I did wrong so as not to do it again. On the rare occasions that I do use a packer, I only go to someone I trust.
Oh yeah, and the money thing is important too.
Blue Skies

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only been jumping for a little while, but I learned how to side-pack and pro-pack (only actually use pro-pack of course) and I don't mind doing it. I'm still working out the finer points of the folding and bagging step but I manage, and openings have been really good so far *knock on wood*

when I was first learning to pack it was on a student rig with a ripcord/spring-loaded pilot chute, man was that a pain in the ass... if I didn't have a throw-out I'd prolly just have a packer do it.

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I generally pack for myself because I don't trust hardly anyone to pack a small Velocity (other than one of my school packers), I generally have time to pack for myself anyway (except back to backs), and packing keeps me in better shape that just sitting on my ass and drinking a coke.


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