
Now, that's just too COOL (PHOTOS attached)!

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hmmmmm yeah... this skyvan (well, maybe not exactly this one, but it was a Pink SkyVan) brings up some really nice memories... not only did i make my first real 2 way jump out of it, but i also gave my first freefall kiss to the girl i was jumping with...

yes, yes... those were the days...

just too bad the price for a jump at a Pink Boogie is SOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooo damn high...

Check out the site of the Fallen Angels FreeflY Organisation:

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Those are just awesome! Reminds me of seeing Orly King climb up on the T-tail of that king air a long time ago.

I believe he and the pilot were turned in for that one. It's always a good Idea to cover the N numbers :P
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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The one with everyone on the top looks cool. A little dangerous, but I guess it's fine as long as they don't hit the tail while exiting.

The guy climbing out in front of the nose looks stupid. ( I hope these were well trained stuntmen that knew what they were doing:S) It's amazing he didn't end up in the propellar.
Look at his exit, must have been a near miss.

I'm no expert on these kind of things, but do anybody disagree with me when I say I think it was a stupid stunt to pull?!?B|

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I'm no expert on these kind of things, but do anybody disagree with me when I say I think it was a stupid stunt to pull?!?

I definately agree. That's part of the reason it's intrigueing. Count me on in that one.

My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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The guy climbing out in front of the nose looks stupid. ( I hope these were well trained stuntmen that knew what they were doing:S) It's amazing he didn't end up in the propellar.
Look at his exit, must have been a near miss.

Well he crawled out on the right hand side of the centerline (ditching hatch above co-pilot seat), the r/h enginew is feathered and he never got anywhere close to the left hand side... when he let go he actually felly pretty much straight down away from the a/c missing the nose wheel by quite a distance so to either hit the engine/strut/stubwing you must be pretty far back when you fall off (the whole thing was done at some 75-80Kts).

I know it .. i was there, i flew the camera ship.


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I'm no expert on these kind of things, but do anybody disagree with me when I say I think it was a stupid stunt to pull?!?

I do, I do!

It looks like a hell of a lot of fun, and I'm pleased to see that someone has both the sense of humor and initiative to pull it off.

Blue skies,


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>( I hope these were well trained stuntmen that knew what they were doing)

Knowing some of these 'well trained stuntmen' it's probably pretty safe they weren't quite sure what they were doing. Happens quite often when someone is trying something new. "Hey, wanna try climbing on the nose for a cool picture?" "Sure!"

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There is some video featuring this plane and the freaks who jump from it on Pilot Dave's site. It is also the jump plane for the Tunesia Boogie. Watch for the rollover exits!!




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The guy on top of the nose is Wuzi Wagner, son of Thomas Lewetz who is the owner an was flying the PINK for this stunt. They are well trained and they do stuff only if they are very sure, that it works. For well trained people it is not a very big deal.
We do "roof" jumps from the Pink all the time. Even with "normal" skydivers. If you know what you are doing and how to do it safe, it is not very dangerous.

And isn't skydiving all about knowing what you are doing and limiting the danger to a minimum?

By the way... if you want to do a roof jump, join the Pink in Skydive PINK Klatovy. They are flying there until August 31! check out the website at http://www.pinkskyvan.com

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hmmmmm yeah... this skyvan (well, maybe not exactly this one, but it was a Pink SkyVan) brings up some really nice memories... not only did i make my first real 2 way jump out of it, but i also gave my first freefall kiss to the girl i was jumping with...

yes, yes... those were the days...

Thi is THE pink skyvan...
for other cool pics check www.piis.ch (I don't know how to make it clicky) fotos, Leer...
Fumer tue, péter pue
ourson #10, Mosquito Uno, CBT 579

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